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[Metropolis] Heaven's Reach - The city of architects

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Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
hey aug? why am i no longer a part of heavens reach? i would like to rejoin but im kinda fed up with al-l of the problems ive had on this server.....


Lord of Altera
Heaven's Reach Imperial Reforms
Times change and so does Heaven's Reach with the announcement of the discontinuation of the current Militia and the introduction of the newly founded H.R. Imperial Army. Uniforms will be shown below.

Important Information:
-This is just the uniform design, not your character. You may edit any facial features to any extent you
wish to suit your original skin. Yes, you may edit the armor to a lesser extent to your desire.
-Any and all members of Heaven's Reach are welcome to join the Armed Forces, contact myself
or Lord Aug in-game for more information. Friends of Heaven's Reach are welcome as well.
-You are not forced to wear this skin at all times should you choose. Under the circumstances
that you are able to put it on when called to duty by either King Aug or myself.
-Being part of the Imperial Regiments means that you now are provided with a number of
bonus's including the provision of weapons, armor and recognition in the City.

Chose uniform depending on requirements set.
Auxillary- Standard Rank for all newcomers.
Legionairre- Battle proven men, sworn loyalty to the Guard (chosen by Centurion+)
Centurion- Veteran members of the Guard (specifically chosen by the Captain).

Want to join? PM either Aug, MrSidgen, Tomtom, of myself in-game


Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
Aug i found a glitch with the town voxel where i have spawned in the water and drowned and by the time i got there it despawned, this has annoyed me since i have lost about 10k worth of stuff

Lost: Diamond
Diamond pickaxe
My Fathers armour and sword (Rp items)
all my stone bricks for a quest
and alot more


Lord of Altera
Aug i found a glitch with the town voxel where i have spawned in the water and drowned and by the time i got there it despawned, this has annoyed me since i have lost about 10k worth of stuff

Lost: Diamond
Diamond pickaxe
My Fathers armour and sword (Rp items)
all my stone bricks for a quest
and alot more
Honestly it's not just H.R. that it occurs (for myself at least), plus you must of been AFK due to the fact you are able to swim up. I'm not trying to be prude at all but I don't totally believe that it is Heavens Reach's fault that your stuff was lost. Correct me if I am wrong..


Grand Architect
indeed i told the admins several times its really anoying and some other voxels have it to as JD said
i really want it fixed trust me im sorry but the city cannot be helt responsible for your item lost sorry


Lord of Altera
To all newcomers, residents and viewers I would like to assure and inform you that Heaven's Reach has not fallen into the abyss (figuratively). Rather the opposite. H.R. as of late has been on a building campaign in which we "as the builders" do not have much time to properly develop social events to the full potential, that would normally take place. Rest assured once the City is complete all residents will have our utmost attention, due remember H.R. has not forgotten about you or Altera. Thank you for your patience.
Until then,


I think I might like it here
Aug, What happened to Ft Alton? I haven't been on the server in a while because our Internet is down, and Ive only been able to mooch Internet time at the library and such. I had a Hella lot of Items in the crypt below the Alton Chapel, Including my personal library and About 4 stacks of books.


Lord of Altera
Alton has been moved to a more remote location on the outskirts of the mountain range surrounding the City, though due note it has been changed for Military purposes. Your belongings are still where they should be.


I think I might like it here
There was more beneath my chapel that is still under there somewhere. I had built some stuff under it, and hidden the way down behind some paintings in the chapel below my crypt. Is there any way to find and retrieve it?


Lord of Altera
I'll show you where it is located in-game if you haven't already seen. From what I looked there is a room full of chests locked by you underneath the Chapel, if that makes any consolation.


I think I might like it here
I already found the fort when I posted my previous statment. I know the Secret area I'm talking about wasn't moved because I had logged off in there before the fort was moved, and when I logged in again, I found my way up blocked by stone. I'm not blaming anyone, or whingeing about unfair treatment, but Id at least like to find the area. Also, Its down pretty deep, 15+ blocks down, so simply digging around under the former site of the fort is not really feasible.


This place is amazing! My friend and and I really want to join. Care to add Lachboy and nazza2011 please? :D
I keep meaning to ask you in-game, but neither of us are on at the same time. >_<
After ending my first day in Altera with being accepted into Heaven's Reach, I must say that I can foresee a prosperous future working alongside you all. Thank you for allowing this one access to such a beautiful place to call home, you will not regret it. :)


I think I might like it here
This city looks awesome. Can't wait to join and start experiencing true roleplay. My in game name is herpd3rp.
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