Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some thoughts


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
So, the revival system is gonna stick around. Simply because sometimes people do dumb things, and we don't want people to lose their characters for a wayward mistake. That's why you get the first visit free! The increasing chance that they don't return is to align things with the current state of the lore and to try and engender a bit more IC respect for life (y'know, like people usually have) without making it a one-and-done kinda deal.

In our mythos, revivals are a thing. But if we OOCly know that they're guaranteed to happen, that doesn't really translate to very IC responses. The introduction of a bit of... uncertainty is something that we hope will translate to IC uncertainty. As it should be.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Well, Lavoyard has tried to go and be the police to bring criminals to justice. Instead, I was actually part of this op, we were called tyrants and oppressors for bringing a torturer to justice.

Edit: As my point wasn't truly clear- People would be more obliged to be police and guards, if the majority of people IC didn't wish to go against everything everyone of authority tells them to do.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
As much 'needed' and enjoyable it should be to have IC justiciars, it more often than not leads to the backlash of some part of the community. IC and OOC.


Dark Council Elite
My character believes the sisterhood doesnt truelly brings people back. Just copies.

A perfect copy, same memories, same thoughts, same behaviour, yet not the same person.

He is deathly afraid of death for this reason.
That is horrifying to think about.


Lord of Altera
My character believes the sisterhood doesnt truelly brings people back. Just copies.

A perfect copy, same memories, same thoughts, same behaviour, yet not the same person.

He is deathly afraid of death for this reason.
stop. my head hurts.


Lord of Altera
So, the revival system is gonna stick around. Simply because sometimes people do dumb things, and we don't want people to lose their characters for a wayward mistake. That's why you get the first visit free! The increasing chance that they don't return is to align things with the current state of the lore and to try and engender a bit more IC respect for life (y'know, like people usually have) without making it a one-and-done kinda deal.

In our mythos, revivals are a thing. But if we OOCly know that they're guaranteed to happen, that doesn't really translate to very IC responses. The introduction of a bit of... uncertainty is something that we hope will translate to IC uncertainty. As it should be.
Actually, I've been aware that there is revivals since my time here on the server and the knowledge of knowing it doesn't effect one way or the other.


Lord of Altera
Well on the policemen topic, some people actually tried bringing justice a couple of times in the last months, and trust me, having people in your cells is a nightmare. x(

*EDIT* Sniped by Landir.
and by a long shot.


Lord of Altera
Well on the policemen topic, some people actually tried bringing justice a couple of times in the last months, and trust me, having people in your cells is a nightmare. x(

*EDIT* Sniped by Landir.
and by a long shot.
Across the map, 360 no scope.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
My character believes the sisterhood doesnt truelly brings people back. Just copies.

A perfect copy, same memories, same thoughts, same behaviour, yet not the same person.

He is deathly afraid of death for this reason.
you. I like yo style.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well on the policemen topic, some people actually tried bringing justice a couple of times in the last months, and trust me, having people in your cells is a nightmare. x(

*EDIT* Sniped by Landir.
and by a long shot.
You didn't have to find out first hand... You could have just asked what a pain it is... >_>


Lord of Altera
You didn't have to find out first hand... You could have just asked what a pain it is... >_>
Yup... Being a peacekeeper is hard work. Cus you always have the nuts that gets all sovby sovby and hates you for your job. I don't know how many cases where my character has been hated for locking a criminal up, or in extreme cases killing them.... Half the time the Victem even hates em for it
"You saved my life... But yea killed the man who was gonna kill me! You monster!" It gets /quite/ irritating.


Lord of Altera
Bringing back Chevaliers sounds amazing. You actually get to punish people through lawful court trials instead of having some guy shoot them with a bow.


Lord of Altera
My reasons for liking perma-death:
  • It reduces the amount of revenge-killing.
  • I really hate it when say a notorious bandit is publicly beheaded, only to crop up in the wilderness alive and well a month later. *cough* past experience *cough*
  • Makes players act more realistic and life-or-death situations become far more tense.
  • When a long standing character of yours is finally killed, their death becomes something you never forget, and resonates more with the RP community or yourself. See anecdote below.
On an old server I played a dwarf, whose name was very dwarfy but I can't remember what it was exactly. Anyway, I played him for about 4 - 5 months with a bunch of fellow dwarves who I came to become friends with ICly and OOCly. We started our own faction, restored an abandoned dwarven ruin, created the most profitable mine on the server, and generally had made the dwarven race powerful enough to contest the main human city. Our leader then became a little too ambitious and declared war on the humans, leading to our eventual deaths one at a time as we were picked off. My dwarf died in trial-by-combat with the human military leader, though not before wounding him severely. Our deaths and the collapse of our faction became a page in history, and I feel like I wouldn't remember the events so vividly if I had just "respawned" a week later.

Sorry for the boring grandpa story, but I feel like its a good example of how a good death in roleplay really sticks with you, especially if it is between two complex and well roleplayed characters.

Edit By Staff: Some advertising has been removed from your post.
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Non sum qualis eram
If 'yall want permadeath just play with permadeath. Me and Mich generally do excepting cases where it makes a really bad story.