Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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If that character was a Syrie..


Lord of Altera
Erhemehrgehrd your drawings are absolutely amazing O_O Especially the cubey one, with the black cubefish xD Brilliant... X_X


The original mute
/artcriticmode on
The drawing is good on the shape and texture, but the hair just seems, out there. As if gravity has no control over it.the hands are well drawn, and the fingers have a decent amount of detail. However the face looks masculin. It seems that the chin being squared off and not rounded, along with the lips being fairly large when compared to her other features give this feel. Overall a good piece, in which the only major flaw is that it seems masculin. Good work mara
/artcriticmode off

No offence meant


Lord of Altera
/artcriticmode on
The drawing is good on the shape and texture, but the hair just seems, out there. As if gravity has no control over it.the hands are well drawn, and the fingers have a decent amount of detail. However the face looks masculin. It seems that the chin being squared off and not rounded, along with the lips being fairly large when compared to her other features give this feel. Overall a good piece, in which the only major flaw is that it seems masculin. Good work mara
/artcriticmode off

No offence meant
Moobs... :cool:


Loyal Servant of Altera
/artcriticmode on
The drawing is good on the shape and texture, but the hair just seems, out there. As if gravity has no control over it.the hands are well drawn, and the fingers have a decent amount of detail. However the face looks masculin. It seems that the chin being squared off and not rounded, along with the lips being fairly large when compared to her other features give this feel. Overall a good piece, in which the only major flaw is that it seems masculin. Good work mara
/artcriticmode off

No offence meant
No offence taken, but here's my (little) defence:
First, in water the hair just floats, so, i think the hair is fine.
About the face... The lips are a bit large because I forgot to sharpen my red pencil before coloring them, so that's just my mistake. And the rest of the face... I suppose you're right.

I will try to make a better face for Lucina, if I start on that drawing.