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[Metropolis] Heaven's Reach - The city of architects

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Grand Architect
Settlement Name: Heavens Reach
Mayor: Aug88
Assistant Mayors : tomtomgags, Skounkb1, MrSidgen, James_Dawkins, bodejodel, Kehza, JDMcnuget
Current Wealth: 250,000+ Radiants
X: 2381 Y: 1820 Z: 128
Population: 95

Deity: The Master Builder
Groups and Organisations : The Order of the Hammerites, HR Guards (contact JDMcnugget)

Link to location on map: Coming soon!
Daily Tax Rate: NO TAX
Cheapest Plot Cost: Free
Biggest Plot Cost: Free

Description / Introduction:

HEAVEN'S REACH: The City Of Craft
Heaven's Reach, centered in the Skylight hills, is an ancient city of craftsmen and engineers. Its people are drawn from all over the realms, all come to participate in the ongoing creation of one of Altera's greatest cities. HR is ruled Benevolently by the it's Cheif Architect, Lord Aug88. The Official Religion of the City Is The Ancient And Revered Order Of The Hammerites, the Worshipers of the Master builder.

The City of Heaven's Reach was Founded by Aug88 sometime after Queen Greif's attacks on Altera. Lord Aug was separated from the rest of the Alteran Army during an incursion by the Minions of Greif.

An excerpt from "The life of Aug88" describing the events which led to Aug founding his city:

Stunned, and greivously injured, he saw in the distance, a Shining city, a city of light and beauty, where craftsmen and engineers of all times and worlds walked the streets under the sign of the Hammer. Then, as he began to weep at the knowledge that he could not reach that city as he was, he felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice in his ear. "Arise, Aug! Awaken from the despair which the trickster hath cast upon thee! Arise and walk forward into the forge-fire, unafraid! For this time is My crucible in which I shall gather the worthy in spirit and in works, and from which the impure and weak shall be burned! Take this Hammer as Thy sign, and bear it with thee always, And in it's shadow, thou shall never fail to Triumph!" And Lo! His wounds were healed and he rose to his feet and grasped the hammer which had been given him, and set out, clothed in conviction, to create that city which he had seen.

The events that immediately preceeded the Founding of HR are muddled, but Historical records show that under the Sign of the Hammer, Aug founded first tAaROoH, then the city proper, with the intention of drawing together some of the best craftsmen, engineers, masons and architects in all the worlds.

Centered in the Skylight Hills lies the acient city of Heaven's Reach the city of craftsmen...

Heavens reach a city that worships The Master Builder an architectical god of creation
With the castle on the highest mountain and the village surrounding it Heavens Reach lies in a valley itself making the hills a perfect protection from the outside world.

thou wantst to visit our peacefull city ? ye shall visit our voxel on the Port Silver Harbour...

Following in the Builders footsteps allows thee to create structures worthy of The Builder
Does thou choose not to but sweat from thine brow...Thou shallst be struck down with thy structure....

Heavens Reach Castle

The Builder sees all...and if thou art without penny and wishes humble life...The builder blesses thee

Thou art an craftsman...Strong and tough, Not only the Hammer is a worthy tool but so is the shovel
Set thy eyes upon our underground part of the city, Thou hast to find it for thyself tho...

The Master Builder !

The Art of the craft is what we look for. people who want to live in a beautifull city in development, With the sweat of your brow Heavens Reach can be your city...

Last but not least the harbour village/Slums

More to come soon !


<3 Hollow World
I would like to add that this town is in one of the most beautiful spots on the server, if not the very best area on Altera currently. It's a staggering location :D


Grand Architect
ah yes i almost forgot that i want to give credit to Halfmad for helping me search for an area and pointing me out to this !


Lord of Altera
here is a Screenshot of the newly moved Heaven's Reach.

at sunrise (puts on his hipster glasses.) because taking photos at night or the middle of the day is so mainstream.



Sparkly purple member of the team
I just have to say the event that took place on Heaven's Reach was probably one of the most fun things I ever took part off in a game.
Clap clap clap


<3 Hollow World
For info folks:
Player banned for griefing the arena door area, no appeal as yet but I'm not happy about someone griefing a community build:

louieeeeeeee Griefing HR arena. Appeal on forums. halfmad 2011-12-03 12:13:01 Permanent

All damage has been rolled back.
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