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Pickpocket's Pocket Guide to Picking Pockets

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  • Yes

    Votes: 21 91.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 8.7%

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Lord of Altera
Its a pocket that isn't necessarily 'trapped' so to say but it has a sharp object that you could stab yourself on if you dont kniw it's there. Or if it is trapped it might have oil or ink in it. Also pockets that look like pockets but they're stitched up half way so of you stick your hand in and don't know you'll tug the pocket and bam they know you were tryna pick ya pocket


Don't really understand how this would work. Shouldn't you only count exterior pockets? Otherwise, I'm lining Morgan's coat with as many pockets as I can, inside and out.

I also don't really get the trapped pocket thing. Is it like one of those Chinese Finger Traps? Do fake pockets count even though they aren't "trapped"? What about a mugger's wallet (fake coin purse)?

Bottom line is, I like the idea but it needs to be thought through a bit more.



Lord of Altera
the idea is to use some common sense here, you can't expect me to write out a method behind every single possibility. I did explain the idea of trapped pockets, yes fake pockets count as well as duds, it's just a covering term to go over them all. you need to think for yourself as this is more of a basic guidline and as always people are going to have their own way to do it. As long as it's fair to everyone involved it's fine


I never asked you to write out a method for every possibility. In fact, I "liked" the idea and merely said it needs to be thought through "a bit more". I think you were a bit quick to jump to the disagree button.


Lord of Altera
Well I did disagree with your comment, I just stated that one can't expect me to file every possibility to discourage others from doing the same sort of thing. I also feel that as a basic guide line there is enough thought put in and players need to simply use their brains while using this method.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
I think dud pockets is a better overall term for the next time you update it.