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Deceased [Revenant] Niah Kane


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I like the profile I've got going here.... But there's not room to put other things like alignment, clothing, favorites, and all that. SO-


Do you guys want to see a classic profile? With real and honest answers?

Or this "Niah Lies Never Trust Her" layout?


The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I like the profile I've got going here.... But there's not room to put other things like alignment, clothing, favorites, and all that. SO-


Do you guys want to see a classic profile? With real and honest answers?

Or this "Niah Lies Never Trust Her" layout?

I really like the current layout, but that's just me :D


The Lurker
Retired Staff

Okay so. Updates to a lot of things. Some of it just rewording and cleaning up. But content changes to Looks, Notable Life Events, Strengths/Weaknesses, and Goals. Also added Religious Crazies to the disliked section of the of profile.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Well. Good job to Niah. She is no longer a homeless, vagrant squatter! She is, tentatively the new Innkeeper at Vigil's undergoing a trial run. Hopefully, it will work out~

It's been kind of fun starting this character off as homeless. Even if she fails miserably at the trial, still pretty nifty to see how she's changed.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well. Good job to Niah. She is no longer a homeless, vagrant squatter! She is, tentatively the new Innkeeper at Vigil's undergoing a trial run. Hopefully, it will work out~

It's been kind of fun starting this character off as homeless. Even if she fails miserably at the trial, still pretty nifty to see how she's changed.
*both funds for and waves the Niah flags off on the sidelines* :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
My, my. The updates today!

+ Complete overhaul of the strengths and weaknesses section
+ Some progress and adjustments to her goals
+ Some relations tweaks


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Niah's relation section was getting too voluptuously large. So I cut a bunch of people who I hadn't RPed with in a long while or who were not really on her radar anymore. "The Little Use For" section really slimmed down. There now. More room for more people she doesn't like.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Someone passed her trials. Niah Dacar is the full-time innkeeper of The Silver Lining Inn, and resident of Vigil's Rest.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
The Story Thus Far:
(I know none of you guys really care, but I'm bored and in a reflective mood I'm writing this anyway)

When I created Niah, she was a manipulative and socially stunted individual. At least in backstory, always traveling, never staying in the same place longer than a week, and the only repeated interaction she ever had was with her mother. It's why she, at least in the beginning, molded herself to fit those who she was with. Always trying to make the passing face fawn over her, twisting them to get what she wanted, because she knew she'd never see them again. She had never made a true connection with another living being outside of her mother, and had never belonged.

Stayed true to that with Vanaque. The Moor was charming, and she had a growing affection for the way Niah manipulated those around her. It fostered a partnership between them, and perhaps something a bit more on Vanaque's end. For Niah, though, it was all a game. All about seeing how she could benefit the most. Very nearly went down the path of criminality as she molded herself to fit Vanaque's plan. Saw a chance for great riches, and if not for taking an interest in Godric, one evening in the Crossroads... Niah probably would have turned out quite differently. But she met a fellow in the Inn with vast potential and an alluring wanderlust. Dropping Vanaque, she followed Godric across Altera. To Thiil, to Vigil's Rest, to Irrcrawn, and finally coming to settle at Fort Oren. She had never spent so much time with a single person and grew inexplicably attached. She had little desire to learn combat, but she had put all her faith into Godric. And as her time in the cold north grew, so found little pieces of honesty cropping up. Niah even promised to live a more honest life. In part because she was wearing a mask to keep him close and happy but also... Because he was rubbing off on her.

But distance grew. And it was becoming evident that what she had foolishly hoped for something that would never be. Perhaps because there was cruelty still in her, or perhaps because she wanted to sever ties completely, she waited until the Fort was abuzz with news of Gelyk's death. As Godric was on his way out to search for the corpse of his respected mentor, she offered him one final lie. "You were always just a means to an end. An end I no longer see here." And with that, Niah Dacar left the place she'd almost considered home, the one person who taught her to be honest.

With no money in her pocket, and nothing of value except the sword at her side, she returned to the only place she knew. The Crossroads. Where it all started after her mothers... death. The Inn was bustling with the highest quality of drivel. Drunks and rowdy patrons. The pain in her chest almost prompted her to partake. Find some fool and ease up close to him. Perhaps get a meal and a free room for the night before heading out in search for employment the next day. But something stopped her. With the hubhub of the inn, she caught sight of a lone individual. A man dressed in black, reading as if unbothered by the drivel around him. With a coy smirk, she set her sights on him and decided a distraction was exactly what she needed.

But distractions often run the risk of lasting a little bit longer. And the distraction of Alistair Kane persisted, even as she made her way down to Vigil's Rest. Having been there before with Godric, she hoped she'd made enough of an impression to vie for the Innkeeper position. As she continued to stay, attempting to impress the Magi enough to let her work and live there, Alistair Kane continued to visit. His distraction was proving to be something quite more, Something the young woman had never experienced before. Complete and total trust.

So as Niah continued to speak with the Magi, Naelwyn and Tzemik, she managed to secure a trial run as Vigil's Rest innkeeper. Her intentions were to become familiar with them, their world. Perhaps even gain their trust as she built allies. Niah even had a keen hope of learning more about magic, somewhat of a fascination rising up from the tales and feats she witnessed. But... we surprise even ourselves sometimes. It didn't happen overnight. But one day, after she had proven herself worthy of permanently running The Silver Lining Inn, she realized something had changed. She still had an interest in the same things. Still aimed for vast heights, wanted great things, and planned to make her ambitions come to light. But... More so than she had ever felt in Oren, Niah felt as if she actually belonged. She felt less like a selfish drifter and more like someone with true purpose. The people in Vigil's Rest were becoming less and less like people to manipulate and more like people whose company she enjoyed. She even felt occasional concern, an idea somewhat foreign to her.

The Niah of so long ago sits as a memory. The name Honoria slowly becoming a forgotten moniker. The closed off girl with no money and no allies- a hazy dream. With the direction her life is going, perhaps she can achieve those ambitions through genuine work- through means of earning power and wealth instead of lying to get it. Or perhaps her nature will pull her back, given the right circumstances.

All that can be said for certain is that Niah is shifting and not even I know where the RP will take her.

(Tagging people mentioned myes: @GreenHarmony @TheDeester @Arken @The Living Ghost @Michcat @Naelwyn )

EDIT: Also tagging you @Immerael because I kind of think I'm winning.
Last edited:

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
The Story Thus Far:
(I know none of you guys really care, but I'm bored and in a reflective mood I'm writing this anyway)

When I created Niah, she was a manipulative and socially stunted individual. At least in backstory, always traveling, never staying in the same place longer than a week, and the only repeated interaction she ever had was with her mother. It's why she, at least in the beginning, molded herself to fit those who she was with. Always trying to make the passing face fawn over her, twisting them to get what she wanted, because she knew she'd never see them again. She had never made a true connection with another living being outside of her mother, and had never belonged.

Stayed true to that with Vanaque. The Moor was charming, and she had a growing affection for the way Niah manipulated those around her. It fostered a partnership between them, and perhaps something a bit more on Vanaque's end. For Niah, though, it was all a game. All about seeing how she could benefit the most. Very nearly went down the path of criminality as she molded herself to fit Vanaque's plan. Saw a chance for great riches, and if not for taking an interest in Godric, one evening in the Crossroads... Niah probably would have turned out quite differently. But she met a fellow in the Inn with vast potential and an alluring wanderlust. Dropping Vanaque, she followed Godric across Altera. To Thiil, to Vigil's Rest, to Irrcrawn, and finally coming to settle at Fort Oren. She had never spent so much time with a single person and grew inexplicably attached. She had little desire to learn combat, but she had put all her faith into Godric. And as her time in the cold north grew, so found little pieces of honesty cropping up. Niah even promised to live a more honest life. In part because she was wearing a mask to keep him close and happy but also... Because he was rubbing off on her.

But distance grew. And it was becoming evident that what she had foolishly hoped for something that would never be. Perhaps because there was cruelty still in her, or perhaps because she wanted to sever ties completely, she waited until the Fort was abuzz with news of Gelyk's death. As Godric was on his way out to search for the corpse of his respected mentor, she offered him one final lie. "You were always just a means to an end. An end I no longer see here." And with that, Niah Dacar left the place she'd almost considered home, the one person who taught her to be honest.

With no money in her pocket, and nothing of value except the sword at her side, she returned to the only place she knew. The Crossroads. Where it all started after her mothers... death. The Inn was bustling with the highest quality of drivel. Drunks and rowdy patrons. The pain in her chest almost prompted her to partake. Find some fool and ease up close to him. Perhaps get a meal and a free room for the night before heading out in search for employment the next day. But something stopped her. With the hubhub of the inn, she caught sight of a lone individual. A man dressed in black, reading as if unbothered by the drivel around him. With a coy smirk, she set her sights on him and decided a distraction was exactly what she needed.

But distractions often run the risk of lasting a little bit longer. And the distraction of Alistair Kane persisted, even as she made her way down to Vigil's Rest. Having been there before with Godric, she hoped she'd made enough of an impression to vie for the Innkeeper position. As she continued to stay, attempting to impress the Magi enough to let her work and live there, Alistair Kane continued to visit. His distraction was proving to be something quite more, Something the young woman had never experienced before. Complete and total trust.

So as Niah continued to speak with the Magi, Naelwyn and Tzemik, she managed to secure a trial run as Vigil's Rest innkeeper. Her intentions were to become familiar with them, their world. Perhaps even gain their trust as she built allies. Niah even had a keen hope of learning more about magic, somewhat of a fascination rising up from the tales and feats she witnessed. But... we surprise even ourselves sometimes. It didn't happen overnight. But one day, after she had proven herself worthy of permanently running The Silver Lining Inn, she realized something had changed. She still had an interest in the same things. Still aimed for vast heights, wanted great things, and planned to make her ambitions come to light. But... More so than she had ever felt in Oren, Niah felt as if she actually belonged. She felt less like a selfish drifter and more like someone with true purpose. The people in Vigil's Rest were becoming less and less like people to manipulate and more like people whose company she enjoyed. She even felt occasional concern, an idea somewhat foreign to her.

The Niah of so long ago sits as a memory. The name Honoria slowly becoming a forgotten moniker. The closed off girl with no money and no allies- a hazy dream. With the direction her life is going, perhaps she can achieve those ambitions through genuine work- through means of earning power and wealth instead of lying to get it. Or perhaps her nature will pull her back, given the right circumstances.

All that can be said for certain is that Niah is shifting and not even I know where the RP will take her.

(Tagging people mentioned myes: @GreenHarmony @TheDeester @Arken @The Living Ghost @Michcat @Naelwyn )
Was fun to read :p