Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some thoughts


Lord of Altera
I think if this server for some reason absolutely had no revival system/only able to be revived by mystics, people would less rofl-kill and generally be more careful, create characters that by themselves are generic and not super full with complicated backstories and unique things, so it's not too sad if they suddenly die in a war or something, they would progress and actually develop more, and gain depth and be actually real.

Plus, if the server focused more on actual supporters of a region/house instead of just asking for IG money. Some other rp servers have adopted a bad guy-application policy, meaning they only allow good, trusted roleplayers and players OOC along with legitimate roleplay reasons to play evil characters and be allowed being a serial killer, arsonist, terrorist, whatever. Simple bandits that don't necessarily have to kill people doesn't count.

But the bad guy-app policy makes it impossible for people to just create some kind of Jishrim-worshipping, murdering arse that goes and kills off numerous peaceful characters for no reason other than rofl-killing. If there is not such a global revival policy, people and their characters feel into the loss of say, their character's wife, or child, or any other family member. They don't suddenly begin to jump on rooftops for no reason, not chasing fishy strangers into a dark valley, they would begin to roleplay something simple, progressing further through interaction with other simple characters, thus gradually changing their personality, alignment, and view of people and the world.

EDIT: without something that grips our characters' emotions like death, many themes like kidnapping, assassination plots, executions and trials; they all lose weight they would bring in real life. Having some masterful magician characters that /could/ revive some character, but at the expense of say, their power, or mind, or whatever, it'd also bring compelling, gritty, gripping stories on how they either choose to do good with no pay, suffering themselves, or ask for a windmill to revive say, a poor miller's daughter, leaving them wretched and penniless.
My post from the 'Inappropriate' thread which is a bit inappropriate place to post it, geddit?

I've been asked by several people to make a separate thread about it.

It was a bit of my thoughts about a possible roleplay system, it's not that I have anything against the well-refined sisterhood revival process, but I've never seen any roleplay server without some sort of entity constantly reviving player characters that have perished.


Lord of Altera
But, you do bring up a brilliant point of everyone being nice for the sake of saving trouble, and with no danger, what's the point.... But I've been told off about having ideas and people stick to the principle of 'if it ain't broke' too much to heart. Sure there has been a change but this is more to stop violent character build up character... But as I said, I get told off.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Honestly I like the idea. I know that I've been reducing Landir/Sif's urge to kill and want to because he doesn't wish to make too many widows and orphans in the world. However, it's hard to keep this IC mindset when people you've killed or seen killed just end up coming back the next few IC months. It really makes my char doubt this ideal of honor.

I know some people will complain about "I just lost my character I spent *insert amount of time* on!" Well, pal. People don't live forever. This is also why I think a universal time system of HW would be greatly helpful. This way it's not merely described as "Wibbly wobbly" and not making any sense.


Lord of Altera
I think you should get two lives maybe? First one is free, second one your character is gone.
I mean to be honest, it would create a much more interesting dynamic to the current roleplay system and it would make people think more realistically, as they would need to understand that their actions could ultimately cause the loss of their character.

And to be honest, it's that not difficult to make a new character, in fact, it's certainly a good way to go in, improving your roleplaying skills as you can play different types of characters each time.
And yes, I understand that people have spent a lot of time with their characters, and are attached in a way. So I hope it doesn't harsh at all, with what I'm saying, but you have to remember, it's fiction. It's not a real person, and you can start again.


Lord of Altera
well, just look at Mich's one life rule = when one dies, many end up mourning that character, knowing they won't come back. If there are two lives, the first time a character's father dies, they'll cry for a bit then greet him back, then basically the father character will hunker down and not do anything in fear of dying. One life makes everything dynamic, you don't kill people, get killed, come back, repeat the process until you eventually perma-die having killed lots of people. It makes all those annoying serial killer characters try and be more wary; it makes political assassinations and plots more gritty, more gripping.

You find out why kings get more guardsmen to protect him or his family. You find out why princesses aren't supposed to be barmaids, why you have to try and do some peaceful diplomacy instead of killing everybody in the room.


Lord of Altera
It makes all those annoying serial killer characters try and be more wary; it makes political assassinations and plots more gritty, more gripping.

You find out why kings get more guardsmen to protect him or his family. You find out why princesses aren't supposed to be barmaids, why you have to try and do some peaceful diplomacy instead of killing everybody in the room.
I love this. The fact that revivals are a thing has created an artificial reality where people really aren't terribly worried about doing things that would probably not happen in real life. Obviously fantasy roleplay is an artificial reality in and of itself, but it could be that much more realistic. I'd say this extends to OOC, where people know they can get away with certain things. That's certainly not a shot at anyone, I'm just observing. It's not realistic the way a few characters act. Having one life makes you think much harder about doing certain things, which isn't a large factor in roleplay now. Duels would be much more serious, and assassinations, like you said. I understand some people will say they don't consent to death, but there's a thin line where that privilege can be abused. Accepting consequences of RP is a rule, I believe, but it still seems like it's avoided.

Apologies if that's a bit jumbled, it's stream of consciousness writing.


Legend of Altera
I'm all for no revival but that means that we have to get rid of consent, which I know others won't like.
I'm all for getting rid of consent. It annoys me when someone that made my character mad or even attacked my character doesn't consent to death when I have the blade to his neck. That or they run to a peaceful place like Thiil and my character is magically swayed to not attack anyone. It honestly wouldn't make sense IC.


Lord of Altera
Although some modifications have to be in order... The main reason people don't want to perma-die, is the whole notion of starting from the bottom again... If I had a penny for anyone asking me if i can or cant have a item/ability at start, I'd be a rich man...
The currant system is.... Under efficient but its not a writeoff some changes to the revive time may be better. Such a a timer that increases alarmingly each time you die... But hey, ideas.


Dead Man Walking
I'm all for getting rid of consent. It annoys me when someone that made my character mad or even attacked my character doesn't consent to death when I have the blade to his neck. That or they run to a peaceful place like Thiil and my character is magically swayed to not attack anyone. It honestly wouldn't make sense IC.
Players cannot escape previous I c crimes by running to a peaceful zone. If they attack you and run to a peaceful zone you can follow and attack.


Legend of Altera
Players cannot escape previous I c crimes by running to a peaceful zone. If they attack you and run to a peaceful zone you can follow and attack.
But then they don't consent to death or even being attacked and it becomes an OOC problem. I'm not naming anyone but I am pretty sure they know who they are.


Lord of Altera
-or... We keep the dice mechanic but change it from "revive or not" to "chance to revive" at increments.
Let's say every.... Month (placeholder) after that char dies, you roll a d20 and on a 10+, he/she/it is back and after every failed attempt, you place a -1 mod, so next time the char is back on a 9+.... Add the usual mods ether way, such as deaths and heresy to give a plus mod to a max of a 20+...
Maybe the player will hold out to get that character back or start anew... But just ideas.


Dead Man Walking
I think that if they attack another character they have already consented to whatever violent outcome.


Lord of Altera
Maybe not even attack; cheating with somebody else, being that somebody else, stealing or harassing. And there needs to be policemen to put these people in jail instead of having the victims go and do a vendetta.


Lord of Altera
-or... We keep the dice mechanic but change it from "revive or not" to "chance to revive" at increments.
Let's say every.... Month (placeholder) after that char dies, you roll a d20 and on a 10+, he/she/it is back and after every failed attempt, you place a -1 mod, so next time the char is back on a 9+.... Add the usual mods ether way, such as deaths and heresy to give a plus mod to a max of a 20+...
Maybe the player will hold out to get that character back or start anew... But just ideas.
I agree with this... It's a win win.
Someone doesn't permanently lose their character, but they will be gone long enough that another faction or whatever, can move on with their goals without that person in the way.

I know that wouldn't work out with the existing lore mechanics of the sisterhood, but I believed it could be changed and I don't personally see that sticking to that lore (that has been thrown in recently and it kind of ignored the fact that revivals have been happening for a long time without this roll system) as important as making everyone comfortable with it


I don't think making characters unplayable for extended amounts of time is a good idea. However, the idea of perma death sounds fun.


I've stopped Scardrac from being edgy mr. mc killykins because playing with a realistic perspective of death is fun. I've made him more careful, as I have accepted that, in Scardrac's mind, he'll likely not be revived due to his sins.

I do believe that a system without revival would polish up the entire controversial topic of character death. With our current system of mindless murderers having to have a logical reason to attack, people would not have to be afraid of losing their characters because people could come up and kill you and you wouldn't be able to come back. I have witnessed working systems that make it so you have to get admittance to play evil or murderous characters.

Due to this system of death and revival, there should be no real reason to be afraid of death. Nor would murder be as much of a serious crime as it is in real life. (Of course it would still be a vile thing to do.) So we can't really blame some characters for being the way they are. That being said, I believe the biggest thing keeping The Man from abolishing revival is that so many people get attached and clingy to their character. It is not a bad thing, as so many people do it. I let myself do it, so that's why I want Scardrac to live for a long time. But after my break, I kind of lost some interest, so I wouldn't be too devastated.

Nevertheless, I am with you on a no-revival system. It would definitely make things less sporadic, colorful, and chaotic.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
After you've died once, it's not guaranteed you'll return. In fact, it's almost guaranteed you won't. Characters could be picking up on that, perhaps drawing some of their own realizations or conclusions. It doesn't matter how strongly-minded your character is, The Sisterhood just ain't what they used t'be.