Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jake Wulfric [Approved - Alaila]


G'day! I'd like to apply for the server, of course. Why else would I be here?

My IGN is Lachboy, although I hope to change it eventually. My characters name is Jake Wulfric.
I'm a 16-year-old Australian boy called Lachlan, which you may have guessed from my IGN.
Yes, I have read the Tome of Citizenship. I have a question about it, too; With fly mods, it said you can use it for a short burst to cut down a large tree (but not travel or anything), then, later it says that they are completely banned. Can you use it just for trees or not at all?
I've Roleplayed before, and I think it's ridiculously fun. 'Roleplaying before' being on other Minecraft servers and sometimes in WoW.
My friend TerraLark (His name is also Lachlan and he's from Australia, strangely enough) told me about the server, so I looked it up and it looks really well made, with the rules being clear and simple to understand. I think this server is going to be really enjoyable, with the sensible rules and whitelist. It's a great way to keep "noobs" out and make the game generally more fun. I always try to be as social as possible, but I do tend to zone out and just stick to what I'm doing, ignoring pretty much everything. I like joking around and at times can be serious, but I'm not sure if people know when I'm doing which...
I don't use X-Ray or Fly mod at all, as it takes the fun out of the game in my opinion. When I feel like instantly getting everything to build amazing stuff and fly around, I play Garry's Mod. Minecraft is a game that you have to work, in my opinion.
In Minecraft I like to use redstone a lot, and when I make things I try to make grand, medievil style structures. I tend to stick to themes well and with a medievil one, I can make pretty cool stuff in my opinion. When I build things I do often become disappointed that it didn't come out as planned, so I usually build giant houses and then take them down again....


In short:
1. Your Minecraft username: Lachboy
2. Your real name: Lachlan
3. Age: 16
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: Australia

6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?
Yes, I have read it and I agree.
7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?
I enjoy roleplaying, especially on Minecraft. I have roleplayed on other servers and RP is my favourite server type.
8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
I think this server is going to be really enjoyable, with the sensible rules and whitelist. It's a great way to keep "noobs" out and make the game generally more fun. I always try to be as social as possible, but I do tend to zone out and just stick to what I'm doing, ignoring pretty much everything. I like joking around and at times can be serious, but I'm not sure if people know when I'm doing which...
In Minecraft I like to use redstone a lot, and when I make things I try to make grand, medievil style structures. I tend to stick to themes well and with a medievil one, I can make pretty cool stuff in my opinion. When I build things I do often become disappointed that it didn't come out as planned, so I usually build giant houses and then take them down again....
9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
Sorry, I don't usually record/keep any of my builds ._.
10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
My character is a wolf. His name is Jake Wulfric or Wulfy, for short.
11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
I don't use X-Ray or Fly mod at all, as it takes the fun out of the game in my opinion.
12. How did you find out about our server?
My friend TerraLark told me about it, and it seems pretty good.


Lord of Altera
Good application, just wait for a moderator to check it :) However, this server doesn't seem pretty good, it is darn amazing :p


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm going to approve your application. Please behave, have fun and don't make me look bad. :p
Before running off to explore Altera I highly recommend that you take ten minutes to read The Altera Survival Guide (click) and the server rules on the wiki (click). It's only ten minutes and it will make your first days in the server much more enjoyable, I'm sure.
