Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Kellian


Lord of Altera
Those backstories make me want to get my friends together and construct our own tale.

EDIT: sometime, you'll have to create your own character profile about yourself, gabsters. @Gaby
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Lord of Altera
tell me your secrets!
Write a good beginning story. Get people to play Alts.... Have them create their backstory in accordance with your own. Then have them add some uniqueness to it and another element. And then refine your own backstory to fit with it. The more people who joins in on it you just rinse, wash, repeat that.


Lord of Altera

Drives and motivations:
Bring the Blood Serpents to glory. Keep himself secret until he has power.
Immediate goals: Get more Blood Serpents. Get a hideout. Prepare for the first sacrifice.
Long term goals:
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Work hard
How other characters will be affected: Hopefully in a good way​

Children: -

Sorrel - Loved - His daughter, he loves her above all others and intends to keep her as safe as possible.​
brian pls upd8

EDIT: I was typing before u updated oops