Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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On the judicious use of (ooc) while talking in RP


I think I might like it here
Premise: Using (OOC) while in RP destroys immersion. A good roleplayer will strive to use (OOC commentary) only when absolutely necessary.

Fellow roleplayers, are you frustrated by what starts off as a promising RP interaction only to have it tarnished by players spamming RP with OOC commentary? Are you frustrated when you see statements like these clogging up your roleplay experience?

Player1: (LOL)
Player2: (hey what do you think of my new skin?)
Player3: (Yeah, just got back from work.)
Player4: (gtg, dinner)

Just remember these handy tips for removing unsightly OOC from your RP conversations:

#1) Many OOC messages are really a side conversation with a single player. As such, be mindful of other players' experiences and message that person privately. Remember that '@player' is a quick way to get the message exactly where it needs to go and improves everyone's experience.*

#2) Is what you are about to say in OOC something that can be brought into the roleplay? If so, use the opportunity! If not, consider the old maxim "silence is golden". And consider it silently.

#3) If 1 and 2 do not apply to your situation, take a moment to consider whether every player trying to enjoy the RP needs to hear what you have to say. Odds are it would find a better home in /ch house, /ch ooc, or the forum.

#4) Some cases do call for use of OOC commentary, but they should be few and far between. For example, an instructor at the University of Altera might need to say (Everyone, join '/ch sparring' if you will be in this class.)

Good roleplayers strive to only use (OOC commentary) as little as possible.
The very best never resort to (OOC) at all.

Now get out there and up your game!

* protip: As Sally points out in this thread, only the first few letters are needed to get the message where it needs to go. Has the thought of typing '@ReallyLongPlayer_Name12' stopped you in the past? Go pro and use '@rea' instead!