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On Dual-Wielding and Spinning in Fights


Lord of Altera
I mean, you can dual weild fencing sabres, because you can slash, parry, etc.

But an offhand rapier (Or Foil, Epee, etc.) is a narrow, thin, piercing instrument.
Maintaining typical stance, I tend to lead with my left.
One rapier is used more for deflecting blows, generally done with the off hand weapon.
The other is used as your primary weapon.

As I mentioned, I don't typically dual wield.
It's tiring.
It's complicated.
It's not the best method.


Retired Staff
I've always wondered why dual wielding seems to be preferred to, say... a shield with a spike on it.


Lord of Altera
Rapier alone
Raper and dagger
Rapier and buckler/heater
Rapier and cloak
Rapier and rapier

These are all historically documented and usable methods.

Again I'm partial to sword and shield because of how well they work together. But all of these combos were used and taught


The Arbiter of the Gods
Rapier alone
Raper and dagger
Rapier and buckler/heater
Rapier and cloak
Rapier and rapier

These are all historically documented and usable methods.

Again I'm partial to sword and shield because of how well they work together. But all of these combos were used and taught
That much is true, but the use of double rapier isn't the most popular of the lot by far :p