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Finished [Summoning] a Pilgrimage for Love Lost and Road Obscured


Lord of Altera
the walk is finished. four prayers has Serri made, in between her mournful elven song, that spoke of awaiting a fish.

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she spoke to Bronn Westergard as she just set out from Tambry. the conversation was short.
she spoke to Tybalt Rhett concluding her offering of the wreath to Sallana. this conversation is much more important.

Elrowen was in the cathedral for some reason and I think he was trying to parkour in the background of a serious conversation.

@Tybalt @LeftwardElk @samsam223
Elrowen made his own prayers to Theodra, Shelherana, Visage and Jishrim... :heart:


Lord of Altera
Serri's second walk is finished.

she walked from Thiil, wading past the water, moving down the great cliff. she took the two bridges, singing aloud in the darkness of night. she danced along a wide circle of pavement in the road, then sang in front of the shrine to Sallana.
only Tybalt heard her on her pilgrimmage. she was alone.


Lord of Altera
Serri's second walk is finished.

she walked from Thiil, wading past the water, moving down the great cliff. she took the two bridges, singing aloud in the darkness of night. she danced along a wide circle of pavement in the road, then sang in front of the shrine to Sallana.
only Tybalt heard her on her pilgrimmage. she was alone.
Oh dear Lord that made me cry.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
#Crying because Gaelic =/= Gaelige



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I dont know your fancy speak.
The second song is a song in the Irish language, known as "Gaelige" or "Irish". However, Gaelic is a culture, as is Celtic.



Lord of Altera
@IceandFire @CloakedReaper @Niah

the final day ended. Athryl and Jaden joined Serri on the walk.

they went from the crossroads into Thiil, and stopped at a pond of water. there, Serri suggested they make their confessions, speak their worries, then cast them into the pond.

Athryl speaks his fear. Serella speaks her fear. Jaden keeps his silent. at the conclusion of the confession, Serella tosses a black rose from her crown into the water.

they arrive at Thiil, then turn back around, to make the quiet walk to the Grand Shrines.
Athryl thanked her for allowing him to accompany her.


Lord of Altera
ah. update on the prayer.
Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 11.35.41 PM.png

I want to say, it's interesting doing a thing to get answers from a god, and instead find guidance from the people who you encounter along the journey.

suppose that's the point of a pilgrimmage. either way, I would definitely recommend this sort of thing to anyone else. I found many little happy things along the roads, and the entire event was... soothing. very much so.

Coool! Though why am I tagged?
Athryl's confession was about Aracena.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I want to say, it's interesting doing a thing to get answers from a god, and instead find guidance from the people who you encounter along the journey.
But ah, is not faith simply a belief for characters to come more at peace upon their own thoughts and actions~?


Lord of Altera
But ah, is not faith simply a belief for characters to come more at peace upon their own thoughts and actions~?
In Altera, the reason for worshipping a god is less of "This god really rings well with my spirituality", and more of "I'll worship you. Just please don't turn me into a frog"


Lord of Altera
See, El worships a few gods- mostly to apologise. His main prayers to Shelherana are for forgiveness after turning his back on her after his parents death- Visage, well, you can understand... And he always prayers to Jishrim- but that's a secret.

Please no Frog.