Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Som had some good ones tonight~

"Being a Sentinel should not determine the quality of our character. That should be evident before we ever assume the post."


"If there is something I can learn that could someday save the life of someone close to me-
...mundane or otherwise..
Then I will learn it.
If it is even possible for me to spend one day with Dayter past his natural lifespan..
So that I have less of my own to spend alone-
I will do it without hesitation."

EDIT: @TheDeester @Deash12
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Lord of Altera
Not even remotely surprised at that
If you watched the new version of Romeo and Juliet with what's his face in it (12 o clock it escapes me)

When Tybalt and others are at the gas station shooting it up there is a sign behind him that says add more fuel to your fire :3


Lord of Altera
"They're fuelling a fire that will be their destruction."
- Alanna Marr-Rhett -
Not even remotely surprised at that
If you watched the new version of Romeo and Juliet with what's his face in it (12 o clock it escapes me)
When Tybalt and the gang are shooting it up at the gas station there is a sign behind him in the background that says add more fuel to your fire :3

"Alanna, don't you dare let this game of thrones tear us apart" - Tybalt

"I want to I back"
*points to the Town Square*
"Before Thorius ever laid boot there, before the claims, before they tore us apart from the inside without even having to do anything. Back before we began fighting within ourselves"


Lord of Altera
"What do you do here..?" - Zyphr
"Lie in wait." - Scardrac
"For..?" - Zyphr
"To enact carnage.." - Scardrac
"Well... As long as I get to burn the houses.. I don't care!" - Zyphr

:heart: @Scardrac

The Courier

Lord of Altera
During a talk with Viktor and after a day where Landir talked with Silas.

"Are you asking questions only because you know you'll get an answer? Is that a question or yet a polite demand. . ?"

And one he says quite a bit now.

"Alas, I am but a knight. What would I know. . .?" Chuckles softly to himself.
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Lord of Altera
"Ahh! Ahh!" - Vlad being squished between Landir and Brogan, chair smashed into his head, fun bar fight yo.

Voyd being thrown by Landir and Brogan at Thannis..

Voyd: AHH
Vlad: AHHH


Lord of Altera
“I have spent my life looking for reasons, but I have found there are none to find”

~Habin Lydel ( final words )


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Only the weak threaten, Rex."

"That is perhaps the silliest thing you have said."

"The strong need not inform others that they are powerful. For a strong man to threaten, say you, would be little more than gloating. Pride. A sin. A truly strong man need not threaten, for everyone knows already of his strength."

"Oh, by Kilrox. Would you like to be called Goldilocks?"


Lord of Altera
*Elmond acting all depressed and said he is about to give up on life*

*Tybalt grips Tight on Elmonds upper Arm, and Elmond grips his upper arm*

"Look at me,

*Elmond turns to Tybalt*

*Tybalt stares him hard in the Eye*
"Don't you /dare/ fold halfway in the Game. You are never going to win this game called life if you don't play it"



Lord of Altera
"I do not serve a king nor lord, I only serve The one above, she guides my blade and I will be damned before I give up in the face of impossible odds."
-Murdoc while speaking to @Valonyx
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