Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Pickerwick's application [Approved - Charybdis]


1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. What is your age?

3. What country are you from?

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides.
Yes, I have.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is use of information, available to the player in character, even if character never obtained such information in game.
Powergaming us use of skills or level of skills character never obtained. Ultimately deciding the final outcome of character's actions without considering outside phenomena, including reactions of other characters.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
No, you do not.

7. Name one of our current Mentors.

8. Tell us about yourself!
I enjoy a bit of a journey to another worlds through sci-fi and fantasy (the crazier the better), that is why I am here now. As for music, it is hard to tell. I go by bands rather than styles: Pink Floyd, Opeth, Phillip Glass, bring it all on. I have studied art history at uni. I dont work with art now, but it is still my greatest hobby, together with history.

9. Do you have any examples of your work?
I will share some via forum..eventually..promise.

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?

About Your Character!

Character Name:
“Foxtail” Foce

Character Age:

Character Race:

Foce is tall and skinny. His red hair earned him a nickname “Foxtail”. He wears them cut short, yet this changes often as he found annoying to cut them regularly and costly to periodically visit a barber. On the other hand he takes a great pride in his fashionable dwarven styled sideburns

He often squints his blue eyes due to unlucky case of shortsightedness.

Foce prefers practical clothing: though leather vest over simple shirt or tunic is his favorite.

Written Test!

On an eve of a fourth day Foce, called by some for his red hair Foxtail, realized he is completely lost. “An alchemist, should have wide set of skills, they said.” He murmured under his breath. ”Even a mere apprentice must have a good knowledge of his ingredients and how to gather them!” This was all clear to him. However no one told him, that knowledge of how not to be eaten by horrible monster in the middle of Sorrows, was prerequisite. He knew setting sun would soon force him to find yet another birch tree to spend night on, but allowed himself one last look eastwards. Over the flat plains he hoped to see someone. Maybe, more experienced traveler, an eventual way back to civilization. To his surprise he actually saw something. There was a light. Small and flickering, like a candle on windowsill. It stood bright against quickly darkening eastern sky. “I never thought someone lives out here” Foce almost shouted. Then shook his head embarrassed how often he talked to himself aloud these days.

Source of light indeed was a candle. Not in the window, but situated on doorframe. Apparently its sole purpose was to guide lost travelers to a humble hut build of adobe with roof covered in sod. This gesture of hospitality melted Foxtail`s heart. He knocked on the plank door without hesitation. ”Coming” sounded from inside. A soothing voice of older woman. She opened and smile on her lips froze. “Come in” she gestured inside a warm and dry hovel, taking a cautious look outside “take a seat, warm yourself. Dinner should be soon cooked. I promise I won’t ask any questions, no one will find you here.” Words of thanks stuck in Foce`s throat. Did she take him for criminal on the run? Quick look on his clothes made him realize, he really looked like someone who has been avoiding people for weeks. “Oh, nothing like that,” he tried to mend first impression” In fact I would love someone to find me. I am Foce an apprentice, who got lost on a simple quest to gather some ingredients. Well I was an apprentice, but after this failure...” Woman’s face softened “Even if you are not on the run, invitation stands. My name is Moran.”

During the dinner Foxtail talked about his misfortunate adventure into sorrows and bits and pieces from his comfortable life in a big city. Moran listened carefully. Sometimes she frowned, sometimes burst in laughter, but when story came to an end she sat quietly, thinking. “I have an idea Foce, let us play a game. It is an old one and you might not know it, but I show you what to do. There is one catch however. The winner may ask favor, and the one who lost must comply, whatever the favor is. ” Even though dead tired, Foce nodded. Favor or two were the least he could do for woman, who saved his life. Game was strange. It featured unevenly tiled desk and sets of figures, each moving in different obscure patterns. Foxtail has never seen it before, but with Moran’s help he managed to learn it quickly and not long after found himself having an upper hand ”I can`t really beat her like this, after all she has done for me” he thought. Moran loved this game. That much was certain from the way she played. One bad move and Foce gave victory to her. Moran was apparently upset “You let me win! Don’t you know such things insults Jax. Whatever blessing you might have had from him is gone” Foce has been startled by Moran`s sudden change of tone. ”Very well you lost. Now, you must do whatever I say.” In hours they played he almost forgot the condition. ”Fine, what is it you ask of me?” She grinned. ”You will serve me.” Foxtails couldn’t believe his ears “that is hardly one favor.” he tried to protest. “It will by many favors I assure you.” she replied ”but you lost by cheating, so I can cheat now.”

Foce eventually accepted terms of his service. After all, he had no idea how to find his way out of Sorrows. Moran also suggested a condition to end the service, which at the time seemed reasonable: He could leave when bunting sang. Several days spent Foxtails with his ears tuned, but hadn’t heard a single bunting chirp. He asked Moran about the bird. She assured him buntings indeed lived near her home, but since it was the middle of the spring they had to wait more than a half of a year to see one again.

Thou he felt cheated and was rebellious from the start, Foce soon realized his service was actually a Moran`s strange way to teach him things and skills, he never had. From simple sewing, to fishing and hunting. He worked with a wood and a clay. Under pretense of using him for her chores, she slowly passed basic knowledge of wilderness and things man needs to survive alone of the land. Eventually they grew fond of each other and when first snow brought buntings back, their goodbye became long and difficult.
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Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
Hello, your application looks good for the most point. However, please have a look at our lore concerning science and technology {here}, as we do not have clockwork due to the setting and technological timelock for the world of Altera. That isn't to say inventions in-character are not allowed, however, you will have to contact the lore team of our staff for each discovery, invention, etc, to be approved to ensure it is lore compliant and setting-appropriate.

Please reply to this thread when you have adjusted this accordingly and I will have another look.


Hello, thanks for reply.
By "clockowork" I actually ment Dondi or Al-Jaziri,level of stuff and honestly went a bit over the top. I feel like if I went with a previous character idea I would be tempted to strain technology lore a little too much (like with that chariot). Therefore I had scraped previous character altogether, and tried something tottaly different.
Please take a look at this new one.


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Discord & Server IP
Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore & The Lore Book
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
In-Game Character Cards
Donate to the Server!

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points:

+ Do not powergame, metagame or use x-ray texturepacks on the server! Our moderation team makes sure to deal with severe reports.
+ Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.

+If you'd like to provide any feedback, concerns, suggestions, or otherwise on our application process, please feel free to contact me here on the forums.+