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How has your character changed?


Lord of Altera
Oh, lovely topic.
This is something I've wanted to discuss for some time.

Baissel Aarn, commonly known as Raindes, started in the community as a happy-go-lucky forest elf. She was devout and pious. Good intent nearly oozed from her body. She was the type who willingly and happily protected the innocent and the weak. She protected children from harm, to the point that she was attacked, and nearly killed. Was always willing to take someone into her home, feed them, house them. She followed the law, and did her best to help uphold it as well. She had sworn off violence, even when defending someone she would not strike the attacker. I considered Raindes to be true good.

After some time of wandering the lands, and making a bit of a home in Tauredal, Raindes started her own settlement. Eresse. The meaning behind the name is Solitude, she was hoping to form a peaceful community far away from the hustle and violence of all the other lands. Slowly and surely her community began to grow, as the community grew so did her good nature. Though a dark side started to show. Despite being non-violent and good to the point of fault, Raindes would threaten people. These threats usually revolved around the person doing some sort of wrong, and Raindes wanting them to stop. Eresse was to be seen as the center of good in the world.

Eventually the community grew large enough that it was able to sustain itself. Despite having a large number of friends, a huge forest to call her home, and the admiration of many... She acted as though her life were missing something. She wanted love. Raindes was deeply longing for a husband, someone whom she could have a family of her own with. She found such a man, and was willing to give up everything to be with him. She longer cared about the community she founded, and was focusing on her own desires and life. For the first time ever Raindes was putting herself first.

Something important happened prior to this. Lathan Telote, someone whom Raindes admired and loved deeply, died. This shook the very core of her being, and sent her into a depression... which she continuously masked behind smiles and happy thoughts. Very few, perhaps none, knew how hard she took this death. She visited his shrine in front of the Silver Serpent at least once daily, usually more often... either immediately before, or immediately after her daily prayers at the Sisterhood's Temple. Her grief never truly got to take form, and was burrowed deep into herself.

It's important to note that she never visited Lathan's home after he died. She was too grief wrought to even admit this was something she wanted to do. This changed when Scardrac visited her in Eresse and asked her to bring him to Lathan's house. Very few knew where the geezer's shack was, or even how to get to it. She knew because she had stalked him...several times... She complied and brought her husband to be along with them. They traveled to his home, and for the first time in months(?) Raindes was able to accept how hard she was taking his death. Her grief was so evident that her husband to be presumed she had a romantic relationship with the man. She was convinced even more so that she had to find love and hold onto it tight.

She started living with Gordon, her husband to be, shortly after this. She more or less abandoned her life in Eresse and started the life of a housewife in Grafjell. She became a barmaid, a barowner in fact. Almost completely gave up on prayers, certainly was not praying constantly as she used to. The home the couple had in Grafjell was small, and they were beginning to think of having children, so they moved back to Eresse and constructed a home on a hill. This hill overlooked many beautiful sights and would have offered a fantastic place for their children to grow up. Several residents of Eresse did not like Gordon, mostly because he was taking their Raindes away from them.

And then it happened.

Somnastra, Dayter, and Tybalt came to the strange house on the hill. They were unaware Raindes had moved back, and was making a home with a man. They were awestruck and dumbfounded by the fact that Raindes was inside, wearing a dress, and was acting...wifely. Sadly her husband was not at home, so she entertained the party alone. She cooked a small meager meal and served it. Conversation was difficult, awkward looks were abound... After dinner Somnastra and Raindes had a short chat. The long and short of it was that Raindes had changed. The exchange left Raindes feeling horribly hurt, so she fled to find someplace to be alone.

She fled to the deep south of the Sorrows, where she kept a very small shack on a very small island. This had been her personal retreat for sometime and she brought her closest friends there.... The list of people whom had visited the island could be counted on one hand. One of these people, Samara a young half elf whom Raindes was teaching to one day take over her role as Elder of Eresse and Priestess of Shalherana, noticed Raindes's absence after some time and brought her mother and Raindes's husband to the island in search. Raindes had decided at this point that her happiness did nothing but bring misery to others, so she wished to stay secluded alone forever. The sudden appearance of these people angered her a great deal... and she murdered the three of them in cold blood.

Ultimately this led to a mystic visiting Raindes's island. She had started calling herself Eressea, or lonliness. And pleaded with the mystic to please lock her away so she may never harm anyone and so that no one could ever visit her. The mystic obliged, and created a very large barrier around the island...

Eressea spent a very long time alone on the island, first... she'd have visitors. Eventually... they stopped visiting.

Eressea had a very long time alone to think about what mattered to her, what was important in life, what she wanted to do with her remaining years.

She chose to die.

The aged elf dug two graves on her island. She dumped keepsakes from the people she had killed... and gave the objects a burial. She then placed herself in the second grave. She pulled a rope. Dirt fell in to the hole, she suffocated and died.

to be continued


Lord of Altera

After an indeterminate amount of time Baissel woke up, finding herself in the Crossroads Inn. Upon leaving and stepping outside she observed it was no longer the season she recalled... The world had changed. Corruption had started taking hold. Baissel woke up to a nearly alien world.

Her first order of business was to find her friends... She found some of them... they were happy to see her. She was unable to give the appropriate emotional responses to them, staying rather cold the whole time. Knowing that her responses were inappropriate she once again fled, this time to meditate and find herself. The aged woman was again alone in the world.

She fled to her retreat island. The island was remote, no one had visited since the forcefield had faded. It was as if time stood still there. It was where she had buried herself. The aged woman, alone on a remote island found her own gravesite. After a very very long time self reflecting, and considering the mysterious changes in the world, she came to the realization that only one force could have brought her back. Skraag. The island burial site became her first shrine to Skraag.
((She was mistaken, a very powerful Mystic used mysticism to bring her back))

During her prayers and meditation she came to the thought that death is a welcomed part of life. It gives way to the chance to be born again. This rebirth is the closest a being can get to godly powers - it actually imbues the soul with godly powers. Whether Shalherana or Skraag are the foundation for the revival seemed irrelevant in her eyes, as both of these gods allow for life after death.

Her views changed at this point. She started believing that life is to be treasured, but revival is to be treasured even more. When a being dies their soul has a new chance to be touched by the gods. Young souls, which are unlikely to have benefited from such a blessing, should regularly be offered up for revivals. Grant the gods blessings to these young ones.

(( i might some more later))


Lord of Altera
Therry used to be super violent and insane. Then she died, became mute for a week, found a love life and now actually seems genuinely happy.


Lord of Altera
Salheira went from a creepy bag lady hiding in the corner to an impassioned evangelist with a complicated love life.

i dont even


Retired Staff

A sociopath is not a violent person. A sociopath is someone who doesn't feel empathy. They exploit and manipulate others without regard for their rights. They do not eat people. They do not commit wanton violence unless there is something even more wrong with them. Every single action a sociopath makes is carefully thought out.


Lord of Altera
I always believed a sociopath was this; a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.


Retired Staff
Yes, I too believe a sociopath is what you get when you type "define sociopath" into google.

Now tell me what that actually means :p


Lord of Altera
a sociopath being a general hateful person, obviously being anti-social and, depending on their personality, they can be charismatic, or very aggressive verbally. They can turn into psychopaths. they lack moral responsibility, or they lack a social conscience


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I'd write some big ol' long thing, but I just got done writing one of those for school so... I'll take a rain-check on this.


I think I might like it here
Well, Ari started off as a cheerful, free spirited kid. She didn't have a home until Ezorel(Danni) adopted her. Danni took care of her for about 3 years until Danni gave herself into the corruption, and Ari was adopted by Cyril, who brought her to the Cove.
Growing up at the Cove changed her. She saw a lot, she had to shoot her mother, and she was training every day until she turned about 18, which is where she is at now. In that time her cheerful attitude was lost and a more sassy, yet protective attitude took over. She started to care more for those in the Cove and less for those outside of it.
Then she got pregnant, and lost the baby. She now is in a state of regret, and she is easily irritated. She believes family is very important, especially since she watched what could've been her family (the baby) leave her life slowly. She now just deals with the rude looks from people who find her shameful.
So yea, she went from happy and cheerful and worrying about literally everyone else besides her to trying to struggling to find happiness in her screwed up life by drinking and fighting people.
I love this character.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
a sociopath being a general hateful person, obviously being anti-social and, depending on their personality, they can be charismatic, or very aggressive verbally. They can turn into psychopaths. they lack moral responsibility, or they lack a social conscience
In all honesty there are many socially functioning sociopaths walking the streets all around us, the whole idea of a sociopath, is exactly what Baron said: They lack empathy. This in no way means they are all generally hateful people. Sure sociopathic behavior is often paired with narcissistic behavior, but, again, this does not mean "hate". Just like "normal" people there are many different variants of sociopaths, some fitting your description but this does not sum them all up.


Legend of Altera
I'm going to keep this real nice and real short like the symptoms to some sort of medicine.

Helios was a poor starving person after being exiled from his home town after accidently burning down a good few houses. He roamed the streets looking for food or a job; he didn't pursue alchemy as much as he did. He was given a guard position by the name of Robert Senatoor. He was trained in combat, given food, and given a job. Life was great for him and it was getting better.

Helios then, after a good few months of training and working, was offered a place to live and a position as an advisor for the booming mayor of the town Dark Haven. Helios took the risk and sadly left Robert's town. After almost a year of being the advisor for the town, he pursued architecture and alchemy.

This life continued on, there were good and bad relations with a few deaths along the way. After thinking of an ingenious plan to get revenge for a friend, which failed due to a failure of failyness with explosives, Helios lost his fingers and his tongue.... And his eye... To Fronte (After he was caught and tortured), but he doesn't care anymore. He just roams the streets, dirt or concrete, with what little money he has left... sick and lonely. Yep... Prrreeettyyy miserable.

See a doctor if this miserable life story is for you today!

( Don't misinterpret if it seems like I have an angry tone to my writings. It be all good. :3 )