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Deceased [Revenant] Niah Kane


The Lurker
Retired Staff
With the direction her life is going, perhaps she can achieve those ambitions through genuine work- through means of earning power and wealth instead of lying to get it. Or perhaps her nature will pull her back, given the right circumstances.
Well. She leaves Vigil's Rest for one day. One day. Goes to buy something and look what happens.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
After much thought and discussion (and by much thought and discussion I mean a little consideration and few questions) I have decided Niah is not a one-lifer. So, redacted that bit on the profile. Niah will be put into the queue if she ever meets her end. Too many aspirations to be hindered by death.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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Retired Owner
I demand Som be added forthwith.

Yes. :heart:


The Lurker
Retired Staff
You know something significant is happening to the character when I have to create a "Liked" category on her relations. :eek:

But yes- She finds that she likes Somnastra more as good company than as someone who serves her a purpose. What is this witchcraft? What is this character development?

I think all the dead animals may have something to do with it.