Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ivy [Declined [IA] - Scardrac]


1) What’s your Minecraft username: nerdyangel
2) How old are you: 13 years old and 14 in July
3) Where are you: I live in new Zealand
4) Did you read our guides yet: yes
5) I was born in south Africa and moved to new Zealand when I was 5 years old over the last 8 years have mainly been me exploring seeing what my skills and difficulties thing that I found I was skilled in was computer gaming and I found a love for MINECRAFT.
About my Character
Name: ivy mcnab
Age: 35
Race: human
Appearance: long dark brown hair hanging down with one side with small curls, light brown eyes, light blue hooded coat but hood down (coat looks like little red riding hoods coat), rolled up note hanging out of pocket of coat dark blue dress hidden under the light blue coat, shoes black ballet flats. The big cute eyes you see on popular girl skins.
My Minecraft characters story:
Once a village of people were overrun by a evil empire name to evil to say. The entire village was enslaved. He forced them to work or dye luckily for a small group of the village escaped. Through ancient tunnels made if the village would one day be overrun. This small group contained the most intelligent villager her name was ivy mcnab she said the group would be best off in the jungle, but the villagers said they should take cover at the neighbouring village in desert. She said the empire would have enslaved the village there too and if they went there they would all die. They didn’t believe here so they went on their way, and she and her son William headed to the jungle. She started to set up a little home for the night and William went mining. The small cottage was ready to take cover in. it started to get late she worried as William was not back. She crafted herself a sword all though she had no idea how to craft she followed the path her son went mining in. she spent hours following the torches on the left side. She got to a dead end found her beloved Williams corpse on the floor. She collapsed on to him. She now knew she was alone. In his hand was a note this note was from the empires wife. Dear William I can’t stand to see the man I love being treated this way here is a map of the tunnels made to escaped in ancient times .sighed your love jewel.xoxoxo.her heart sank she was alone she continued the way the water followed and she came to a meadow she made a small house day the empires guards where on patrol she heard the guns of the guards she ran far away so far that see could have fallen off the world. She found a village in a town called hollow way and all the villagers welcomed her as if she was part of the family they never had. She still lives there to this day in a small cottage in the farm lands.
The end

Thank for reading


Lord of Altera
Hello, good application! However please keep in mind that the server has its own strict lore, which everyone must follow. Therefore this evil lord pillaging villages is very unrealistic. Also remember this is a medieval themed server, even though the average minecraft character can indeed craft tools/swords in a whim in game, people in the medieval age certainly could not. So please keep that in mind to make your story a tad more realistic and immersive. You might also want to add just alittle onto your nr 5 as you currently only have 3 sentences. You can pretty much add anything at all about yourself, even who your favorite teletubby was ;) Good luck!


Lord of Altera
First of all, reading the lore properly. You answered yes at ( Did you read our guides?: ) However there is no such evil empire pillaging villages in the lore. So please, read the lore and change your test accordingly.


Sorry for the late-ness. I am going to have to decline this for inactive thread.
Please re-apply correctly! :)