Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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How has your character changed?


Lord of Altera
Alphos started out as a self entitled little boy who was hiding behind his massive shadow his father protruded, when Andras died, he went to live with his Godmother: Skye Jespson... unbenknownst to Alphos, his brother had started an affair with Skye behind Skyes fiancee's back, when Skye finally rejected Alphos' brother, Alphos' brother went out to prove he was worth her and died by falling on his own blades in a scuffle.

Struggling to get to grip with how cold his godmother was about Dar'kets death, Alphos went off the rails, being educated in the arts of deceit and politics by his surrogate Father, Nwalme. He began a relationship with his lifelong best friend, Lizzy Arretez at 15 and they lived happily enough until Alphos was broken by her fathers manipulation of Lizzy on the eve of their wedding nigth. Broken and crushed... Alphos left to join the Grey Cult and served until Grey was killed to which Alphos left to be in Natrizi'ma and resume his Kingship.

Alphos returned at age 18 to serve in the war on Grief, he served as a Archer before being taken in by Dr. Gustav Fritz, one of his Fathers friends and trained to be a Doctor... he served as a Doctor in the way, treating burns, cuts and administering Euthanasia to Soldiers. He finished his studies a fully fledged Doctor, after messing about with Relationships of others, he settled for Cali Hearthstone, a nurse where he worked. He flirted and consoled her in her time of grief, but was rejected eventually, Alphos left to look after his assets in Natrizi'ma shortly after.

[Rest is redacted to prevent meta]


Dark Council Elite
Archaeus has literally gone through so much development that I know I don't have the energy to type it all out, so I'll summarize it. Note, some of it at the beginning was done prior to me finding this lovely community.

  1. Archaeus is born in Tirithia, and raised from a young age to learn swordplay. He hates his father, but his father dies.
  2. Several years later in adolescence, he winds up killing his stepfather for hitting his mother.
  3. Archie runs, and isn't caught, his mother instead being executed for murder. Arch is at the time 14.
  4. Around 5 months post, an uber mage attacks Tirithia, destroying -literally everything- but himself, because he ran.
  5. But, he actually ran -up- the spire of Time, to face Darkness.
  6. He defeated an ubermage in single combat, and wound up freezing time in the surrounding area of approximately five miles radius. (Yes, this is not.. lore approved, but it's what happened.)
  7. Archie runs and makes it to Aeonis, where he is now around 17. He signs up to be a guard, eventually moving up to be a Hospitaller - basically the equivalent of Halo's Spartans, in terms of ability.
  8. His training is cut short by a great war against the Dark Elven culture. He falls in love with the reigning queen of the time, Queen Jurai.
  9. Around two years later she admits her feelings and agrees to marry him, after a spectacular dinner.
  10. skipdiddly dee
  11. I rewrite things to say Arch and Jurai have three kids together, one being sent away at birth - Lizzy
  12. The kingdom is destroyed by the war against the Delves, Arch assumes Jurai dead, and flees, because all of his daughters were gone as well.
  13. Approximately four years later he finds the Northern Kingdoms, and shows up., Makes immediate enemies with Audric, Nwalme, Gelyk, and probably others. Oh, Grimar too.
  14. Archie winds up falling for Leminth, and accusing Nwalme of trying to poison him, because he was utterly stupid back then.
  15. Nwalme cuts off Arch's right hand's fingers, gives way to incredibly character advancement.
  16. Arch is reuinted with the kid sent off at birth, Lizzy. Feels ensue. Audric hates him more.
  17. Archie grows closer to Lizzy, and then she runs back to Audric. Archie sad.
  18. Archaeus continues to pester Leminth on and on, mildly flirtatiously, and secures himself a spot on the "if I weren't responsible I'd kill him" list by Naelwyn.
  19. Archie is paraded around Port Silver wearing a pink, frilly dress, by Piper.
  20. skip diddly dee, no development.
  21. Exodus rolls round, and Archaeus winds up being exiled for disobeying orders repeatedly.
  22. Archie fights. A lot. And gets barely any credit, really.
  23. He swears loyalty to leminth for the rest of his days.
  24. Leminth names him her direct and devoted servant, thus birthing the "Queen's Wench" title
  25. He meets Serenity, and falls in love. Cheating on his wife, however.
  26. Leminth, uh, dies, like a real NOOB, after a lot of IMPORTANT RP's with ARCHAEUS
  27. Arch is free
  28. Arch is capture
  29. Arch is come back
  30. Arch is find out 3/5 kids are dead kids
  31. Arch is very sad
  32. Arch is kill self?
  33. Arch is not kill self.
  34. Arch is where we are today.
  35. other things i forgot


Retired Staff
Oh boy, Vorar might take a while.

Vorar was first created around the same time as the Cataclysm took place, 2000 years ago. These events were unrelated, as Vorar's creation was on a different planet. Vorar was originally designed as a war machine for a long, long battle against a race known as the Baritians, his own side being the Vorsons. However, the creation process was interrupted before it was completed, and so Vorar was created without a drive for killing, and stuck far underground in a caved-in ruin. Skip forward 2000 years, during the last iteration of the Southern Wilds. They had been severely corrupted, and as the land splintered and broke, Vorar left the cave he had been stuck in and started wandering, following what remained of ruined roads to return to the Northern Kingdoms, which was in the midst of the first Exodus preparation.

At first, Vorar spoke no languages, but imbued with an unrivalled ability to learn, quickly became fluent in Common. Soon arriving in Port Silver, Vorar started meeting people, including the pyromancer Basil. During this time, Vorar also met the Nakam Nip'ith and Misrir, becoming friends with Nip quite quickly. During later exploration, Vorar found Tauredal, where he then started studying nature, enjoying the fact that there was life all over the place. He also found a meadow of flowers and wondered what a sense of smell would be like. During this time Vorar also encountered Syrie, learned he couldn't swim, and also found that water tends to evaporate off the metal hull quite quickly.

Slightly further on, Vorar met Eminu, Sajek, and Baz'neh, three more Nakam. Eminu was injured following an altercation with the Slayers, so Vorar carried her to the infirmary in Kavdam where she might receive aid. Vorar then went off to find a Caparii named Aspen after Eminu requested help finding him. On finding him and bringing him and Eminu together, Vorar realizes Eminu's mind is all sorts of broken and she doesn't remember him. During a spat between Eminu and Aspen, Vorar decides emotions are confusing and complex and decides they're not worth dealing with. At the same time, Vorar learns that physical contact is used to express affection or familiarity.

Vorar saves a Caparii named Lucius from drowning, then hypothermia, then becomes confused when Lucius' leg doesn't heal (he was club-footed). This got Vorar interested in learning how to heal wounds. Later, Srye and Basil try to teach Vorar to use pronouns properly. Vorar does this, then decides it's pointless and goes back to the usual style of speaking. Around this time, Vorar, noting that the hull was creaky, cracked, and 2000 years old, decides to start exploring avenues for repair. On the same day, Vorar meets its first ghost. Vorar cannot interact with incorporeals, and is blind and deaf to the ghost, but makes contact anyways through the use of a book and quill. The ghost's name was Lament, and he needed Vorar's help to heal a pregnant girl. Vorar complies and runs into Toorviing the phoenix, who heals the girl with the Fen, a brand of phoenix magic. Toorviing hints that he knows of the Vorsons, and teaches Vorar Fenra, the songlike Phoenix language. To this day, Vorar is one of the very last surviving speakers of Fenra.

Vorar meets Naelwyn, who goes by the nickname Observer. Naelwyn promises to help repair the hull. Shortly after, Vorar meets Legion. The two are mutually honoured to meet each other due to [redacted]. Later, Naelwyn and Legion bring Vorar to Wintermourne, where they test Vorar's ability to keep a lie. As it turns out, Vorar is a very, very good liar. After, Legion shows Vorar the [redacted], which may be capable of repairing the metal.

Returning to Port Silver after a long walk back, Vorar is surprised to find the ground covered in some kind of white crystal material, which Turik explains is snow. Around this time, Vorar learned to fish. This is kind of pointless as Vorar doesn't eat or need money. He gives the fish to Eminu, who declares Vorar a friend. Vorar gives her another fish.

But it isn't all happy times for long, as soon Vorar follows a crowd to Stormhold. The crowd is heavily armed and armoured, and begin the campaign of the Black Moon of Stormhold, defeating wave after wave of hideous undead and beasts of the Nether, culminating in the takedown of Tavish the Great Demon. Vorar introduces himself to Tavish, who then tells Vorar about how he came to be a demon. Returning to Port Silver once more, Vorar runs into Harateth (pre-corrupt). He's not impressed.

Basil and Eminu enter a relationship and jointly teach Vorar how emotions work. Vorar decides Basil is a friend, and is becoming more and more familiar with being alive and not just existing. Eminu and Vorar continue their friendship, becoming the best of friends possible, until Scardrac kills her. Vorar becomes rather angry and swears that it will see Scardrac dead and his memory forgotten to the world. This promise is 2 IRL years old and still going strong. Afterwards, Vorar learns Eminu was reincarnated by the Sisterhood. Taking a sabbatical, Vorar departs to wander the world, eventually returning in time to see that Eminu has become the Diplomat of Arduin and is a key player in the Game of Crowns. Vorar doesn't wish to interfere with this Game, and departs once more, returning to find that Eminu is dead and gone once more.

Vorar goes to Kavdam, where it sees Lathan and Scardrac. Once more avowing to see Scardrac lost to history, Vorar goes to its hall in Kavdam. Lathan follows, and Vorar tells Lathan of its mourning. Here, Vorar first learns sadness, and decides to wait for Eminu to return, whenever that may be. While waiting, Vorar goes on the greatest exploration of the world yet, finding a mysterious magical tower in an unnamed valley, which Vorar names the Stonewick. Continuing the exploration, Vorar finds the largest lake in Altera, across from which are the buried ruins of a settlement whose name is lost. Here Vorar founds Lake Vera (lit. Lake Warmth - Vera is a Verba word for warmth), a retreat where it can be alone. Some people eventually arrive, having heard rumours of the automaton, and decide to settle in the peaceful forest. Vorar doesn't mind, as long as people don't make trouble.

Vorar returns to the Stonewick, seeking to explore some more. The ancient tower collapses, but Vorar isn't having any of that nonsense and escapes the rubble with the powerful Stonewick artefact. Returning to Lake Vera, Vorar seals the artefact in emerald and places it in the reflecting, sparkling pool in the town square. To his surprise, the artefact fires a powerful beam of energy into the sky. As it turns out, the Stonewick artefact is a beacon which, as a side effect of its beam, generates a wide-area healing aura which causes all injuries to repair themselves much faster. The beacon being underwater causes the pool to absorb the majority of its energy, which leads to the pool sparkling vividly even at night. Drinking from the pool or placing the injured within will heal them extremely rapidly, even faster than a modern health potion.

The Sorrow of Acedia makes an appearance along with the other Sorrows. Vorar splits it in half with a broadsword and it goes away, to return later. The Sorrow, returned from being cut in half, follows Tyrin and Nwalme to Lake Vera. The Vera beacon's powerful aura repulses the Sorrow, but it still makes an effort to kill the two even as its very body is sloughed apart by the aura. Vorar sees this, and having no truck with violence in its town, shoves the screeching Sorrow's head directly into the beam, which greatly injures the demon and causes it to flee.

The Sorrow later returns to Lake Vera once more, where Vorar sees it conversing with Tyrin. The beast swears peace, which Vorar enforces by making it swear an oath of power to never raise a hand to anyone in Lake Vera at the price of its life if the oath is broken. The Sorrow later dies while Vorar is elsewhere. As we find out much later, this Sorrow didn't actually die, and had a name: Silas. Yeah, Vorar and Silas go way back.

While chilling in Vera, an elf named Leminth arrives. Vorar and Leminth soon become friends after exploring the Elven ruins across the lake. She leaves afterwards, her and Vorar being fast friends now.

Vorar goes to Port Silver, having heard word that Eminu was alive. Scouring the city, Vorar eventually finds Eminu defending herself against a group of angry Inquisitors. He throws one Inquisitor into a group of others, and stuns several more when a firework goes off, in the end making a safe escape with Eminu to the Port Silver Lair, an abandoned crime den with some solid furnishing. He tends to her wounds and they catch up. Vorar then brings Eminu to Lake Vera, where the beacon's regenerative powers take hold and accelerate her healing greatly. When Eminu is better, Vorar takes her into the depths of the continent-spanning Vera forest, where it shows her a gigantic tree, which has begun to overgrowth a small memorial Vorar made to her. Eminu can't hold all the feels.

Having patched things with Eminu, and glad that she was alive, Vorar goes to Wintermourne to see Legion. The long-overdue repair begins, and after a lengthy and somewhat-risky series of events, Vorar is repaired and upgraded. No longer grey, creaking, and broken, Vorar is now plated in Xenium, a super-rare magic-resistant metal. Its hull is fully repaired to brand new condition, and there are some new abilities built into the body to boot. Vorar's four fingers on each hand can each split into micro-manipulating appendages (each finger splits into 4 manipulators) and his wrists can do 360 degree rotation and higher. Vorar also has double-elbowed arms, and is now inhumanly dextrous.

Vorar goes to Port Silver once more, where he learns Leminth has become Queen of Altera. Vorar goes to the Silver Palace to congratulate Leminth, where she makes Vorar the Right Hand of the Queen and her highest advisor. Over the reign of Leminth, this rank turns out to be extremely handy for a number of things.

Yet later, Vorar meets Toorviing for the first time in a very, very long time. Toorviing, the headmaster of the defunct University of Altera, declares that Vorar is to be the next headmaster. Vorar accepts this and gets on with things, now planning ahead for interesting times. Around this time, Vorar also begins tinkering with machines and learning the craft of the mechanist. Eminu returns, her memory damaged yet again, and Vorar takes her to Kavdam to try and jog her memory. After an emotional [redacted] she appears to remember some things.

Vorar travels to the Castle of Doom with Naelwyn and Leminth, and witnesses Naelwyn set off a chain of events that result in the Queen announcing that the Exodus really ought to start like right now let's get going folks.

------End Old World-------

Things are ongoing so I'm not gonna share stuff with existing characters.


sparkles emoji
Archaeus has literally gone through so much development that I know I don't have the energy to type it all out, so I'll summarize it. Note, some of it at the beginning was done prior to me finding this lovely community.

  1. Archaeus is born in Tirithia, and raised from a young age to learn swordplay. He hates his father, but his father dies.
  2. Several years later in adolescence, he winds up killing his stepfather for hitting his mother.
  3. Archie runs, and isn't caught, his mother instead being executed for murder. Arch is at the time 14.
  4. Around 5 months post, an uber mage attacks Tirithia, destroying -literally everything- but himself, because he ran.
  5. But, he actually ran -up- the spire of Time, to face Darkness.
  6. He defeated an ubermage in single combat, and wound up freezing time in the surrounding area of approximately five miles radius. (Yes, this is not.. lore approved, but it's what happened.)
  7. Archie runs and makes it to Aeonis, where he is now around 17. He signs up to be a guard, eventually moving up to be a Hospitaller - basically the equivalent of Halo's Spartans, in terms of ability.
  8. His training is cut short by a great war against the Dark Elven culture. He falls in love with the reigning queen of the time, Queen Jurai.
  9. Around two years later she admits her feelings and agrees to marry him, after a spectacular dinner.
  10. skipdiddly dee
  11. I rewrite things to say Arch and Jurai have three kids together, one being sent away at birth - Lizzy
  12. The kingdom is destroyed by the war against the Delves, Arch assumes Jurai dead, and flees, because all of his daughters were gone as well.
  13. Approximately four years later he finds the Northern Kingdoms, and shows up., Makes immediate enemies with Audric, Nwalme, Gelyk, and probably others. Oh, Grimar too.
  14. Archie winds up falling for Leminth, and accusing Nwalme of trying to poison him, because he was utterly stupid back then.
  15. Nwalme cuts off Arch's right hand's fingers, gives way to incredibly character advancement.
  16. Arch is reuinted with the kid sent off at birth, Lizzy. Feels ensue. Audric hates him more.
  17. Archie grows closer to Lizzy, and then she runs back to Audric. Archie sad.
  18. Archaeus continues to pester Leminth on and on, mildly flirtatiously, and secures himself a spot on the "if I weren't responsible I'd kill him" list by Naelwyn.
  19. Archie is paraded around Port Silver wearing a pink, frilly dress, by Piper.
  20. skip diddly dee, no development.
  21. Exodus rolls round, and Archaeus winds up being exiled for disobeying orders repeatedly.
  22. Archie fights. A lot. And gets barely any credit, really.
  23. He swears loyalty to leminth for the rest of his days.
  24. Leminth names him her direct and devoted servant, thus birthing the "Queen's Wench" title
  25. He meets Serenity, and falls in love. Cheating on his wife, however.
  26. Leminth, uh, dies, like a real NOOB, after a lot of IMPORTANT RP's with ARCHAEUS
  27. Arch is free
  28. Arch is capture
  29. Arch is come back
  30. Arch is find out 3/5 kids are dead kids
  31. Arch is very sad
  32. Arch is kill self?
  33. Arch is not kill self.
  34. Arch is where we are today.
  35. other things i forgot
... How many wives and lovers has Archaeus had? :confused: