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Active [Korog Exalted] Faith Meadow


Loyal Servant of Altera

"Pressing forward... Is not the same as running from your mistakes."


CHARACTER: Faith Meadow
ARTIFACTS: Eye of the Craft, Boisterous,

STATUS: Trying to stop Cor Votums influence
CULTS: The Underforge Umbra
The Mantle of Craft | Korog
The slightest intent breath of a cult member upon a forge's coals will stir it as a bellows would. Cult members tend to take on dwarven features, such as a stockier frame or fuller beard, and members that are dwarves find their own tastefully accentuated.

[x] Their voice becomes more metallic in tone, and louder, more bold.
[x] Clapping their hands or hitting a surface sounds like something metal hitting the surface.
[x] Their touch can subtly inspire a creative urge.

The Mantle of Secrets | Visage

Cult members can see within three blocks as if they hold a faint light source at all times.

[x] Reflective surfaces become a little clearer to them, be it water, mirror, or polished steel.

][ Their hands and up to the shoulders take on the appearance of a material they are proficient with, be it like stone with lines of mineral running through it or wood carving. This provides no protection, but can be as fancy as they like.

][ They can summon forth a small clockwork companion/golem of crafting material no larger than a rabbit, stylized however they wish, that is capable of mundane tasks such as telling them what day it is, keeping hold of their coin, etc. Disperses into coal dust if pulled out of a 10b range from the blessed. Can be two active at a time, but cannot be used as a source of material.
For funny sake, It's a rabbit.

][ Their hair takes on the color of any mineral, appearing somewhat metallic, and it grows thicker and longer than average. This applies to facial hair as well.

][ Upon a moment of focus, they can create a shimmering illusion of any handheld item between their hands to show it before it is created (necklaces, rings, etc.)

][ Their shoulders seem a little broader and the skin of their hands and forearms seems to hold a bronze hue.

][ They are untouched by the heat of the forge; fire does not harm them, whether from natural, arcane, or divine means.

STATUS: On some path, whatever happens happens. She is currently striving for the masters of her craft.

OOC: Faith prays over her crafts, but this is for character development RP's for praying.

- 7/10/2023 Faith had seeked out the cathedral after praying over her crafts deciding to donate something as she thanked Korog for him providing Faith a mentor for carving and smithing along with the chance to protect herself finally with her craft.

- 8/3/2023 Judah has dwelled into the art of smithing and alchemy, he would head towards the cathedral with Faith Meadow to sacrifice his first sword after the two had prayed over it. This is for Faith's well faith towards Korog as he had asked questions along with planning more things to craft together.

- 8/4/2023 Once coming back she had thanked Korog for allowing her shield that she made Xiqu and herself to protect them from death Strike as true as your steel, for a well-crafted weapon ought to be wielded as well as it was made.

- 8/4/2023 Faith went to the cathedral as Leofwine was brought back from the dead. She remained unchanging showing permance presenting her weapons ready if needed to fight Leofwine as he had not informed Xiqu about not wishing to seek an exalt taking these matters into his own hangs. 'Strike as true as your steal' for the tenet. Leofwine Beaur did not hold true to thy given word towards Xiqu. He had taken The Grey Lady affairs into his own hands. By doing this he had betrayed Faith's and Xiqu's trust. Along with breaking one of Sallana's tenets by not avoiding needless bloodshed. She also asked for Korogs blessing to protect the mountains from the nearby undead and the hellgate nearby and hopefully to remove it in the future with the Jishrim shrine. (OOC: Got people together to remove the shrine, now we're just waiting going to request a event to kill some Jishrim cultists)

- 9/12/23 Faith said a prayer to The Grey Lady, Ignis, and Korog at the cathedral. She had prayed for their forgiveness if she has to fight promising to make sure none of them raised as undead, demons, and worse! She must remain neutral and keep her family safe. She'd sharpen her Refined Fire Iron sword for battle just in case.


- 6/06/2023
Went with Iuno to take care of an undead Effigy with Iuno near frostlight. Afterwards, Faith had picked up carving to learn exactly how they worked to begin her journey so she can assist more on the field.

- 6/14/2023
Went to hell to search for Aleksei with her friends fearing that they'd die such as Vowrawn, Leofwine, and Leonhardt. This was with Matthias and his group. She had gathered the materials and assist in Iuno to craft her gambeson for hell.

- 6/29/2023
She was at the tavern waiting for Elijah to hopefully stop by to pick up his order, though a Skraag worshiper appeared to gather more people leading them towards the farms. Xiqu showed up with a tower shield that was made by Faith to help assist in killing the Skraagites (Event held by Sneek)

- 7/23/2023
Faith had went to help Leofwine make her a blade at her forge in her shop. Due to his lack of an arm at the time the two of them would assist each other in each of their endeavors as faith would pray for the blade afterwards along with going to Storms landing with her shield after seeing that necromancers had appeared once again as she stayed true to her tenet of striking as true as her blade was made killing 3 of them burning them. Along with her shield for Xiqu doing its job to protect them. Faith was able to block one Wraiths attack at storm landing. (2nd event held by Sneek)

- 8/23/2023 She went to hell for Dranodens vault. Faith had accidentally hit Lark along with getting into the vault and taking Dranoden's pendent of a starblood coin that was gifted to him.

- 6/08/2023
Made Leofwine his Valiant Holy symbol before he went to hell. This was due to her fear of Leofwine dying in hell, which he did. So, to bring him more hope Faith made him a Holy Symbol for the god Valiant as she was learning about Korog at the catherdral. Once it was done, she gave it to Xiqu (BirbRP) to gift him as she sent him off to hell. It also got remade on a later date due to him dying.

Made Elijah an incense burner to worship the god valiant along with a holy symbol to assist in the journey to be blessed by the god Valiant.

- 7/11/2023 She had just discussed with Marley about the gods, once realizing that he needed to grow. Faith went to make him a holy symbol learning about his faith to hopefully inspire him to keep on growing as a person instead of just being lazy.

- 7/13/2023 Faith was with Marley at her shop. After a bit of talking, he agreed to be taught the ways of being a crafter. She has gifted him a handsaw she had made along with helping Leofwine with teaching him how to be a smith.

During 7/13/2023 Faith had come across Albert after he had been exorcised. He was left with an extremely bad wheelchair. So, Faith had decided to make him a free wheelchair to be able to move around much quicker. Once the two were done talking, Faith had decided to start making wheelchairs and crutches for both places she was currently living so it would not be more frustrating for people to move around. (Ashadht and Gra’kanat’orra)

ACT 6:
- 7/14/2023 Faith had begun her journey to be a GuildMaster creating a crafting guild. This is to teach others about the land and the minerals in the mountain. The All-Hammer guild remains neutral towards everyone as people would begin to seek out Faith Meadow to join up towards the guild. [X]

ACT 7:
-8/4/2023 Faith would have had a fight, due to the city's leader being blessed by the Grey Lady. Faith begins to carve herself a casket to be cured in and also to rest. As he had instructed that Vyres go to him for assistance as nobody else had helped Faith in her time of need to be cured.

ACT 8:
- 8/4/2023
As time went on with her guild, Faith would begin to heal from her injuries of a fight in the desert, to relax. Faith would take Judah to learn more about crafting as a class in the guildhall along with just starting up the forge at the Grakanant hall to make Iron. The fire would begin to not be left unattended and remain to be lit due to the windows outside. Judah had successfully made a fever remedium and more about the minerals in the land including Refined Fire Iron. Once that forge was set up, Faith begins to make some nails with Judah and also putting them in a package. Faith continued to work and made nails for the construction after her class for the guild. [Here]

ACT 9:
- 8/7/2023
Faith went to continue her lessons with Judah LeatherAxe at the guildhall to hopefully catch him up in her experience in becoming an alchemist. She had begun to assist him learning different things such as what Mothers Embrace does along with the different kinds of salves and balms he can make and refresh him in what each of the equipment does. Along with Faith making her own Holy Symbol towards Korog.

ACT 10:
- 8/13/2023
Faith had gathered people with similiar views to begin a cult. They'd all agree to repair things that are broken as tinkers and do what they must to assist other groups to make trinkets for them and their beliefs.

ACT 11:
- 9/4/2023
Begun to stockpile Holy tools to deal with undead gathering her smiths as Branko begun to spread out and worked on the construction for the korog and Shallhera festival in golden coast for her town. Along with informing Frost about the shattered south with the undead. Faith some holy tools to assist Gwennora in knocking down an undead effigy near the sisters temple for Shallhera across the lake.

ACT 12
-9/10/2023 Faith had faught off undead in the bastion eventline along with repairing the bastion as wood begun to crack.

- 7/10/2023 Faith has a conversation with Fjord at her home. Realizing that she should offer something meaningful towards the god of crafting. The first shield that she had ever made for herself. Instead of keeping it for herself Faith went to the holy cathedral praying to him and offering her shield. She wished to give this to her children in the future.

- 9/21/2023 Faith had offered a dagger she had made to protect herself. She had offered a shield that had protected her in a harsh time in her life along with praying to thank him for allowing her to become blessed so she can continue on her work. 'Strike as true as your steel' as she was able to protect herself and catch Xiqu as she fell from a tree.



- 10/9/2023
Faith has discovered a small Dwarven tavern months ago. She had gone to explore once trying to see if there was an undead presence to them. She was right, there was an undead effigy nearby. She had searched for 3 days to determine the location of the effigy. Once getting closer the mountains and her hood protected her as she went to strike it down using the Holy Symbol she had made.

Faith had attended a lantern festival. She had begin to make a lantern. She had kept her tenet in mind once attending as she made sure due to being Airblessed that nothing would destroy them if a strong wind was going to come by. Pray for my blessing upon the completion of every craft. To communicate she had casted divine word to make sure Sasha did not miss out in the activities getting them both Coffee from a Barrista. This includes helping Storm the mage fix his lantern. [X]

-11/5-2023 Faith had a feast for Fjord, as he had became blessed. Faith takes pride in her friends achievements and has introduced Edger and Fjord together so if a problem were to arrise the few blessed know who to turn to. [X]

- 9/21/2023
Faith had held a baptism for her brother Josiah Meadows. Along with adding him to her cult. (Act 1)

- 9/22/2023
Faith had begun to research Dwarven ways as Korog noticed her being obediant to her rightful liege as she waits for what is next. Due to being sangarian and started to memorize things along with taking notes so she can bring some more light to the hills and the dwarves that live in Golden Coast. She had learned who Zustid is along with the corruption that has happened in the past. This includes an idea of what 'The Corrupted Stone' is. Before earlier, Frost had talked about the immortal kings as she continues to dig into the history of Altera and what has happened. This includes Urusgilimthatur and Korogs old Doctrine. (Act 2)

- 9/22/2023
Faith had used one of the wagons she had made after striking a deal with Theo. He had agreed due to allow her people and those seeking refudge for their dead to have a proper burial to use the crypts in Astrakhan so they will not be sent to the sorrows by Branko Callas and Cor votum. (9/21/2023 when deal was struck with Theo) Faith had discovered some people are trying to usurp Branko by Eyvind. She'd prayed towards Korog at her shrine to protect the craft and this secret with Visage.
(Act 3)

-9/23/2023 Faith had constructed a library to keep Korogs wisdom and more with Visage to further her faith in the pantheon after meeting the Exalt (yesterday) to further her knowledge. Faith had prayed to Korog and Visage keeping neutral and fixing a issue to show permeance and remained unchanging working on herself more. Be obedient to thine rightful liege and Hold no envy for the art of others, and instead make better your own. Faith would begin to write books for her art in the library to have everything informed. (Act 4)

-9/24/2023 Faith begun to build up the Ashadht hospital due to more people arriving there or getting injured along with furthering Golden Coasts own hospital inside the hold. (Act 5)

She had made a Reverie to relive a precious moment to her about her fascination with ships and falling into the ocean by accident to pull inspiration from the unfortunate situation. (Act 6)

Faith had waxed the shrine doing some upkeep along with working on the underforge for the Korog cult. (Act 7)

-9/27/2023 Faith had made an eizholz Ballista (Act 8)

-9/29/2023 Faith have begin to find a apprentice begining to teach Jolek about being a carver. (Act 9)

- 10/16/2023
Faith has made a Catapult for Linlea to defend their home and keeping to her beliefs. (Act 10)

-10/24/2023 Faith had achieved master carver for Bowyer and Siege Engineer (Act 11)

- 10/28/2023
Faith had made The Archfey, her first masterwork item of a bow. Due to her pride of poems and dissing nobles or complimenting her friends. Defend your name and claims, for pride in one's worth is warranted. (Act 13)

-10/27/2023 Faith had took on a appretice of Lily for her carving. She also said a prayer for Nyxa in Horghaan for her journey along with making Eizholz root tip arrow heads. (Act 14)

-11/4/2024 Faith made a Scorpion for Ashna with the war. (Act 15)


Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up [3]:
-11/17/2023 Faith held a drinking contest. As Kristoff brought booze he made including gathering people to meet other blessed. She defended her money and her friends since she takes pride in them completely at bliss!

-11/16/2023 She had started to create a clergy for Korog!

-11/19/2023 Faith had participated in Nid Arach. Due to her tenet to remember who her liege is. After destroying the pendant of the inquisition at Korog's shrine. She has persuaded Valtae to join remaining neutral and casted Unmoving on her shield. Faith had helped in destroying some bits of Branko's hold.

-11/20/2023 Faith had defended the last bastion. As she said a prayer afterwards heading back. As the fight was finally over, Faith had held true to her tenet to strike true with the bow she had made earlier.

The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine:
Faith had discovered a unique outlook on Korog. As a lot of them are not grounded. She views Korog to be the very thing that keeps everyone grounded. You must fall back to it, even the smallest of creatures go back to the ground to eat and drink. Something that has definitely been unique. Finding her true Faith in Korog as she gave up the other divines and worshiping them. She truly believes that Korog is the way for the future. Being the very sound of the metalic voice ringing out as she speaks trying to understand the world.

She believes that Korog is the very foundation that he is the giver of everything that is made and taken. Including the metal that takes people's lives. She has made an Archblossom longbow by the Lionheart due to nobody apart of Korog betraying their promises. Unlike Leonhardht and Iuno. That had promised to teach her but failed to do so. This includes Aleksei saying that he would teach her brother, Josiah Meadow as he had not reached out. Viewing Ignis as corrupt for being so ‘noble’ of her followers.

Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith:
Then a screenshot. I think gathering people and making a clergy helps with this. Right here. Including gathering Korogites together. I think the Cult is also a good understanding. [X]

10 acts:
-11/10/2023 Faith had remained neutral in a bar fight at the tavern in storms landing.

-11/18/2023 Faith had destroyed an Ignis Pendant at a shrine to Korog. Due to her tenant to only be obedient to him. It was rather painful, due to it being one of the first things that Faith has ever made as a carver before she had actually started to worship Korog. The day right before.

-11/20/2023 Faith had made a giant ship made out of Birdwood. Due to her heading towards Korog's log for climbing. It took months to make the ship along with getting help. Due to Faith not being a tailor herself to make the sail. As she remembered that Fjord's wife is a tailor going to her for assistance on this endeavor.

-11/20/2023 Faith had taught Ruckus a lesson. As he had ventured to hell and has done multiple things. The man is petrified in the landing, not having a sense of true pride and own worth. Faith had taken him to the Forge to show that he can do something and to have a sense of pride in his actions. This includes getting him to stop and worry, becoming more neutral in the landing. As he had stopped stuttering around Faith.

-11/21/2023 Faith had talked to Vowrawn. As she was fighting for her life, the man had to must pride. Taking everything in his own glory as Faith was unable to build in Grakanant. She had left Cor Votum taking the beating of her life from him. As she had faught with her allies before, defending the shrine from him. As he wished to tear down. She had finally defended her own pride and her own crafts from him.

-11/24/2023 Faith had taught Gaelwyn some crafting with Alchemy. This includes getting the character into crafting.

-12/3/2023 Faith made a Trebutchet for Nid Arach. Remaining neutral towards Skraag praying over her cousins shield to destroy the wall.

-12/7/2023 Faith had got Gaelwyn to become an apprentice alchemist. Praying over his first alchemist craft as she went into more about what it takes. Giving him inspiration and pride for his craft. Including going into a long prayer for him.

-12/11/2023 Faith had baptized Snaxkz an Immortal Construct. Taking him as an apprentice to teach the ways of Korog to him!

-12/11/2023 Faith had remained neutral. As Vowrawn sent men into the hills. Allowing them to past for Grakanant. Even after their dispute and him trying to attack her dragging her back into Grakanant for arrest!

-12/12/2023 Faith had defended her claims and her property. As Sophie insulted Faith! Picking up the twins as she had trained her dog Moose the corgi well. Talking back and forth before leaving. As Laicelem had joked about eating her pet that is extremely close to her leaving the conversation.

-12/13/2023 Faith had taken Kaede as an apprentice! As she vowed to listen to Faith to assist Korog and the clergy.

-12/23/2023 Faith had taken an oath of neutrality swearing to always protect the balance free of pride and prejudice matters.

They must showcase five additional instances of significance in the name of their Divine. These should be of importance, be it through protecting a group, hunting down something of significance, the poisoning of a town, or some other action. Why these actions are considered significant should also be added to your logs, how your character personally feels them necessary or important.

-12/12/23 Faith had a talk with her apprentice Gaelwyn .Showing her own unique way of pride. For her craft and friends. Not minding to much for herself. An idea for family and friends! You need multiple parts of a craft to work! So she believes this is important for Korogites!

-12/13/23 Faith had explained to her apprentice Kaede. About what Korog means to her and to obey your true liege. This includes bowing. Which makes Faith a tad uncomfortable. Due to her not being the Exalt or the like! Be obediant to your rightful liege.

-12/19/23 Faith had debated with Valtae about the gods. Including on what their true domains are. As no pantheon member declares the domain as mercy or the domain as Sound. Faith's voice booms out with a mettalic ring due to her being a part of a cult and her members. Yet, it does not make sense. Only specific members of the pantheon have true music or true sound. You need sound to speak, hear, and more.

-12/20/23 She had climbed the mountain nearby behind where the temple was located to get a bird's eye view. She has rescued a horse that was injured. Descending the mountain with a new companion believing that Korog is merciful to those that go to him in dire situations. Faith Meadow has to work on her horseback riding skills to rival Aleksei and Branko. Needing to be much quicker than Vowrawn on horseback. She'd recall her previous conversations with Valtae and Frost. Especially after yesterday, giving Valtae an invention to save lives or an idea. Of Mother's Embrace gloves. Beginning to gather the materials and using the horse to gather some stone once descending the mountain for her craft.

-12/22/2023 Faith had held a charity event. For animals nearby building the staals. As she believes that the snow rabit was to assist Faith in getting over her fear fully. Believing it to be a gift of Korog. She had gather Edger and her apprentice Snaxkz as the two discussed on what they wish to be in the faith. A great deal for the clergy for the two of them to finally meet! Which has made her go into a meditation state with her kitten snowflake afterwards at the shrine viewing that Scion's are not at fault and can be blessed. Along with Constructs for Korog. Due to now two of them reaching out to her!

-12/23/2023 Faith had attended the fire ceremony at Frostlight to burn people's greatest sins on a piece of paper. She took this as a chance to be forgiven, promising Korog that she would leave Nid Arach alone and destroying a book of the necromancers fort at Nid Arach.

-12/23/2023 Faith had finally prayed about getting a crafting station at the Underforge expanding! She said a prayer heading back from Storms landing making some nails for the cathedral. Once Albert had casted restore order on Faith while she was working being outraged she bit down her tongue going back to what she was doing.

-12/29/2023 Faith witnessed her apprentice get into carving making a pendant for Aster! She prayed over it with Fjord's daughter Lily!

- 4/28/2024 Faith assist Laicelem kill a demon general to rescue Sophie's soul in hell from Dranoden.

-11/22/2023 Archblossom Bow with Spidersilk bowstring. Faith said a prayer due to Kristoff lashing out at her cousin. Not apologizing due to a fair duel, going to be rude. As Faith went back to the coast. Demanding a proper apology before assisting in Nid Arach anymore. Defend your name and claims. Kristoff and Aleksei has not thanked Faith due to her efforts. As they are not honest with Faith's work. This includes not assisting defending The Coast and the mountains that are around in. (My own shrine in The Coast)
Tier 4

- 5/17/2024 Athryl exposed it is possible to mess with the mortal plane and bring people back. Affecting the mass people at large. Due to her own craft, Faith begins to work on crafting Vobby arrows to arm the pantheons blessed for the coming threat of The Know and the mages.

- Hosted a Sermon for a small group.

- Received the Boisterous ring from Thordil.

- Faith confronted the Arhfiend of Geo in hell in his lair. In the process freeing a couple of souls. (This was 2 events split up but marked as 1 on the website)

- Faith discussed her faith to Korog to the exalt of Visage.

- Faith had a deep conversation with Leofwine about Korog due to her being the first prophet of Korog for characters in years. Valtae offering her a solution to remove scars remaining unchange due to permeance. In refusing Valtae's health she would be reaking her oath to Korog.

- Faith talked to Rosie O'gee about who Korog was intruding him at the cathedral to the weaver halfling. Faith Meadow casted Vision on Rosie starting her Faith of being a Korogite similiar to being a traveling weaver such as Faith when she was younger. On 6/20/2024.


Smithing: Novice

Tailory work: Novice

Alchemy: Apprentice

Carving: Master (Seige equipment/Bowyer/Shipwright)
Ornamentalist: Novice



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Loyal Servant of Altera
Daily Routine:
- 4am: Wake up, Say a prayer to Korog.
- 5am: Eat breakfast praying for the meal.
- 6am: Do rounds, checking on the clergy.
- 7-9am: Head to her workshop and saying a prayer.
- 9-10am: She works with her apprentices.
- 10-11am: Holding a ceremony for the sinners of the coast and her friends.
- 11-12 am: Lunch and paperwork.
- 12-1pm: Poor Attempt at nobility training.
- 1-5pm: Workshop and crafting!
- 5-7pm: Prayer and dinner
- 8-10: Night rounds, prayer, and then sleep.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Oath log:
- 12/23/2023 [Oath of neutrality]

By the iron and mead within my blood, I hold this oath to you Korog. That I will not give intention the deception of Ignis and her followers. I take this oath, that I will only uphold neutrality to protect the balance, Permanence and neutrality for the realm. I shall observer your direction. I will remain faithful as I have been through the beginning of my new life. As Albert dared to question my loyalty to you at the grand cathedral. I shall become wiser as my years to come listening to my ally's and foes the like to improve and act out your will. As a child goes to their father for approval. I shall go to you in prayer.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Tier 3
As Faith diligently worked on upgrading the ship she had built for the Allfather, a stoic dwarf approached her on the dock, his golden eyes seeming otherworldly in her presence. "Need a hand?" he asked with a bellowing voice. For the afternoon, the two worked together in silence, updating pieces of the beloved vessel. Words were unnecessary; they both understood the task at hand and found solace in the work. As the sun began to set, the peculiar dwarf smiled at Faith before nodding and seemingly fading with the evening sun, returning once more to the Allfather. Yet, an echo of his voice remained, whispering, "Welcome to T3, our great crafter." In the night, Faith's power began to grow, and so too did her faith.