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[Inactive] Gold and Purple, the Siren Song


Lord of Altera
Lel, funny how Wulfe never told Serri the truth nor a lie.
problem is, Serri isn't annoyed because Wulfe lied to her.
she's angry because Wulfe won't tell the truth.

... really, she's angry because Wulfe isn't talking to her.
and never talked to her.

... never told her what was going on, at any moment of the life they shared together.
because there's always been an imbalance in the relationship. it wasn't like they were friends, but rather teacher and student. there was this air of authority, because Wulfe was always stronger, older, (supposedly) wiser. because Wulfe soldiered through all her sorrows without once reaching out for another, not even her closest friend.
At least, Serri thought she was Wulfe's closest friend. but that wasn't really true, was it?

No, it was more like Serri adored Wulfe. idolized her. had Wulfe ever went out of her way for Serri? had Wulfe ever been anything except silent, passive? Years passed, and Serri didn't know a damn thing about the person who was her friend, because this friend had gone and hidden herself away. Too many times, had Serri been barred from somewhere, or barred from knowing something, because she was supposedly innocent, and her innocence needed to be protected. Serri had always detested that. It was always the people she loved, who never believed she was old enough or she had suffered enough, to be mature enough to know the truth. Maybe Wulfe kept silent about her true feelings out of some misguided desire to protect Serri's innocence, the innocence that died with Coralin. or maybe it simply was that Wulfe was lost in her own world, trapped by her silence, trained to bottle her feelings and distance herself from the world. maybe Wulfe was afraid to open up. either way, the message was clear:

Wulfe did not trust Serri, did not consider her an equal.

Wulfe and her family was Serri's support system, and when Wulfe began to run off, Serri stayed home. Ironically, Serri found herself so close to this distant girl, it felt as though their fates were intertwined. It wasn't really true, though. they weren't intertwined at all. they were growing apart, or rather, their distance simply became more apparent.
when Wulfe died, Serri was prepared to die with her, nearly went mad because the second-to-last thing keeping Serri grounded was gone. And in return for the shelter given to her, Serri wanted nothing else but to help and protect her friend to the bitter end. and yet for all that devotion, there was so little given in return. affection and gratitude, perhaps, but not sympathy, and not love.

Wulfe returns from the dead. Serri is lost in her infatuation. burdened by a new, divine purpose, she asks her one friend to help her. they'll fight together, emerge victorious with evil vanquished and the town liberated, Coralin's town. after all the suffering of this world, finally, peace.
it wasn't really Wulfe's rejection that hurt Serri. it was the fact that on that day, Wulfe announced her allegiance to the force that had hurt Serri most. between her closest friend who had done naught but help, and an irate knight of a failing rebellion, Wulfe chose the knight. then,
then Serri began to feel bitterness and betrayal.

and even if it was just a silly joke, even if Landir was a thoughtful and caring lover instead of an evil, brainwashing master, that wouldn't make it better, and it wouldn't quell Serri's wrath. because.... what? Wulfe finds someone to lean on in her time of need, who genuinely cares for her, and when Serri was in that same situation, she only got food and a roof over her head, when what she really needed was friendship? no, that's not fair at all. how can Wulfe be happy, with no desire but serving her loved one, when Serri had walked down that road and found no happiness therein? it's just jealousy at this point, and being told Wulfe gets to live in a castle and feel loved and accepted isn't making the jealousy go away.

but yeah. funny how Wulfe never told the truth, or a lie.
funny how she's hated now.

ha. ha ha.

EDIT: I..... how did this textwall happen?


Lord of Altera
@Glados @Kyle1322 @Sir_Ashington @The Courier @Ace19
Serella ran from the fight in Alanna's home. being unable to leave, she hid in the hedges. she slept alone.

dark. cold. alone.

the floor is hard. the air above is cold. there is nothing to comfort Serella or keep her safe. she fears. she is afraid, and stays awake even though she doesn't want to, even as she hears the muffles of voices of malevolent people, she is alone.

they could come here. they could come and harm her and no one would know and no one would care. she's alone, so alone. there is no one to drive away the fear, the aching, paranoid fear.

she can't sleep alone. fear keeps her up. the moon is high in the sky, and comes about to set, and all voices still but the silence is even worse, exhaustion sets in, and she can't sleep alone, but yet, she falls into a half-awake nightmare. in this nightmare, she can't move. her legs are bound by nothing at all, frozen in place, and the tingling sensation is like hundreds of tiny shocks. she can't scream. the shadows morph and change, the very walls seem to close in. the leaves of the hedge that is meant to protect her scratch and claw at her body and she's afraid, deathly afraid.

then its a sword in her stomach, the grimacing face of that bandit before her, a relived memory that never belonged to her. she is Coralin. she is dying, and she is alone. her children are ran away for their very lives, and no one is coming to save her.

Serella wakes up in a cold sweat, gaining no rest from the night's sleep.
she remembers why she doesn't sleep alone.

(ugh. rough prose. I wanted to give a gist of what she experiences. it was a minor thing in the back of my head that I wanted to develop.)
(yes, Serella gets nightmares. most cliche thing in the universe, but there we go.)


Lord of Altera
@Glados @Kyle1322 @Sir_Ashington @The Courier @Ace19
Serella ran from the fight in Alanna's home. being unable to leave, she hid in the hedges. she slept alone.

dark. cold. alone.

the floor is hard. the air above is cold. there is nothing to comfort Serella or keep her safe. she fears. she is afraid, and stays awake even though she doesn't want to, even as she hears the muffles of voices of malevolent people, she is alone.

they could come here. they could come and harm her and no one would know and no one would care. she's alone, so alone. there is no one to drive away the fear, the aching, paranoid fear.

she can't sleep alone. fear keeps her up. the moon is high in the sky, and comes about to set, and all voices still but the silence is even worse, exhaustion sets in, and she can't sleep alone, but yet, she falls into a half-awake nightmare. in this nightmare, she can't move. her legs are bound by nothing at all, frozen in place, and the tingling sensation is like hundreds of tiny shocks. she can't scream. the shadows morph and change, the very walls seem to close in. the leaves of the hedge that is meant to protect her scratch and claw at her body and she's afraid, deathly afraid.

then its a sword in her stomach, the grimacing face of that bandit before her, a relived memory that never belonged to her. she is Coralin. she is dying, and she is alone. her children are ran away for their very lives, and no one is coming to save her.

Serella wakes up in a cold sweat, gaining no rest from the night's sleep.
she remembers why she doesn't sleep alone.

(ugh. rough prose. I wanted to give a gist of what she experiences. it was a minor thing in the back of my head that I wanted to develop.)
(yes, Serella gets nightmares. most cliche thing in the universe, but there we go.)
relations :D?


Lord of Altera
Oi! There was a fight in Alanna's house?
Calm the hell down. That building is one of my more prouder works. You break it I kill you :heart:

Go burn one of Brogans boats please @BarbarianGaming