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How has your character changed?


Lord of Altera
So, a rather loaded question, a good one to discuss I think.

From the beginning you started with your character to now, how have they changed? Why? Transformed into something good, bad?

For me, character development is an essential part of roleplaying, it's something we should all take into account if you're in it for the long run, so it would be good for new people to the server to learn about these characters we have, how they have changed and how enjoyable it is.

I'll go first :) P.S This will be a big one :D

Marcus came into the capital just looking to fill his pockets and overflow them. He found sanctuary with the Golden Crusade where he felt at home, made brothers and friends, he learnt to fight, he learnt to lead, but Marcus was a young man and thrived the rewards of glory.

As he rose through the ranks and reaching Lordship he was still a vainglorious man. It was only until his sword hand was chopped off by bandit Lord Icecloak that he changed. He became a more hardline leader, attempting to build a more powerful Arcturus than it was before, for a while this did happen, but Marcus while still lucky and greatful to have his friends and brothers around him was blind about his ambitions.
After coming into conflict with the Queen a turning point arose in him. He saw a man bent complete power, a man who would lose his brothers and friends if he continued as Lord, so, he left.

Eventually he came back, but as a broken man, changed. Working as a barkeep he made a new friend, Jack who took him in and brought back a bit of his humanity. His brothers, friends and son found him, restored him to a strong man but it wasn't enough as he questions now. He saw his son send his own creation (Arcturian Empire) into a grave, which only sent Marcus further away this time. This time he was truly broken.

Spending months in the Ashlands in the West, looking at the history of the wars with Grief, the portal the ruins, everything. Being alone changed him, he blamed his friends for the downfall of Arcturus, it wasn't his son but them. He have up his faith for Harateth, believing that he brought nothing but depravity for him. He started to believe in Queen Grief (Find out while by reading by profile).

And now, that he's back he has found new friends, some old, but things have changed. Marcus is still wary of 'power' and the fear holds him back at times, but making new friends, refurbishing new ones is bringing back his humanity, but his beliefs of Queen Grief are still there...



Lord of Altera
Well, Therry being my first character and me being the super derp I am, I kinda messed up a bit at the beginning but I got the hang of things.

She was initially a shy, caring girl who never quite grew up. Came to trust others, especially halflings and children, after living in Lydel. However, after a couple "visits" from Corrupted, she fled to Azerport, the journey which broke her mentally and physically.

Now, she's rather insane, and she's trying to organize... something.


Yū Yi
Well after todays event...

Anna is gonna be a lot more careful about her words and she would listen to ceds guidance about being less violent...

Also she will now train more than ever to avoid depending on people and make them suffer


The rosiest of forests.
Harleen started off as a.. relatively inquisitive girl, curious at the age of three and loving towards her.. Father at the time, Fulgrim.

However since then, Harleen has been corrupt, then un-corrupt and also began living with others, now at the fine age of six.

She is both physically and mentally damaged in more ways than one, and seems to be quite sarcastic or cold to most talking to her on some days, and other times, she speaks incredibly child like and.. 'cute'.

Harleen finds it difficult to talk to anyone other than those she knows already, and meeting new people is increasingly worrying for her. Most of all she finds it hard comprehending her own feelings and matching them with actions she should under go, often making her frustrated.

She is also like a constant ticking time bomb. Some days Harleen will be jolly and fine, others horrendously bad.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Daeron started out as a wizard, then he became a Spirit Blessed which added a certain insanity, then he lost his magic which drove him up the wall, his romantic life fell into a complete disarray, then he lost his Spirit Blessedness, then he became an official priest, then he stepped down due to my OOC inactivity.... The list goes on xD

Thordin was a bastard, then he was a Dwarf, that is all.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Ced's changed lots :D For better or worse- I suppose that depends on a lot of things xD We'll see.


Lord of Altera
Sayd chose a different seat in the Naught once. ;)

Sayd was from a tribal background making him quite reserved and distant. It was how his tribe had survived. This introverted behaviour had become natural to him until he met Tarron and Cali. Cali was originally not trusting of him but eventually they became friends like Sayd and Tarron had. Sayd became more involved with the two and joined House Saeradan who Tarron as apart of. This made him very happy to be part of something familiar to him. Eventually this house declined and with it so did Sayd who resorted back to his introverted nature

He didn't see his new friends as often and became fearful he had pestered them and they were avoiding him. He went from only ever drinking water to drinking alcohol after he was introduced to it at the Naught. (By Cali I think). He acquired the taste for whiskey. He didn't feel of any use and very out of place in this new urban setting. Whilst involved with Saeradan he had met Ced where he joined the Rangers as an Initiate. Unfortunately he never saw any of the Rangers that he had became apart of. Eventually while he was skulking in the corner of the Naught he met Raindes a very sociable Elf through which he then met Som.

Taking a liking to Som he tried to go out of his comfort zone and behave more socially. He talked to her as best he could realising that she too wasn't used to talking much. He tried to to behave 'normally' as best he could but would soon grow irritated or embarrassed with how he was struggling to talk which would lead to Sayd leaving abruptly. He believes that this is what led to them distancing themselves apart. He learnt that she had become partners with one of the Ranger sentinels, Dayter, and considered it not appropriate to spend so much time with her alone. However Sayd still considered Som a friend and made sure she was well looked after and didn't come to any harm. He then learnt that Som had become a full Ranger. He was angry at this because he believed that if he could of achieved the rank of Ranger he would of be happy and fulfilled. However Som had achieved his 'dream' while he felt like he was going nowhere. This specifically angered him because like him she only had one training session and had become a Ranger by Ceds suggestion. This was specifically hurtful for Sayd as he too was Sayd's teacher in his one training session. He thought it was due to Som's relations with Dayter that she had achieved this rank. Sayd did not blame Som for this but ultimately I suppose was jealous and begrudging of her. It felt like she had made it into the circle of Rangers in a much shorter time and with the same amount of effort.

He then became the Ranger no one really knew was a Ranger. He was never in the circle of information and did not even learn for example, that the Rangers were part of the guardians for a long time. He realised that he wasn't connected to the Rangers at all. He was alone again. However due to previous relations with Cali he had met the Engems. He knew they were good people and took interest in their radical views. Feeling no need to hide his past beneath a hood anymore and with an increase in confidence he now usually wears it down. He tried to make new contacts and then met Darius, an Engem Chief, who oversaw the hunters of the Engem tribe. He then took the decision to become an Engem after Darius had suggested Sayd to Chalkan (the lead of the Engem at the time). He's currently happy with his new purpose and is training hard to become part of the Engem tribe. He has not abandoned the Rangers entirely however as his previous attempt to leave, which he thought the best for all parties involved, instead rendered Som very upset so he came back and promised to Ced he would not leave again without very good reasons.

Over all he's been a bit of a roller coaster. He was a distant person not used to any contact with others. He became part of House Saeradan a house which was similar to his tribal upbringing. He made headway by joining the Rangers which he then unfortunately never made progress in. He met Som and made a friend and then they grew apart. He then lost until joining the Engems with a new purpose in life.

Just as a disclaimer for ooc: I don't blame any actions or people for Sayd not being a full Ranger. I understand that I have not been to events and we are usually up at different times. Hence why you don't see me rp and we don't rp directly. This is in no way a go at any people ooc for not giving what my character wanted. This is just how I think a real person would feel. It you feel anything is directed at you OOC please inform me so I can explain.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Who first?

Leminth. Being typed!
Lathan. Posted below.
Sevis (Iemien).

pick one, and I'll gladly spell out their life story. Tzemik, Sevis-Iemien, and Elsendir will have redacted bits, as they're still kicking :D
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Yence Lathan Telote.

He had a first name he shared only once.
He looked for a real family, a love, a friend from the day his troubles begin unto the day he died.
He was never able to achieve his goal of hearing more people laugh then he heard people wounded.

Lathan is my one true regret. He was a character with a thousand goals and wishes, who ultimately never found rest or completion. Lathan had a promise to himself- That when he finally felt truely peaceful, he would seek to fix his eyes.

... There were so many things of Lathan that never saw that light. I suppose I'll share them here :D

The story begins where Yence lived in a small village, with a large family, and a demanding life. A plague swept across the hamlet, a plague that killed the old and crippled the young. Elven Healers of the time were - lucky for the village- passing through, and able to save a few of the children. The miracle workers soon were called to leave, and the village fell short on remedies for the children- Attempting prayers in desperation. They lived, but the Plague of the Broken Seed (Cottonpox, strain of smallpox) left them blind and crippled. Yence was one of the few who managed to recover his body, yet the full use of his legs and his eyes were lost to him, forever.
One by one, the child survivors died. Suddenly. They could not care for themselves, and such a hard existence did not care for them. Crippled, some blind, some deaf, some simply pained with every movement- And when Yence was the last left of the Plague Children, he saw only death for him. Only, Yence Telote was not ready to die.
He stole a coat from his family and rode upon the mud-splattered cart end of the closest merchant. If this was the end, it was going to be an adventure.

Yence Telote begin his walk upon RP surprisingly old. He was young, but in his prime. It was perhaps only this that allowed his survival. The merchant had obviously kicked him off, and the boy of heart was dying by the time he reached a town. Shadows flickered over the torn corneas that were his eyes, and only glances were cast to the homeless man huddled in the shade of a stall. Pale and sickly, he tried to sneak from a childs fruit supply.
The next thing Yence knew, he was beaten. Beaten by the vengeful nearby (I think lord of something) man who surprisingly did not know the Caparrii, but saw fit to rectify a thief. They did not have a jail, and such the lost child was left to bleed by the road.
The local healer found him, a man who practiced what was then known as Aethermancy, and is now known as Mysticism.
This man called himself Lathan.
Yence was nursed back to health, and then put to strict work. Knowing he would die, die without the aid of Lathan, Yence happily sought this new life of helping the old man in his fraying age. Lathan took Yence upon as an apprentice, an aide, and a younger friend. It was here Yence grew, and he learned.
And Lathan passed away. Suddenly, and without warning. Yence, for three days, did not eat. He did not sleep. He did not drink-
He simply grieved. Grieved the passing of his mentor, and swore to never forget the man who gave life with every spell he used. Taking upon the name of Lathan to keep in memory, Yence left the settlement without another word. All of his possessions were given to the others of the town- For Yence simply wanted to be gone, gone from the place of only pain.

Yence Lathan Telote, now with the tool of Aethermancy beside him, lived the live of a monk. He sought to a place of worship with Thyrien, bringing him to snowbound lands and large walls. Simple days of worship carried him through a life a travel, rarely speaking to others. The cripple in his legs spread to his back, yet he stood as tall as he could- Now with a stick to help find the way and stay upright.
Soon, he was known only as Lathan. (And suddenly Thyrien was no more). With the loss of his previous devotion, Lathan joined of a temple towards She Who Was Beyond Names, offering his skills of Aethermancy. It was here Lathan trained. And it was here, after a generation, kept young by his magic, Lathan found love...
Soon, he was wed to a woman fair. Her name was Ilistine, and they spent many days of peaceful times, of helping her with meeting others, of friendship. Of love. It was a small occasion, but with friends nonetheless. Lathan did much work for the group, and was a happy- if quiet- man. After he reached the pinnacle of his work with magic, his son was born, and all was well. Lathan wished to pass the name Fhris, the name of his father, to the boy. He had dreams, had plans. None yet knew the name of Yence, and as far as Lathan was concerned, that boy no longer existed. He was happy.
On a journey away from the settlement, the infant died in his sleep. Died of 'unknown reasons' (OOC reasons), of a cause that grief prevented investigation. He returned to the news his son was dead, his wife was wrought with sorrow, and his life was cast to the whim of the Gods.
And the Gods were laughing at him.
Lathan did his best to hold together his friends, his love, his work, his life. He struggled each day to smile, until there no longer was a smile. He felt the ring given returned to him, and heard his good friend cast joyfullness upon the eyes and lips of the woman he once lived for. He tasted only bitter, sour regret in his tongue and he smelled the acrid loneliness as his own grief cast away those who tried to care. Lathan was, again, forgotten. And such Lathan once more left. He left with all his future smiles torn from him, his eyes sunken in. And he trained. He trained on passing folk, on peoples pets, on corpses and on himself. His only life was that of an Aethermagus, and Lathan grew impatient with seeking more to fufill it. Long years passed...
Yence Lathan Telote was wrinkled. His Aethermancy kept him alive, yet he had lived a life that left its mark upon him. But no, Yence- Lathan was not done. Lathan would not let the memory, the name of Lathan, pass just yet. He found that, crippled and blind as he was, so reliant on a walking-stick, the path of an Aethermagus- Of a Mystic, as it is now known, was the only one for him. Mysticism allowed Lathan to live, and so Lathan needed to perfect it. It was with occasional companions Lathan now traveled with. And after many years and the aftermath of an Exodus, he finally decided to seek a new time in Port Silver.

Such begin the Era of Basil.
Basil was a pyromancer, an Evoker, and a man who caused destruction wherever he went. There was nothing as sadistic as twisted, and nothing more opposite from the values of Yence Lathan Telote. The pyromancer was approached by he of Mysticism, and offered a deal. Lathan spoke to the man of a partnership, that the man refrain from killing and simply allow Lathan to accompany and heal the near-dead without interference. The fire-wielder accepted, upon this idea that such would make more opportunity for pain and torture. Lathan accepted, for he would be able to perfect his Mysticism- and perhaps heal some of the wound of the world.
They became a staple upon the Laughing Lamb, soon known as the Merry Mead. The pyromancer and Lathan spent much time together, to where Lathan was invited to the others homestead in Tauredal, and homestead in Wintermourne. To where Lathan performed experiments upon the fire-wielder, and Lathan spent much time fixing those foolish enough to challenge the younger man. An unlikely friendship was born, and Lathan saw more and more care towards a man lost and insane. Perhaps it was his son, who never had a chance, he saw in the man who threw away all his chances. Perhaps.
Yet Lathan was weary. The world had not had mercy, and the aging healer was on his guard. The new companion, the pyromancer, took on two apprentices. Over time, Lathan saw these two as close as their teacher. And when the first apprentice, Erik, departed, it only furthered the need for a guard, an ever present scowl to keep the risk away. He gave much magic to the remaining apprentice, to Basil, and begin to see more then fire-users in them. Turik was even seen of a son, though Lathan would never admit it. It was a bond of brothers, fierce and fragile.
Even as Port Silver shifted, and the Merry Mead was suddenly by a docks, then by a large gate- Lathan was beside the Pyromancer and his Apprentice. Even as they moved to many different virtues, to goals, to living in a volcano, Lathan beside them. He saw the Observer remedy the insanity of his brother, and helped the apprentice-son change his eyes to be more akin to the teacher. Lathan, for the first time- in a long time- didn't feel so.. sad. His family found love, found children, found hobbies and contentment. Lathan, on his part, was content to be amongst this time. Watching a generation pass.
And tragedy struck- The family was torn, broken apart. Lathan came unto destruction for the second time in his life- What he considered grandchildren having drowned themselves in a lake, the pyromancer in the throes of uncertainty and desperation, the adopted son of his- The apprentice- The one blessed of the knowledge of the name of Yence, and who had touched an old means heart as one to help see of the world. Lathan was simply hours too late, too late for the accident that took the life of Turik.

Too little, too late.

This time, Lathan did not separate. He did not run. He stood and helped, as he could do so, as much as he could bear. Behind eyes unseeing was haunted guilt. The adventure wasn't all what his young self expected, and it was oft thought that having waited for eternal rest might have been the better choice- But this man, be it an old man, was not one to turn around and renounce a decision made. In good faith, he persevered. And then truely begun the Silver Serpent, a thought started by Ilistine that remained through time.
A hospital, Lathan would tell you. That is all the Silver Serpent was. Soon, Lathan found himself as one of the four Magus of the world, in a time where magic was flitting around. Approached by the Seeker, the Observer, the General. The four of each discipline.
And then the moon blew up.
The powers known as magic, the lifeblood of the world- The only thing keeping Lathan alive- was gone. Emitted and removed, never to be seen again?
Yet Lathan still lived. And he, knowing Mysticism more then the wrinkles of his own face, still felt it. Still knew it there. With his survival depending upon this, Lathan used every ounce of knowledge and training. As a magus, as a crippled and blind man who had fallen to age. Grey streaks sliced through his hair in this time as his body drained what power was left in him. And Lathan discovered. Lathan discovered the new way, so similar to the old, with the difference being so slight yet so vital. With the crucial missing piece in hand, Lathan awoke Mysticism once more. And in the throes of the reign of the Crown, he begin to train once more. The Magus of Mysticism was to stay, the Magus.
Time passed, and returned to both his monk and nomad ways, Lathan remained unseen. His life had been shattered and his ways broken. Lathan had no want to entertain a broken world under a broken moon, while the most important thing was relearning the magic that kept him alive. Soon an Exodus was called, and Lathan slipped to the new world, the new lands. When a war was launched, it was still magic the permeated Lathans thoughts- And he found persons to teach. He taught vigorously, swore them to secrecy, and was working upon the Silver Serpent as the final drums of war sounded. The apprenticeship continued, one dying and one surviving and one disappearing to the war effort. The Silver Serpent hospital stood tall, and Lathan simply bided his time as the Nobility of Altera begin to bicker.
He sat upon his bench and cursed at people, Lathan did. Little knew Lathan lived for a laugh, or enjoyed the peaceful noise of company over tea. As word of Mysticism spread and a crown was destroyed, Lathan spent many days and oft time turning away power-seekers and sitting upon his bench.
The Silver Serpent grew prosperous. Lathan worked upon more then his hospital, finding idle time experimenting within his labratory. Soon, the Observer and General met with the Healer, finding three of the original four Magus- as it seems the Seeker had fallen from ranks. Suddenly awoken with purpose, Lathan begin to rigorously seek for the final Magus, and see the dream of The Spire- four pinnacles to see the arts used properly- come to fruition. It seemed the final Magus was a man who valued secrecy and moved as a weasel, Lathans good intentions turned away and a stinging betrayal wrought to keep him from the knowledge they thought he did not have. His spark faded, his faith declined. Lathan bided his time, and upon the next seeking within the world of the dead, he knew the man was gone.
Fearing for the loss of an entire way of life, a spire, Lathan thought back to one of his old monk friends. A man also within the temple towards the long gone She Who Was Beyond Names, within the group Lathan lived within beside his old wife. Then a Spectromagus and now Cogitor, Lathan brought forth regents long preserved and sought to return the Magus of Cogitation.
Bringing the aid of the Observer and sending knowledge between the General, Lathan was able to successfully return his old friend, old friend with a soul willing to rise to the call of duty.
Finally, in the audience of the four Magus, the Observer utilized the Crown left behind in pact broken and reformed the wards of the world. The Magus were not strong enough to return wards broken, and it was deemed the ward against Elementals would be omitted as Lathan swore to keep such protected, as the Magus of Mysticism.
He spent his days working within the Silver Serpent, tending to these duties and training the last apprentice to fruition. Lathan had many a time where he found only cold inside his chest, the light of the world slipping away. And as the Elementals grew restless, Lathan grew tired.
Tired, and lonely. Many more approached him in hopes to learn the art, and Lathan saw only greed. His friends left lay in the Magi, and they no longer visited. The Hospital was ran without him, and it only brought annoyance. The city was suddenly bleak. It was desolate.
Lathan begin preparing to stay within the Sisterhood, to retire, to simply try and find the light in his life, the light he never had.

And then the Elementals attacked.
It left Lathan with a wound unrepairable.
He said his goodbyes,
And Yence Lathan Telote could not find happiness. There was problems unresolved, stories untold, and so many things. He fought, he held on, and ultimately, he failed.

And so Yence ran, for the final time, away to perhaps a more peaceful place.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, it's certainly been a rocky time. Mind, I honestly don't think I can recall a good bit of Nwalme's life without some hours of thought and consideration, which I really just don't want to bother with currently.

I started playing Nwalme at the ripe old age of fourteen. Basil had just committed suicide, and he was abruptly thrown from an extremely sheltered, painful existence to the real world. Nwalme had.. no preparation, experience, nothin'. Just the ramblings of a clinically insane, then extremely depressed, then dead man. His first few years were spent.. somewhat quietly. Nwalme kept his thoughts and feelings to himself for the most part, for fear of them just biting him in the arse as was per usual before. He became a Range, devoted himself to the bow for awhile, and made a lot of really stupid mistakes. Thought he fell in love, and lost an arm for it and many friendships over his naivety.

Losing an arm just served to make him more obsessed with his.. confused refusal for Basil's ideals and such. He was also still learning the world the hard way. I believe him to be around his early to mid twenties at this time. Without his left arm, he gave up the bow, but still being misguided valued violence.. highly. He took to the sword, and despite being crippled, devoted himself as much as a confused and in some senses pitiful youth could.

But chance then unseen and merely stumbled upon stabbed out at him, and so unaware of what was ahead, he once offered himself as an apprentice to the Mogul of Cromarcky. If anything, he just wanted a welcoming home away from a city he felt unwanted within. It was there he was made into the man he is today, in a sense. The Mogul became his father figure in life, offering the confused youth kindness in a world he had become accustomed to viewing through eyes of hatred and distrust, and through which saw regrets. But whereas the Mogul seemed content to be gentle with the youth, the Barons gave him no such luxury. And to be fair, he trusted them as one might a tame lion. Under a trainer's watchful gaze, but still something dangerous. He saw fit to try to clumsily 'change' Riddleport and Cromarky in accordance with the foolish ideals his stubborn mind had come up with, but in the end, the city broke him. And he fled.

He found refuse in Vera Vigi, wherein he once hid from one of the more powerful Sorrows. The same one that, in the end, took his arm. He had a small cottage build, and within he stayed. Content to quietly make a living researching botany and potions, and slowly becoming accustomed to the natural plants of the world. He took up hunting to feed himself, at first failing terribly, but eventually learning by hand. Then in a bit to save a neighbor, he last half of his last two fingers. Further rendering him into becoming a proper cripple, but as with a spring pressed down, only responded by more fervently seeking independence. He never wanted to be looked after, and so sought to never need to be. The neighbor took him in, and the trauma of the event eventually faded. But he would forever be haunted by fears of his attacker. Then his savior promptly left, and he lived a quiet life with a companion inside the house. Eventually, at the request of said companion, he converted it into an inn. Such was how the "Smoke's Trail Inn" came to form. He fancied himself almost a new man, changed. His companion had difficulties pronouncing Nwalme, but recognized Fuvur, and proclaimed him "Smoke." He took up the name happily. He was a new man. But he eventually.. drifted.

He couldn't shake the values the Mogul taught him. He eventually took an interest in politics, and inquired after how he could best serve the Mogul. He avoided the Barons to the best of his ability, in some parts out of spite, but eventually it grew to a regret of what he saw as past foolishness. Crippled as he was, he learned how to speak and to please, to smile and manipulate. And so he, finally with an open mind, went out into the world of politics. His ascension was fast, for my expectations. He found Marcus of Arcturus, and within an hour, had himself appointed as an advisor. He swiftly worked to gain his trust, and within a year or two was rather firmly planted within the house. Life was.. seeming to turn around. He felt himself fall in love properly, sharing and taking such that can never be taken back with a woman he felt a strong bond towards. At the time, he felt it to be love. But after the relationship's failure, he bitterly recollected a mere fascination with her free spirit, whereas he felt chained to the pyramid of power in life. But up until he made that mistake, he felt happy.

Mistakes born from a misguided childhood seem to be a theme of this life. Nwalme found himself infatuated with another for a time before the relationship with the aforementioned Alyshia began. And he moved on when she chose Darko over himself. Nwalme infact was the priest at their wedding, albeit he put little work into it. He had a few drinks before it began, and forgot his speech shortly after starting it. Was a funny event. But regardless, it was a year or two later that Danniella, the then wife of Darko, found him at his inn. She proposed they betray Darko, whom Nwalme strongly disliked, and weasel him into the lordship over Tideborne. Nwalme, in his greed and want to serve the Mogul, agreed. Their relationship prospered, a plan to foil Darko in one of his ambitions formed, and Arcturus declined. Nwalme found himself thinking quite fondly of Danniella, of having a wife. And to secure their position as rulers of Tideborne, and out of a fierce wont on Nwalme's side to have a son... worked in that direction. Nwalme, his arm having been returned to himself by some twist of charity and fate, felt hope. He was around forty at this time.

The rug was promptly ripped out from under him when Grey killed Danniella and his unborn child. Grief overtook Nwalme, and he turned to alcohol and bitter ambitions. Cromarcky fell soon after due to internal strife, and Nwalme saw red. He blamed Arcturus. The backwards, stupid people that he wasted so much time on. So much of his life, spent just firmly working them and Cromarcky together, just to fall into obscurity because they were too blind to see. Too blind to look past their honor and backwards ideals. He wanted revenge. He... spent several years. Several, several years. Hatching a plot that was doomed to fail, but alcoholism and grief took him over. His view of life as something hardly worth consideration blossomed into utter apathy towards it, and later into a strong hate of his own. When he looked back at his life, he saw nothing but his own failures and painful regrets. He grew to hate life, and drank more. At times bitterly amused that Basil took a similar turn.

Then he was betrayed. Three co-conspirators recently recruited saw fit to kill him, and he felt no need to petition the Sisterhood once beyond the veil. He was quite happy to await whatever after life was prepared for him.

But thankfully, the void was not to last. Nwalme awoke to find himself in a room, amongst Lathan and some others. All of whom he recognized. He was.. shocked, awed, that such a gesture of kindness was granted. He.. felt Lathan and him had a rocky relationship at best, and despite having a fondness for the old man, firmly believed it was not returned- understandably so. He quietly, just.. was dumb-founded for quite some time. Before eventually he found his wits once more, and tried to show him some gratitude.

It was then that a decade rapidly passed. Little occurred. He made friends, made amends with those he previously wronged, but what should be taken away from this time period was that he worked. Nwalme had always had a fierce fascination with.. everything, but simply didn't aspire to learn. But now, given a new chance at life with a body restored, he aspired as he never had before.

It is now we reach more recent times. Nwalme adopted a daughter, Harleen, from a father he saw as utterly incompetent. And still tries to raise her as best he can. He was Corrupted, along with his daughter, but remembers none of it due to the memories being culled. His sons reached maturity, and grew into bright young men.... One of which looked nothing like he remembered him before being Corrupted, and the other he has not seen for quite some time...

... But at least he's finally found love in a dank, drafty tavern. After his decorruption at the hands of Silas, he wanted nothing but to distract himself from the hideous memories. So he turned to what came naturally to him, talking. Which became flirting, which become inviting Sybbyl back to his home. And after being crippled once again at the hands of Tsemik, Sybbyl refused to leave after his adamant refusal to be taken care of. For fifty years, he had not had to have someone feed himself. Today was not the day, but as it turned out it was. Nwalme found himself.. perplexed, but felt a certain emotion towards her care of himself despite having never done anything for her. He found himself in love. It was then they were separated briefly by the throes of death, only to be taken in at Vallahad's insistence, wherein they grew even closer. He found that decades-old ideals did not apply to all of... this, and currently despite fear and cautious, he is currently undergoing yet another philosophy shift.

Man that took me awhile. If there's any misspellings or any other mistakes, blame it on the want for sleep.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
On this front, my beans must remain unspilled. None of my characters are yet out of the running to come back, and until such time specific knowledge of background and in-game development shall be lovingly restricted to RP.


Lord of Altera
On this front, my beans must remain unspilled. None of my characters are yet out of the running to come back, and until such time specific knowledge of background and in-game development shall be lovingly restricted to RP.