Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ProudRoach's Application [Accepted - Jase]


{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: ProudRoach

Age: 24

Country & Timezone: Mountain Time

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Meta-gaming is using OOC information IC. Ex: Pretending my character knows something because I read it on the forums. Power-gaming is forcing something IC instead of rolling or using an in game mechanic to decide the outcome. Ex: When you're on the trampoline with your cousin and when he says he hits you with a spell you say "No I'm invincible!"

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: My name is Tristan. I grew up farming but irrigation not livestock, and I am not very country. I am a college student and an engineer. I have played on other RP servers and the ridiculous amount of D&D rules made it hard to enjoy playing because I had to constantly have many tabs open to double check everything. I am hoping that this one has only just enough rules to make it well-rounded.

Referral: Minecraft-MP


{Character Section}
Character Name: Ko Zerog

Age: 19

Race: Caparii

Appearance: Ko is built like a Greathorn but is rather feral like a Red. He is not pureblooded. He is almost 6 ft tall and 180 lbs. Blue-green eyed and gray haired. He has only one horn left and it has since grown around the back of his skull to the other side of his head where the other horn's stump is. He wears leather armor with a dirtied and ripped shawl over his torso.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attached on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words):
An old abandoned church stands in the forest. A small bell can be heard ringing.

*Ko enters the old church*

Upon entering Ko notices many poorly made paintings of the Caparii Queen and his attention is drawn to the sound of the bells once again.

*Ko walks down the row of pews looking at his right where the sound is coming from*

An old frail Caparii woman whispers fae in the corner.

*Ko attempts to help the old lady* {This is seriously freaking me out}<Fae: Are you okay? What's going on?>

The Caparii woman turns around and begins to chant in Infernal.

*Ko attempts to run*
/statroll soul detemination #
*Ko becomes increasingly frightened and being the chicken he is, freezes*

The Caparii woman grows leather wings and her shape begins to lose itself while she screams in pain. She turns to smoke and her soul leaves her body racing past Ko to the center of the church and rising before breaking through the ceiling to return to the Hellscape, its contract unfulfilled.

*Ko stands there unable to turn around in fear it may be standing there to finish him*

In the place the lady was standing there could be seen a shimmer.

*Ko walks very slowly toward the shimmer while slowly turning his head to look behind him.*

The shimmering came from a wedding ring which lies in the center of a circle of dead bodies. It becomes obvious that whatever ritual was attempted here had failed and something awful had happened to the Caparii woman and possibly her husband. The ring reads "<Fae: My Beloved". Ko's fear is overcome by a feeling of vengeance.

{I will find her husband or his grave and have at the one who cursed their covenant to each other} <Fae: Or die trying.>

After several weeks of asking people in the nearest town about the church, Ko had gathered that the church belonged to a couple,

"a priest and his adulturous broad." he was told by a drunken Caparii.

He discovered the wife was tired of the monotonous day to day of being a priest's wife and after she had gone missing for almost an entire season, she began to act oddly once she returned.

"My sister would never behave in such a way. I hate hearing our community speak of her. All I wanted is her to come home and I guess I got what I wanted."

People belonging to the church began to go missing themselves. Those who noticed and were frightened stopped attending, those who stayed began to die off.

"The priest tried his hardest to get me to stay but I didn't want to be a part of the mystery." Ko was told by the guards.

Ko deduced that the woman had been possessed or joined a cult and killed all those below her in order to perform a ritual but had been tricked into damning her soul.

Ko stands at the grave of the priest and his wife which he dug himself.

*Ko ties a string through the wedding ring and wraps it around his neck to remind himself never to be fooled by silver tongued cultists and madmen. He begins to cry.*

Ko can't help but feel like a failure not having been able to find any real clues or even run from the woman. He subconsciously fears that he may never be able to help anyone ever.


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"Something need doing?"
Hey ProudRoach,
Thanks for your application to Hollowworld. Most of it is looking good- however there are a few things which you are going to have to change before I can whitelist you:
- Good to see that you have read up on Infernals and their kin. However, that said, please do not include mention of them in your character's backstory. Demons and fiends need to be met in character in-game, instead of via backstory.​
- Please also change the horn quirk. Seems a little bit odd, and without a good lore-approved explanation of why it's curling like that, it really shouldn't be there.​


{Character Section}
Character Name:
Ko Zerog

Age: 19

Race: Caparii

Appearance: Ko is built like a Greathorn but is rather feral like a Red. He is not pureblooded. He is almost 6 ft tall and 180 lbs. Blue-green eyed and gray haired. His horns are brown and curve backward. He wears leather armor with a dirtied and ripped shawl over his torso.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attached on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words):
Ko was raised by strict parents. His father, Baran, never really taught him much, but would often make fun of him when he did something wrong. As if he should have just known. Baran owned a carpentry shop where he would make common household items for their community. His mother, Zel, was religious and didn't really believe carpentry was a suitable profession for a Caparii given they are supposed to protect the forest. She would often complain and try to have him make his rolling pins and canes with already dead and rotting wood.

On one occasion, to please Zel, Baran told Ko to use the dead wood knowing it would not turn out well. Once Ko had finished with the rolling pin, Baran was expecting it to be a failure. But, to Baran's surprise, the rolling pin looked identical to his others, only a bit glossy. To hide that the wood was rotten, Ko had used some kind of nut oil as a lacquer. Baran began to use rotten wood for many of his simpler products and introduced the lacquer to the furniture as well.

Once Ko turned 13, his father announced he would be giving the shop to Ko.

<Fae: Because you are my only son, Ko, you will inherit our family business. It may be many years from now, but I want you to provide for this community as I have.>

Ko did not enjoy wood working. Not because he himself was religious, but because he wanted to find his own success.

<Fae: You're much too cowardly to fight anything Ko, just do as you are told.>

That night, Zel had also tried to convince him to live his life her way. That's how he saw it, anyways.

Ko's friends looked up to him because of his size. They had no idea he didn't have the confidence to match. They would often pretend to be heroes of the forest and Ko would play the villain to give his friends the feeling of having beat a larger enemy.

As they grew older his friends became religious and those who didn't moved to live with the humans. Ko wasn't very religious and he didn't know where to find success. He considered trying to live with the humans but he feared he would not fit in. He began to lose his ambition and by the time he turned 19 he had a bit of a drinking problem. He started to spend his time either drinking alone or drinking with outcasts of the community and getting into trouble.

Ko decided he would move and finally figure out what to do with himself.



"Something need doing?"


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
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