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Magic approved character list

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Lord of Altera
I recall you touching my head with lightning/electricity in rp once, I imagine that wouldn't do good on your hand either...
im conducting it on the tip of my finger, sure I cant feel my finger, but other than that its more just like taking a half-charged spark plug to your forehead. And yes, if I were to do so for a long time, i eventually would fry the nerves.


Lord of Altera
but think of it like this, im localizing the charged energies above my finger, which is still enough to conduct to it, but not enough to do serious damage to myself.

Edit: but for now, if you have questions relating how it works, and so on and so forth add me in a PM, lets keep this clean to applications only.


Legend of Altera
I'd like to request approval for magic, I've got Readi and maybe Sally if I need someone to vouch for me. I just use use various forms of magic, some are symbol-based, others are element based, and a weak hand at Alchemy. He uses magic in combat, due to his lack in swordsmanship.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Btw, this isnt the place for asking for approval.
Were building an app process for that.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil's ring is enchanted so that he is completely and utterly immune to fire. Until his energy runs out. Even if he did not have that, he is capable of shielding himself from heat with other magic. Even without that, the fact that he is possessed by a Demon gives him a slight resistance to fire.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Shortly after getting angry with Keaton when he said it was impossible for Basil to use magic without a staff.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
And exactly how have you been keeping the demon under control? Why havnt you ripped aprt everyone you see, trying to burn towns and urself alike?


Lord of Altera
And exactly how have you been keeping the demon under control? Why havnt you ripped aprt everyone you see, trying to burn towns and urself alike?
Shortly after getting angry with Keaton when he said it was impossible for Basil to use magic without a staff.
Legion has a point, Ari (my old char), and Legion's, are smart, sophisticated demons, whereas yours would just kill you inside out.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I wouldnt call mine sophisticated! Hed do just exactly what i said Basil would do, the only reason he doesnt is because I had an rp a long time ago where I recieved aid from the Immortal Kings that I needed to resist the demon in exchange for a lifetime of military service fighting against grief.

Kytaf was of a lesser order, and not all that powerful. Ari was a competent mage and he had others help. He was able to resist him to a large degree. But Ari also had made the contract, so the Demon was bound.


Lord of Altera
I wouldnt call mine sophisticated! Hed do just exactly what i said Basil would do, the only reason he doesnt is because I had an rp a long time ago where I recieved aid from the Immortal Kings that I needed to resist the demon in exchange for a lifetime of military service fighting against grief.

Kytaf was of a lesser order, and not all that powerful. Ari was a competent mage and he had others help. He was able to resist him to a large degree. But Ari also had made the contract, so the Demon was bound.
what I meant to a degree, but you seem to know better ways to word things :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
When I first got him, I was getting tired of constant... hostility Basil had against everything. So, I just made the RP reason that Basil completely and utterly ignores him. And if he attempted to disrupt Basil during a spell or something of that sort, Emegil would stop him.... Of course, I know very little of Demons, and I assume he would find a way around my defenses.... Simply at the time, I didn't want to bother. Now, though, it sounds amusing. Just never bothered to both you lot about it.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Well I was the original.
Blarg, ur gonna need to submit a character app if u want demon.
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