Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hatanu's Whitelist Application (Approved-Lannis)


Lord of Altera
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?
16 years old

3) Where are you?
The United States (East Coast)

4) Have you read our guides yet?
Yes, most of them.

5) Introduce yourself!
(I am very sorry for how carried away and sidetracked I can be when I write/type)
Hello! I am known as Hatanu in the realm of Minecraft however in real life I am known by a different name (that I shall not mention here). I am currently a 16 year old high school student going into his Junior year. For my hobbies, I take Tae Kwon Do class, occasionally play piano, and often times go out through the door and into the outside world on my bicycle and ride it around town and around the lake that the town has. My gaming tastes are all over the place and tend to change without warning depending on whatever feeling my gut decides to feel. I've played genres such as MOBA, JRPG, WRPG, Strategy RPGs, Bullet Hells, Puzzle games, and a few music games. Don't be mistaken for I am actually a terrible gamer due to the fact I never stick to one genre. At the moment I am playing games such as TES:Oblivion, Etrian Odyssey, and (of course) Minecraft. My favorite genre is JRPG since I tend to experience a story with an already established group of characters. Plus the said group of characters tend to have pretty amusing interactions sometimes (Such as the "Skits" in the Tales of series). I also watch Anime because I was introduced to it at a young age when my mother showed me a Studio Ghibli film (I believe it was Castle in the Sky?) and hence I was thrown into an animated world. Plus my school tends to have people who are acquainted with it like me, so even if I try to run away from Anime, they'll shortly afterwards drag me back into it. Please take note that I also take interest in other things like WRPGs (or Western RPGs) like The Elder Scrolls and Baldur's Gate (Still need to play more of it. ;_; ). My music taste includes but is not limited to New Age, Classical, as well as Video Game soundtracks. With that said, I'll most likely be playing on a fantasy server "blasting" Celtic music. Along with all of this, I participate in my high school Theatre Company as an actor so roleplaying can both prove to me as acting practice as well as writing practice. Oh and by the way, I tend to be a very shy person so I may not be the most talkative type in a community at the start. I tend to communicate far better through text since I'm given more time to think before posting. I dread voice chatting. Well, lengthy introductions aside, it is a pleasure to meet you whoever you are and I do hope we get along in the future!

6) Got any examples of your work?
A multileveled dungeon I created. (World Edit/SPC can be such a wonderful friend)

A woodland city I built (Pardon me for the destroyed tree on the left)

Some buildings I built for a minigame I have yet to finish (Procrastination is also a wonderful friend)

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
(Note: I was using the HollowWorld Texture pack)

I did a bit of exploration and did some questing up until I smacked into a dead-end at the fishing quest. The starting area (I'm assuming that's a Sisterhood Sanctuary according to the Survival Guide) was beautiful and green with the foliage and trees. The island I was brought to was very nicely built for a small island since I got lost a few times when searching for NPCs (So I had to rely on their words of wisdom) such as finding the mine. I really like the detail put into everything like the cages over the bridge and the little "notches" in the wooden road. I must say that at some point it felt a little like an Elder Scrolls game (or a First Person RPG).

8) Referrer:(Optional)


About your character
Hatanu AzureSky the Second

16 Years Old




What does your character look like? If you have a picture or skin of your character post it here. If not, we'd like a brief description of the design you have in mind.

A pale-skinned child, 16 years of age, with curly brown hair and deep blue eyes. His usual outfit consists of a vest trimmed with green with blue dyed traveler pants. His build is that of an average child of his age but slightly slimmer, and his legs aren't new to traveling. He is around average height (5 Feet 6 inches or approximately 1.7 meters (Had to convert))

The Test:
(I am EXTREMELY sorry in advance for how long this turned out to be and I wouldn't be surprised if there were any grammatical mistakes/wording problems or even storytelling pitfalls.)
Underneath a dark sky, illuminated by the light of the moon and stars, as well as the cackling flame, I stood there watching as I burned my valued possessions that were inside my home. If I truly wish to be free and fly from here then I must leave nothing that will chain me here.

My family was rather ordinary, my father was an alchemist and my mother a good house wife and part time herbalist. We lived in a quiet forest cottage, not too far from town. It was how my father preferred it and my mother had no problem with it. In fact she loved it's tranquility. When I was younger, around the age of 10 or so, the forest proved to be an excellent place to roam around while on a grand adventure. I know the forest near the cottage like the back of my hand. Granted, I did get lost once in a while and I would curl up and bawl my eyes out, but my father would soon find me. My mother would tell me tales of this realm and it's many gods before I'd go drifting off to sleep. The name Shalherana would ring in my ears as I look upon the forest, for whenever I walked in the woods, I didn't feel alone. The idea of bandits never really occurred to me when I was young, but now as I look back upon my past self I realize how lucky I really was. My mother would also mention Her who is beyond names, for she represented wisdom. My mother seemed to be kind, however she was never a pushover for anyone, definitely not for me. Her wisdom and experience in this world are what I wish I had.

However as I grew older, the old wood wasn't enough for me. I desired to step into the world beyond and grow wise in age as my parents have. So I asked my father to teach me alchemy. Despite my begging, he would always smile and jest about how I'd seem more fit to be a woodsman, a hunter, or even a knight. It's as if he were purposely keeping me away from alchemy. Stubborn as I was, I had no intention of giving in to my father's patronizing nature. Why couldn't I become an alchemist like he did if in the end it's my choice?

With determination burning within me, I snuck into my dad's workshop one day when he went away for business in the nearby town. The dimly lit, dusty workshop had a workbench at the back of the room, a table towards right wall with multiple brewing stands cozily sitting next to each other, and towards the left were shelves stuffed with potions, reagents, and alchemical books. The floor was littered with research papers and (mostly) empty potion bottles. I was quite reluctant to let my mother know of my mischievous scheme so I tiptoed across the room stealthily like a shadow. Of course I actually ended up clumsily stumbling through the room, knocking over glass bottles and leaving footprints on my dad's papers. When I finally made it to the shelves, I unlatched the doors and opened it to take out one of my dad's books. The book however refused to budge so stubbornly, instead of choosing another book I pulled harder on the book and ended up bringing down three or four more books down with me as I fell back on my behind. Then a dreadful feeling crept over me after I heard a squealing sound that old doors make and looked back to see that my mother was watching me. She didn't seem angry, in fact she was trying to contain her laughter. She never told my father of my small blunder, for she kept it only between us and even cleaned up after me.

To me, that memory now is just a faded dream. Things began to go downhill after Aunt Cecilia, my father's sister died of illness. Apparently her and my dad once lost each other and my father traveled the realm in search for her, only to find her years later.

The disease that my Aunt died of came to claim my mother as well. My father tried to hold on to her. His knowledge of alchemy was to no avail for healing potions were known to be ineffective against disease. The medicinal compound which my mother created from Erynion herbs began to grow ineffective against the pain which her disease produced. Her skin became brittle and bled out. Out of desperation my father supplied my mother with a regenerative brew but it only made things worse for it appeared to have made it easier for the disease to harm her after a few weeks. Not long after my mother passed away.

The sky reflected by my teary eyes was clouded by grey similarly to how my mind became overshadowed with grief. However my father was even worse since he outright refused to surrender his beloved. He stormed into his study and locked himself in for days on end for what seemed to be research. Whenever he had business to attend to, he would bring me along and kept me close by his side. He wasn't ready to lose me to this world, that was for certain. The children in the town would always look at me weirdly and steer away from me. They were either too rich and noble to be with the likes of me or I was too scrawny or strange to play in their sports. The visits to that town became what I dreaded most, however my home was no better. My father forbade me to leave the house without his supervision for the "woods were filled with dangers". I didn't doubt him for I saw something stalking the woods near our house. During one of our visits to the town, I overheard a mother telling her children to keep away from my father for it is said the my father angered someone of great power and that judgment is to be passed onto him. The days from then on were lackluster and everything seemed to lose it's color. The color grey reminded me of the nameless goddess as well as my mother who told me of her. "What should I do?" I quietly uttered, in prayer, with tears rolling down my face. What would my mother have told me to do then? One night, I heard one of the windows break and I ran to investigate. The sound came from my father's room and as I stood by the door, I slowly reached for the knob and for the first time uttered a prayer to Harateth to keep me safe before opening the door running into my father's room. No one was there. The window was broken along with a few glass bottles. Papers were torn apart and thrown all over the place, even some books were on the floor with a few of their pages torn out. My father was nowhere to be found.

That was two nights ago and ever since I spent the night alone in my family's cottage. During those lonely nights, I thought to myself about what to do next. Should I flee from my home and find a better place to live or should I stay here hoping that my father will return someday? I kept forcing myself to ponder over that one question until my mind struck something. I remember the bedtime stories my mother told me about the gods, Kind Steel, Grief, the Great War, and the cutt-throat Sorrowlands. I only heard about such stories from her, and when I grow old what could I possibly tell that comes from myself? What use are my eyes and legs if my mind knows nothing of this world? This home rotted away as soon as my mother died and only serves as a cage created by my father. At that moment I became set upon becoming a traveler of this world and learning whatever it has to offer. With newfound resolve, I took a few possessions with me, donned one of my father's old traveling clothes, and burned any items of value in order to keep me from being chained to my barren home.

Underneath a dark sky, illuminated by the light of the moon and stars, I stood in front of the dying flame. I stood amidst the garden my mother once took care of. Her flowers danced with their shadows as the night breeze cradled them. After a brief farewell (in prayer) to my mother, I turned back to the ashes. The flames die together with the chains that bear me here and now as a newly freed bird I shall fly from here.
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You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
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In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
Heya! Excellent application, everything's looking great and you've demonstrated exceptional knowledge of the background lore. Everything's good to go, but I'd like to clarify one point-

4) Have you read our guides yet?
Yes, most of them.
I do need to know that you've read all the rules and whatnot before I can approve. Kindly clarify such, and we'll go from there.~


Lord of Altera
Heya! Excellent application, everything's looking great and you've demonstrated exceptional knowledge of the background lore. Everything's good to go, but I'd like to clarify one point-

I do need to know that you've read all the rules and whatnot before I can approve. Kindly clarify such, and we'll go from there.~
Very sorry for my wording, I read them all (I think):The Tome of Citizenship, Survivial Guide and the Kings Rules along with the links that they have and I mostly remember them though I'll have to reread them occasionally to remind myself (as there are quite a number them). I have reread the Tome of Citizenship, Survivial Guide and Kings Rules after your response.


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
Excellent! I'm pleased to announce that your application is approved, I'll have ya sorted in-game momentarily. In the meantime, have some of these!-

I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.