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Something disturbing I found in Role play this week.


Lord of Altera
Most of you know me a Robert Sulivan, the traveling bard/ trader plying both of his trades with is coin and his trusty guitar.

It has always been a nuisance when someone asks if i can have a guitar in hollow-world seen as it is (understandably) seen as a modern instrument. At which point i would polity say " guitars are from the twelfth century and have remain relatively unchanged" then followed by a wiki link in case i hear more complaints, but earlier this week someone (cant remember) just flat out told be that "guitars are not aloud, only mandolins or lutes"

I didn't raise this issue more than a simple reminder that guitars are from the twelfth century and mandolins are from the seventeenth. this shut him up long enough to get on with the song, (fixxer by metallica somehow pulled off) but then this happened again the next day but i really didn't note or really care at that point and moved on.

What stuck me as odd was a little over a week ago someone was confused about the foreign accent Robert has and i had explained to him that he is from another land, a storm of " that not possible!" and "why don't you just stick to the lore!" followed, and i thus switched over to Pariah Decime for the time being.

Pariah was made for the event 'heresy in the north' and a chance to get out of the trader-drunk for a while. now i had come up with the idea of a bulky elf an to much understanding, i had reached an agreement with the admins that he was Ok so long ad he wasn't an Astartes or and ogre or something equally over the top, I agreed and started role playing to get into the swing of things.

But the more i mentioned Pariahs appearance, the more resistance i got, but being a brit, i put on my stiff upper lip and soldered on. eventually after all the arguments, i simple described him as a 'large elf' but even this caused an argument.

Usually it would be question on whether this would be OK for me to use the char, but this time, like i mentioned before. The guy flat out said i shouldn't use the char and i should change him completely, "you could make him slimmer, faster and more nimble if you still /insist/ on using him" as the gist of what he and two other people said to me.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting anyone banned or any action taken as i understand why they did it. Its not only disheartening after somehow coming up with a unique character and have half of altera reject it, But I shudder to think what a non-whitelisted player would have seen, practically being told that they can create any character as long as they fill out this check sheet of what they can and cant do..

I hope I'm not the only one here but I truly find it disturbing how when Fritz say that the Lore is very much open ended as far as imagination is involved and the community says another.
Yes i know I've created a character that brakes the mold somewhat but that was the point, to let my imagination go and to create interesting experiences for anyone who crosses my path but after this little backlash, its sad to say but I might not be back on tonight and Might not have the heart to come on tomorrow.

But I'm asking has anyone else had an experience like this? (apologies for the long post)


Lord of Altera
From what I gathered from the scene they said your character can not be like a gorrilla. Elves physically are more lean than bulk and that's why they said they had a problem with your character. They might of been suggesting that he should be quicker/nimbler rather than being muscly. Fritz also isn't in charge of the lore now (I think) after he left for a while and it was took on my Mich and Naelwyn. The Lore has been more restricted so everything makes sense. But if you have been approved by Staff then it must of been seen to fit in with the Lore so perhaps these people were just being a bit too hostile for you having an Elf which is more focused around being bulk.


King ForumStalker
I personally don't see why there is such a big issue with having an elf character who isn't built like a scarecrow. Humans, in real life, range from having the physique of a twig to the muscles of some cross gorilla barbarian, having enormous bellies and whatnot. While I can understand that it would be ludicrous for said elf to be 10" tall and lift mountains, as long as it is written in the backstory that the character trains physically to have that physique, what's the problem?

As for being hounded by the community, it certainly isn't on (this is of course assuming that what you've said is accurate, and since no one has actually disputed what you've said I'll assume it's true for now). While it's great that the community is trying to be helpful, they are not Lore (Law) enforcement. They can certainly speak to a staff member if they feel that your character is over the mark, but outside of giving some advice they have no right to jump down your throat in that manner.

Hoping this is all resolved soon.


Dark Council Elite
I'm basically among the immortal kings of character rejection. Just force the community to deal with it and give them no choice, that's what I did!

... I am kidding, just make some slight modifications and give in depth reasons for things and people will accept the character.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
I personally don't see why there is such a big issue with having an elf character who isn't built like a scarecrow. Humans, in real life, range from having the physique of a twig to the muscles of some cross gorilla barbarian, having enormous bellies and whatnot. While I can understand that it would be ludicrous for said elf to be 10" tall and lift mountains, as long as it is written in the backstory that the character trains physically to have that physique, what's the problem?
Typically in high-fantasy, humans are seen as a "middle ground" of the races; having, as you said, a large range. Dwarves and Elves are typically at opposite ends of the spectrum that the humans range along. At least that's how I see it. Dispute that if you want, but humans aren't usually that specialized in any given area.

Something something guitar
I'm sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with other players. Perhaps someone should go over a tutorial on music. In short, guitars and lutes should be fine so long as you're not playing any modern styles (Try to stick to bard songs and such). Drums are not quite as complex as they are now; as far as I'm aware medieval drums play more-or-less like a bongo or would be used as a "wardrum" which simply plays out a marching beat. Wind instruments are old and I do not believe their technique in medieval eras would have been all that different.
If anyone can get better information or even make a full tutorial, that would be wonderful. We need more musicians in RP!

Also regarding Fritz's lore, I do believe that most of his work has been overwritten by the current lore-team. Its still seen as a good basis but he wrote it during a time when players could be just about anything they wanted to be. Even so, I do not believe that a "somewhat bulky elf" would be denied, so you should be perfectly fine with it, if you need a story for it then just say he does a lot of training or something.

Now. If you run into trouble with people trying to dictate what you can and cannot do then please message any staff that are online or send us a message on the forums! We're here to help and can usually deal with these situations if players start deciding what is and isn't allowed.
You can see what staff are on the server at any time by using /list and then looking at the "staff" section!


I actually like it when people try and be unique, usually in terms of appearance or lifestyle/personality.

I know the feeling of being ratted on for trying to have something out-of-the-ordinary. Usually with Scardrac.
.. Usually with titles and claims. Constantly called edgy or angsty or generic/cliche, which I agree sometimes are.


Lord of Altera
thanks guys.
I guess yesterday was a rotten day even before I sat down for reasons I'm not going to go into. usually I'm the sort of guy to shrug off these kinds of comments but it was merely a case of death by a thousand ant bites and I gave up for the moment.
I really should make a thread going into historical instruments used and the times that they were used but i may need to grab someone more educated in the instruments as i don't pretend to know too much about music.

as for pariah, his story is that he was abandoned for unknown reasons and unknown circumstances and was taken in by bandits. as for changing him to fit the lore, I'm hesitant to change how he thinks and I'm pretty sure no one will accept a elf Bruce lee with the little back story he has. But im keeping the fact that he has trained everything about him to kill and he finds the whole notion of 'sneaking and stabbing' to be quite distasteful.

But I will make a few adjustments I will probably think of them at work today, but I'm probably not RPing today.


King ForumStalker
thanks guys.
I guess yesterday was a rotten day even before I sat down for reasons I'm not going to go into. usually I'm the sort of guy to shrug off these kinds of comments but it was merely a case of death by a thousand ant bites and I gave up for the moment.
I really should make a thread going into historical instruments used and the times that they were used but i may need to grab someone more educated in the instruments as i don't pretend to know too much about music.
@Baron makes similar threads about historical and realistic combat. Maybe you could have a word with him, as he always finds some form of evidence to back up the claims he is about to make, and then goes into detail about those claims and comes up with an informative post to generally improve roleplaying.

Even if you don't work with Baron, make a thread in roleplaying discussion, make the points you wish to make and include external evidence to back up your claims. Sure there may be disagreement, sure there may be debate, but it's hard to argue against hard evidence and sooner or later we'll all have a general idea about what's right and wrong regarding music and instruments.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
I really should make a thread going into historical instruments used and the times that they were used but i may need to grab someone more educated in the instruments as i don't pretend to know too much about music.
Like Itzza said, go talk to Baron about it! Or if you want to do it yourself, a night or two stalking Wikipedia could work too.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Just commenting to say that it was I that gave the go ahead for the creations of hjksos' character.

Nothing wrong or supernatural with 7ft Elves, and while I'm a little bored of everyone being bloody massive, it's certainly not something I'm going to stop someone doing.

Personal opinion: Seriously guys, what's wrong with short people? :D


Lord of Altera
I like out of the ordinary, but not too far out of the ordinary. I had a problem with the corrupt because they challenged my
Just commenting to say that it was I that gave the go ahead for the creations of hjksos' character.

Nothing wrong or supernatural with 7ft Elves, and while I'm a little bored of everyone being bloody massive, it's certainly not something I'm going to stop someone doing.

Personal opinion: Seriously guys, what's wrong with short people? :D


Yū Yi
People are screaming for originality, but as soon as someone goes away from what is original, people flip out.


Lord of Altera
Just commenting to say that it was I that gave the go ahead for the creations of hjksos' character.

Nothing wrong or supernatural with 7ft Elves, and while I'm a little bored of everyone being bloody massive, it's certainly not something I'm going to stop someone doing.

Personal opinion: Seriously guys, what's wrong with short people? :D
I did however say that but we are back to the point that people don't like things that are different


Lord of Altera
Just commenting to say that it was I that gave the go ahead for the creations of hjksos' character.

Nothing wrong or supernatural with 7ft Elves, and while I'm a little bored of everyone being bloody massive, it's certainly not something I'm going to stop someone doing.

Personal opinion: Seriously guys, what's wrong with short people? :D
Being short is just as fun as RPing someone massive and isn't As underpowered as folks make them out to be. Of corse you can't hulk smash people but there are more fun and effective ways to get the same result.

I enjoy playing my lil guy :D


Legend of Altera
From what I gathered from the scene they said your character can not be like a gorrilla. Elves physically are more lean than bulk and that's why they said they had a problem with your character. They might of been suggesting that he should be quicker/nimbler rather than being muscly. Fritz also isn't in charge of the lore now (I think) after he left for a while and it was took on my Mich and Naelwyn. The Lore has been more restricted so everything makes sense. But if you have been approved by Staff then it must of been seen to fit in with the Lore so perhaps these people were just being a bit too hostile for you having an Elf which is more focused around being bulk.
Exactly what Sayd said here, pretty much. We were simply stating that you could be big and have large muscles, but you couldn't be some great, hulking bull of an elf, as I have tried this before and (After I had killed him off) got in trouble for it. I was simply trying to make sure that you didn't have the same problem.


Non sum qualis eram
Something I've not yet seen is Dwarves explicitly digging their ceilings to only be, say, 4ft tall.

Could be very inconvenient for intruders.

Wonderful anti-invader utility - no NPCs needed