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Something disturbing I found in Role play this week.


Lord of Altera
Something I've not yet seen is Dwarves explicitly digging their ceilings to only be, say, 4ft tall.

Could be very inconvenient for intruders.

Wonderful anti-invader utility - no NPCs needed
Because they are proud beings and have to build giant dwarven Citidals to rival Erebor :)


Lord of Altera
Exactly what Sayd said here, pretty much. We were simply stating that you could be big and have large muscles, but you couldn't be some great, hulking bull of an elf, as I have tried this before and (After I had killed him off) got in trouble for it. I was simply trying to make sure that you didn't have the same problem.
Im sorry for any misunderstanding but i didn't get that impression, all i heard was three people telling me i flat out cant role play in the character because the lore didn't allow it, and instead of accepting the char and rolling with it they kept telling me to change it the moment i had done describing my character. I really hate saying stuff like this but i wanted to be interesting and it was the straw that broke the camels back and I really don't want yet another cookie cutter character.

incidentally i just had the idea to do a high elf berserker/tank in skyrim... *boots up skyrim*


The Arbiter of the Gods
Something I've not yet seen is Dwarves explicitly digging their ceilings to only be, say, 4ft tall.

Could be very inconvenient for intruders.

Wonderful anti-invader utility - no NPCs needed
But Dwarves typically have size mania.

I always felt that while main Dwarven halls should be huge and very beautiful, their tunnels should be the complete opposite, since attacks would come from said tunnels and those could be easily defended. I based the whole concept of Dwarven tactics around that >_>


Non sum qualis eram
...I'm feeling very inspired to do something with dwarf fortress now. I will move further stuff to another thread to remain on-topic.


Lord of Altera
Something I've not yet seen is Dwarves explicitly digging their ceilings to only be, say, 4ft tall.

Could be very inconvenient for intruders.

Wonderful anti-invader utility - no NPCs needed
or halflings.
(thinks of those escape routes in Lydel)
(im 5' exactly I could squeeze through a 4 ft ceiling)


Lord of Altera
wait hold on a moment

both males and females tend to wear their hair long, often adorning their hair with metal rings and bone beads. Adults tend to be between five and a half feet and six feet in height.
^that is part of the official lore for caparii
as a 5'0"(five inches below the minimum!) adult caparii with nigh-invisible horns, short hair, and fur covering every inch of my body (when lore only implied this was possible), and a Red who lived in a village:
Often preferring a solitary existence to village life they typically only meet to mate.
WHY have I not been hounded for lore-breaking????

i mean what you just make your elf a brute elf when nothing in the lore says every single elf is a weakling pansy and everyone leaps on you and meanwhile I go "nonstandard caparii" in like 9 different ways,
everyone's cool with it.

this is not fair at all.
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Lord of Altera
no seriously I can't even say the fur is a Red thing because there's at least one other Red character (including my alt) on this server and I'm still the only completely furry caparii

and, I was almost considering a weak as nether lanky earthspawn for my next character...


Non sum qualis eram
wait hold on a moment

^that is part of the official lore for caparii
as a 5'0"(five inches below the minimum!) adult caparii with nigh-invisible horns, short hair, and fur covering every inch of my body (when lore only implied this was possible), and a Red who lived in a village:

WHY have I not been hounded for lore-breaking????

i mean what you just make your elf a brute elf when nothing in the lore says every single elf is a weakling pansy and everyone leaps on you and meanwhile I go "nonstandard caparii" in like 9 different ways,
everyone's cool with it.

this is not fair at all.
"Because few people play Caparii and many people play elves, and thus people don't know if someone playing a Caparii is going off-lore."

The collorary to this is:

"If it's not ruining anybody's day, does it really matter?"
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Non sum qualis eram
this is exactly what ppl should think about bulky elf.
Sincerely speaking it's always relative, and always grey.

Would I say anything about a fit, say, 6'1'' elf with an athletic build? Nope.

6'11 and built like Blanka? Probably. Would I tell them to stop playing the character? No. That's always the last thing we want to do - I'd say - works, but can you tone it back a bit?


Lord of Altera
in honor of this thread, I give you:
lore breaking.png

whats wrong with this picture (other than the fact that I forgot the sword keeps going on the other side)


Lord of Altera
Well, thank you all for being understanding. As I am writing this I haven't had any more problems like i had before, so my little rant did some good after all, and I hope anyone who had similar issues hasnt had any trouble either.


I think I might like it here
I would like to say that I was there whenever some people were telling you that you should be slimmer/more elf like and you did not exactly describe him as large. You gave him a body builder like appearance, and very tall. We simply said that you should slim him down a bit so he wasn't ogre like, and you ragequit. I'm sorry that we offended you, we just were confused by the way you described him. I like your idea, but we weren't sure if the body builder size was actually approved due to the description of how Elves are supposed to look. I am all for the idea of a unique character, but from what I saw, people were just confused.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Engems don't have anything against moor elves it just so happens that everyone who makes makes a moor elf character decides to add some some sort of cannibalism or blood drinking characteristics.
As far as I know for the lore, cannibalism and blood-drinking are normal in Moor-Elven societies though?


Lord of Altera
As far as I know for the lore, cannibalism and blood-drinking are normal in Moor-Elven societies though?
We don't hate moors because of their color race etc.

It's just that we hate what they do and it so happens that that is what they do.
If they somehow stopped their ways we'd be a okay