Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tauredal [Great Grove]


Resigned Admin
We've started the process of moving the town! Please ignore the floating stone platforms with trees on them; I'm using them as a place to disentangle the branches. We'll be fully moved by the end of the week!

Deleted member 61

We've started the process of moving the town! Please ignore the floating stone platforms with trees on them; I'm using them as a place to disentangle the branches. We'll be fully moved by the end of the week!
My life starts once again! xD


Resigned Admin
umm is the there a new version that's not corrupted if there is may i join ?
Yeah! We're just getting settled but you can find us in the Exodus (take the large portal behind the balloon at the Port Silver docks, take the left-hand portal after arriving, go to the left and take the portal marked "Tauredal")

Deleted member 61

It's been fun guys... but I need to move on from Tauredal. May the town continue to be strong and prosperous!


Lord of Altera
A bit late, but yes. The town is still very active, any questions or concerns, just ask me or Readij. Thank you :p


I am Aloria Crowe, Im a returning member of this server, and I find this town very nice, I'm a Hunter and Merchant, very on-my-own style, and I can provide game and monster loot for the town. Is there a way you could fit me into this town?