Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Maklehu (AZA) [Accepted - Jase]


Minecraft Username: Maklehu

Age: 18

Country & Timezone: US EASTERN TIME

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Meta gaming is using Info that your character does not know when IC, and Power gaming is forcing your actions upon other RPers, without leaving them time to react.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Howdy! I won't go saying my name, so just Call me "Mak" after my username! I love making characters and writing stories, and I am able to play characters quite well IMO! I like to sing, draw, and can even Alter my voice! I hope I can share this

Referral: I found it through searching for Medieval Fantasy RP servers tbh. I wanted to spread stories and make new ones!


{Character Section}
Character Name: Aza (Also known as "The Blood Lamb"


Race: Demonic Caparii

Appearance: Aza is quite unique, as his form is not natural. Aza is quite short, nearly missing the 5 ft mark. As well as this oddity, his fur is a pale red, and his eyes are a glowing Yellow, and sports a third eye, above and in between his other two. His Tearducts, as well as his hands and forearms are stained black, and he has an Ominous Rune Scorched into his chest. He wears Simple burlap pants, and over them, an oddly fine silk Waistcloth.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): Aza woke from a dreary slumber, his eyes still bleary. {Where Am I?} he wondered to himself, and as his Eyes cleared, he found he was strapped to a stone table, and a Hooded Stranger standing before him. In a hushed tone, the stranger said "Welcome, My Lord. What praytell, may your humble servants refer to you as?" Aza froze. {He had no recollection of anything before this encounter. nothing but a Burning feeling and his name}. "A-... Aza. My name is... Aza." The Hooded stranger took out an ancient looking book, and flipped through it vigorously. Once he found what he was looking for, he Squealed in delight, rushing out of the room. Aza was left alone to observe his surroundings. near the door, he noticed a multitude of bones and shackles, and noticed that the room was lit by Red candles in a circle. surrounding him. He Sat up, realizing he wasn't actually tied down, and found that he was laying on an intricate pattern written in blood. He turned away from the door, and stared longingly. A dark throne, ancient and regal, albeit crumbled. As he approached and began feeling the throne, he heard a commotion outside. Hiding behind the throne, he watched as a hooded stranger, along with a few others, burst through the door, and were quickly slain by a regal looking knight. When the noise died down, Aza carefully made his way to the door. As he stepped over the corpses of whoever they were, He found himself feeling hungry. He tried his best to maintain composure, but when he saw a pile of bodies ablaze, the smell of cooked and charred meat overtook him. He didn't realize the blaze had been blessed, until his black paws entered the blaze, and he screamed. He managed to pull out a small piece of meat however, and tried finding a weapon. He knew now what he was, and the world was going to hate him for it.



"Something need doing?"
Hey Mak,
Thanks for applying- interesting read here. Unfortunately while we do have caparii in our world, we do not have any demonic caparii in our world like the one you describe in your written test. Demons and their ilk do exist, but are not playable races. It is possible to start off as a caparrii and get possessed by a demon - as part of a current world campaign - but this cannot occur in backstory and would need to occur as a result of roleplay in game within the current campaign.

Please hence- either update what you have written above to reflect this, or change your character? Best to start small amd learn the world, rather than play a larger than life sort of character when starting out. Thoughts?


Hello there... Jace! I thank you for the criticism! For the most part, The Character Aza is one of my own translated into this world's Lore, so some things do not make sense indeed. Aza in my own story is intended to be Summoned for well... Sacrifice. Aza has no special powers as a demon other that being able to tap into dreams. But he's solid enough that summoning him allows one to unceremoniously kill him for demon blood, for stronger rituals. And a more sinister use, being holy knights using his blood to cleanse themselves of sin, as he is by all accounts, helpless, aka... He is shunned and hated and feared, and is too weak to stop it, having to scrounge for tools as most would refuse to trade. However, Looking through your Critiques, I find that some things can possibly be arranged. Perhaps a Caparii is used to Summon him as a Vessel to his true form? I am unsure of how to incorporate him myself, though I'd be happy to hear what you'd think I should do!


"Something need doing?"
Unfortunately while they are good themes, I am struggling to see how this sort of character can exist in Altera as you have written it.

We don't allow new characters to start off having demonic possession or having any memories or experience around demons. Any interactions with demons would need to be done in game and pursued as goals in character.

Perhaps instead of having demonic roots/heritage- your character has an keen interest in demons and wishes to find out more (but is afraid that asking strangers about them would attract the attention of the holy orders)?

My advice- start your character off as someone who is inquisitive and purely a mundane- and them allow RP to dictate where they go and what they decide.


Minecraft Username: Maklehu

Age: 18

Country & Timezone: US EASTERN TIME

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Meta gaming is using Info that your character does not know when IC, and Power gaming is forcing your actions upon other RPers, without leaving them time to react.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Howdy! I won't go saying my name, so just Call me "Mak" after my username! I love making characters and writing stories, and I am able to play characters quite well IMO! I like to sing, draw, and can even Alter my voice! I hope I can share this

Referral: I found it through searching for Medieval Fantasy RP servers tbh. I wanted to spread stories and make new ones!


{Character Section}
Character Name: Aza (Also known as "The Blood Lamb"


Race: Caparii

Appearance: Aza is quite unique, As his story was at one point tragic. Aza was part of a small caravan of Caparii travelling from city to city. He bore Resemblance between a lighthoof's body, and a Red's facial structure. He was told stories of monsters and demons as a child, and being the only Caparii that wasn't a lighthoof, he felt alienated, and related to those monsters and demons more than his own people, desiring to know more. Aza is quite short, nearly missing the 5 ft mark. As well as this oddity, his fur is originally white, has been stained pale red, and his eyes are a bright Yellow. Two long streaks under his eyes, as well as his hands and forearms are stained a dark Umber, and he has an Ominous Rune Scorched into his chest. He wears Simple burlap pants, and over them, an oddly fine silk Waistcloth. He searches constantly for a mage, wizard, or even cult that would help him know more, and fears the Holy Orders and their Judgemental Stares.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): *Aza entered the Tavern quietly, His hood hiding his face.* As if on cue, everyone noticed the visitor, and found him unsettling.* He avoided Eye contact, and made his way to the barkeep, ignoring the gossip* The Barkeep, stared at him, and notioned him to a seat. A customer is a customer. *Aza sat, and looked around in the room* "May I have... a simple glass of water?" The Barkeep was put off slightly, as most people come in for Ale or Mead. *When the Barkeep entered the kitchen to fetch Aza's order, a rough looking Mercenary approached Aza* "So, Caparii, Where'd ya get them Stains?" Speaking through his teeth. Aza let his gaze meet the mans, and The Man almost dreaded it. "I don't think it's your business." The man gritted his teeth. "Perhaps I should call in the Holy guard, you filthy Demon lover-" As soon as the man ushered these words, Aza had a dull dagger pressed to his throat. "Don't. I do not mean any trouble. I just want a glass of water." The Merc backed away and sat back down with his crew in the corner, as the Barkeep came back with a glass of slightly Murky water. *Aza's eyes lit up at the sight of the glass, and chugged it down as if he hadn't had water in months.* The Barkeep, wishing to get him out quickly to keep people from leaving themselves asked, "So, that'll be... lets say 4 gold pieces" *Aza looked up at him, and sat a coinpurse on the table, with a note "Keep Quiet" Attached, and left* Aza went into a dark alley way, and an Old Mage immerged. "So, You wish to complete your... 'Transformation'?" Aza, with eyes glimmering like blazing ember, replied...

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"Something need doing?"
Better, but your character shouldn't know much at all about demons to start with. A simple interest is at most what Aza should have of these things.

Aza also shouldn't have glowing yellow eyes and black tear ducts. Please keep to standard caparii lore to start with.


Minecraft Username: Maklehu

Age: 18

Country & Timezone: US EASTERN TIME

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Meta gaming is using Info that your character does not know when IC, and Power gaming is forcing your actions upon other RPers, without leaving them time to react.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Howdy! I won't go saying my name, so just Call me "Mak" after my username! I love making characters and writing stories, and I am able to play characters quite well IMO! I like to sing, draw, and can even Alter my voice! I hope I can share this

Referral: I found it through searching for Medieval Fantasy RP servers tbh. I wanted to spread stories and make new ones!


{Character Section}
Character Name:
Aza (Also known as "The Blood Lamb"

Age: 23- 28 (?)

Race: Caparii

Appearance: Aza is quite unique, As his story was at one point tragic. Aza was part of a small caravan of Caparii travelling from city to city. He bore Resemblance between a lighthoof's body, and a Red's facial structure. He was told stories of monsters and demons as a child, and being the only Caparii that wasn't a lighthoof, he felt alienated, and related to those monsters and demons more than his own people, desiring to know more. Aza is quite short, nearly missing the 5 ft mark. As well as this oddity, his fur is originally white, and his eyes are a bright Yellowish green. Two long streaks under his eyes, as well as his hands and forearms are stained a dark Umber. He wears Simple burlap pants, and over them, an oddly fine silk Waistcloth. He searches constantly for a mage, wizard, or even cult that would help him know more, and fears the Holy Orders and their Judgemental Stares.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): *Aza entered the Tavern quietly, His hood hiding his face.* As if on cue, everyone noticed the visitor, and found him unsettling.* He avoided Eye contact, and made his way to the barkeep, ignoring the gossip* The Barkeep, stared at him, and notioned him to a seat. A customer is a customer. *Aza sat, and looked around in the room* "May I have... a simple glass of water?" The Barkeep was put off slightly, as most people come in for Ale or Mead. *When the Barkeep entered the kitchen to fetch Aza's order, a rough looking Mercenary approached Aza* "So, Caparii, How many people did ya murder to get that red, huh?" Speaking through his teeth. Aza let his gaze meet the mans, and The Man almost dreaded it. "I don't think it's your business." The man gritted his teeth. "Perhaps I should call in the Holy guard, you filthy freak!-" As soon as the man ushered these words, Aza had a dull dagger pressed to his throat. [Aza was terrified, he had gotten so far, he wasn't about to let a cruel man get in his way] "Don't. I do not mean any trouble. I just want a glass of water." The Merc backed away and sat back down with his crew in the corner, as the Barkeep came back with a glass of slightly Murky water. *Aza's eyes lit up at the sight of the glass, and chugged it down as if he hadn't had water in months.* The Barkeep, wishing to get him out quickly to keep people from leaving themselves asked, "So, that'll be... lets say 4 gold pieces" *Aza looked up at him, and sat a coinpurse on the table, with a note "Keep Quiet" Attached, and left* Aza went into a dark alley way, and an Old Mage immerged. "So, You wish to complete your... 'Transformation'?" Aza, with eyes glimmering like blazing ember, replied...

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"Something need doing?"
No interaction with magic in your stories, this needs to be done in game.

For the appearance of Aza-
Why are his eyes yellow-green? Why is his fur 'stained red' and why is the 'ominous' rune scorched on his chest (and how)?

Your apearance for Aza should stick to the established lore within the world. Any changes should come from your interactions in that world.


Well, I didn't think that coloring his eyes yellowish green would be an issue, It's more of a variation of green. and The Rune and fur are given reason by his own weird fashion choices, but I can remove those if needed. And with the story, that itself is a hypothetical, something that would possibly happen later in the story.


"Something need doing?"
Leave the rune off for now- and allow rp to dictate where that goes. The eyes should be mostly green. If you are calling it like a warmish green that's probably alright. I just don't want a caparrii with yellow eyes or something akin to that.

That said- welcome to Hollowworld :)
Let me know if you need any help settling in!



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
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