Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tauredal [Great Grove]


Resigned Admin
Budgie, I think that I can rustle up something for you. PM me what you have in mind and I'll figure out how we can do it :)
Mmine can definitely be a town mage, but we need moar hunters :D

Deleted member 61

Is it bad if I found a plot for two new residents and let them build tant? I feel like I've broke teh rulkes by not asking you :(


Resigned Admin
It's fine, just try to mark out 16x16 plots of dirt and have them build WITHIN that. Make sure that they know that trees will be mandatory, and that they have to build with our style.
I should've taught you and the other assistants what the deal was with plots a while ago...


Resigned Admin
But actually that person is in a bad spot. Can you tell them to remove the beginning of the tree if you see them? there are smaller lots to put them on if they just want to build a tree, and they're getting awfully close to moo's house.

Deleted member 61

yeah! I set him up with a plot
We really are running out of space :eek:

Deleted member 61

Hey I visited your town and really like it. Hel_Wulf gave me a tour. I was wondering if I may join you guys?
Of course you can friend! Just contact either me (headbudgie), Tantara, Hathaway333, mmine1 or Moochick in game and say that you want to be invited! Thanks.


Lord of Altera
BACK! Had troubles, btw I'm roleplaying as a mage, but if Mmine wants to be the Town mage, i have no problem with that, of course, I have seen the disapearence of aspendale :wink: and am now tired of magic


Resigned Admin
BACK! Had troubles, btw I'm roleplaying as a mage, but if Mmine wants to be the Town mage, i have no problem with that, of course, I have seen the disapearence of aspendale :wink: and am now tired of magic
omg you've missed so much. I'll be on later tonight for us to talk about it, if you can be there


Lord of Altera
yes i will, my rp reason is that after the great distruction of the city I went away far away I couldn't bear the fact all my old friends are gone .. unless you don't want me to remember the old Aspendale xD


Resigned Admin
watch the language, and it's cool :p
your new house location will be 1000000x better, so don't worry about it
so excited to have you back ^-^

Deleted member 61

But the new location... will take 1000000x longer! DDDDDD: