Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
"Your words reveal more about your character than about the Engem. Which is on par with a bedpan."

- Malthus


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Ilia "You are going to accept my money or I'll chop off your manhood and sell it as meat"
Last edited:


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"... I also heard news that you hold my daughter, Violet."

*Folds his arms* "What does it matter to you?"

"Well, Thorius. She is my daughter."


"... I also heard news that you hold my daughter, Violet."

*Folds his arms* "What does it matter to you?"

"Well, Thorius. She is my daughter."
"Tell me why I should not just order bolts to be shot at you and your companions." *Raising an eyebrow in expectation.*
"... Best answer this well, Nwalme."


Lord of Altera
*Tybakt runs into an assassination attempt fail horribly while Scouting Haven*


*sees Ardy getting stabbed and slinks back out the way he came*

(Which one of y'all shut the door on me....I had to wait it out and hide till someone opened it again :p


Lord of Altera
"Is this what Juno would want Frost, more death?

Goodbye sister, <Mok'yra: I love you>."

*Le guillotine falls onto his neck*


Lord of Altera
Thorious: "Are you branding me a Tyrant aswell like all of you fools? I do not even want to meddle with barbarians."

Tybalt: "I brand you as nothing, I am just stating facts"

"And I brand you as a loudmouth child. I want them to stay out of the duche' d' Azerwind"

"And I invite them with open arms as my brethren into the free lands of Marr"

*steps forward pulling his sleeve back, revealing his Green tattoos signifying that he is an Engem holding his arm straight out to his side with his hand balled into a fist*
"I hold true to the Engem ideals."



Lord of Altera
Thorious: "Are you branding me a Tyrant aswell like all of you fools? I do not even want to meddle with barbarians."

Tybalt: "I brand you as nothing, I am just stating facts"

"And I brand you as a loudmouth child. I want them to stay out of the duche' d' Azerwind"

"And I invite them with open arms as my brethren into the free lands of Marr"

*steps forward pulling his sleeve back, revealing his Green tattoos signifying that he is an Engem holding his arm straight out to his side with his hand balled into a fist*
"I hold true to the Engem ideals."

You do know tybalt's playing with fire, right? :p