Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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If that character was a Syrie..


Roleplay keeper
.. What would it look like?
Come on folks! All this Syrie stuff is making me excited! Drawing excited :D
Speak up. What if your character was a Syrie? What would he/she look like? Would they be monofin, duofin.. Any artist is welcome to try and draw the describtions.
I've got my own examples.
If Luna was Syrie, she'd probably look like that.
The following picture is a group picture of some folks I know :p
Legion, Andras, Tavish and does anyone see the little black cube with a tail?
Under them is, Basil, a Nakat, Katherina, Keaton and last but not least, Albareth.
Let your creativity flow out :p



The original mute
Gah, Xenai be a monofin... That what he be. Xeenal wouldn't be a Syrie, and Lucina probably a duo.


King ForumStalker
All of their faces are priceless!

I especially like the Basil one, he's standing there like "Yeah, i'm a pyromagus underwater... badass right?"


Retired Staff
If I were a Syrie I'd sink on my head, what with being made of metal.

Maybe I'd be a submarine.


We demons of our solemn hour
I would look like a arrogant syrien who does not care much slapping annoying people
With a monofin green tail. .

Also awesome gloves amd belt


Loyal Servant of Altera
If Mara was a Syrie, she would be a monofin. I think she would have a grey/blue tail, long brown hair, blue eyes and a bit mischievous smile. I think she would still wear her grey gloves.
I'm working on a drawing of her, but the face is a real pain, as usual.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Faelin would be pretty much the same... Expect with a tail, probably monofin... That is green. (Predictably.)