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Deceased [Revenant] Archaeus Fronte


Lord of Altera
Lies. The Lady of Light honors the faithful and the true Nobility. Furthermore, she is the Goddess of Order, and not unrest! ;)
A ) Tybalt agreed with this, and his father is...Well, his father. "True Nobility" by right of blood. There is little unrest if it was entirely consensual and, quite frankly, incredibly legal already.

B ) I did indeed help with stuff in AN ATTEMPT to make it more legitimate by right of the Exalt signing the document as well. Exalts are to be the ambassadors of the gods. Ambassadors, Val.


Lord of Altera
A ) Tybalt agreed with this, and his father is...Well, his father. "True Nobility" by right of blood. There is little unrest if it was entirely consensual and, quite frankly, incredibly legal already.

B ) I did indeed help with stuff in AN ATTEMPT to make it more legitimate by right of the Exalt signing the document as well. Exalts are to be the ambassadors of the gods. Ambassadors, Val.
Yet your faithful lose confidence in ye, Ambassador. Thy who claim represent the Lady, but do not strive to stand and guide her flock of pledged servants in our finest hour?
Our Empire is a grand work for the Sun, but thy would help weaken it, by helping heresy?
I stand by my words. I will myself await the Truth of the Light itself.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Imma smack the next person I catch replying to something OOC with IC rhetoric, mmkay?
