Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sseva_'s Application [ Approved - Kostadim ]


Lord of Altera
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: Sseva_

Age: 20

Country & Timezone: CST

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?:
Metagaming: The act of using or utilizing outside information in order to influence the result of Roleplay, or the knowledge your character "knows" in Roleplay. Commonly to a detrimental result.
Powergaming: Engaging your will upon a world or Roleplaying things that could not feasibly happen to an overwhelming extent. This includes both having abilities and powers that do not make sense for your character, as well as forcing some other part of the world, such as an NPC or piece of the environment, to perform an action without proper consent or reasoning.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: I'm an avid Roleplayer who has been a member of the Roleplaying community on Minecraft for many years. I've served as a professional Lore Writer for a few servers, as well as Lore Manager on one more recently. I like to play video games, as we all do, and find myself greatly interested in narrative writing and world-building in general. I am working towards an English degree and write in my free time. I applied when I was much younger, but have more experience under my belt and believe I can serve as a much more valuable member of the community than I could before.

Referral: I heard about this server many years ago, and have returned as a refugee from other poorly managed Roleplay Servers.


{Character Section}
Character Name: Orelia Harche

Age: 19

Race: Sangrian

Appearance: Orelia is a young adult Sangrian human. She has short hair cut to her shoulders, colored light blonde. She has light blue eyes, and pale skin. She wears dark leathers wrapped in a full suit, meant for travel across forested areas. She wears a veil drawn over where her right arm should be, as she was born without it, separated at the shoulder.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Orelia Leather.PNG

Written Test (Min: 400 words):
Orelia let out a gentle sigh as she stepped off of the half-beaten dirt path onto the barely maintained gravel streets of the small village before her. Another few days, another settlement. She pushed forward into the congregation of houses, letting her eyes glance about to the various buildings that had clearly been built in waves extending from the center. She pushed onwards through the paths, offering small nods to the various people that she passed. History dictated everything in remote towns like this. She knew this from experience. The question was, would this history be of use to her?

Orelia continued up the way towards the center few buildings. Her appearance had clearly already caused a bit of a stir, as a few children could be seen on the steps of the largest home, an elderly woman seated before them, on a rickety chair built of local woods. She bit her lip gently. This would make things a little more complicated. Almost by reflex, her left hand reached under the leather veil that was drawn over where her right arm should be, scratching at the skin where it would have connected to her shoulder. A nervous habit that she could never seem to shake. She stepped up to the group, bowing her head gently. "I take it you are the Alderwoman of this village?" Her words slipped out partially void of emotion, so as to not cause too much alarm. She knew coming on too strong was often a sign of trouble in these regions. "I was hoping to ask of your knowledge of other large settlements, to the West."

The woman before her eyed her cautiously, scratching her chin a tad before producing a small wooden staff and using it to help herself up. She clicked her tongue a bit, wetting her lips before speaking. "Roads less traveled, they say. The young ones haven't ever seen a foreigner before. Yet in my day there were hundreds. I will tell you of what you seek, but first, where do you hail from." Information for information. Orelia enjoyed such exchanges. She bobbed her head a tad, offering her answer. "To the East. A small settlement of Sangrians. I have traveled long in search of greater numbers of people, and yet in these desolate lands I find it hard to gain a proper bearing. Vast Nations that had been spoken of in our texts are seemingly lost or fractured. I would know how much my people have missed in the East."

The woman took her measure once more, a single eyebrow raised as her eyes, somewhat clouded with age, poured over her with gusto. She was quiet for a few moments longer, before answering with a sly grin. "We know of us. We know of the other villages nearby. News comes slow to these forests. Go East, lost Sangrian. You will know true settlements like their lands know despair. Catch a scent of things beyond your comprehension. Concepts bigger than you or I. And you will know why people like us are meant to stay in our little villages."

Though not the answer Orelia was looking for, she big thanks to the Alderwoman. Her eyes turned Eastward, and her march continued.


Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!

The King's Law

How to Create a Character


The Official Lore

Town Census

HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!

Plugins Command Guide

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