Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff

I would have Ghosty draw me, but I'm almost certain he already has. Then again, he told me to forgot all about that so no... he never drew me.

That eye, and then the face looks awesome. It's still a guy right?
It is still a guy.. and I do believe I have erased what you speak of from my memory as well....
So request away! :D


Lord of Altera
Nah, I think I'll leave my char till next Sunday. I'm interested as to how this epic male chibi is going to end up.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Woah, it's a Monday, and I'm posting?!

I had some time to draw in my good ol sketch book, and drew.. well me as an anime dude (and I mean me in real life, so take this as a 'as close as you'll ever get to me introducing myself' photo :p ), so I'm going to convert it from a scan to the real deal!
Expect a finished, nice and clean version today or tomorrow, so for now..



Lord of Altera
Um... I thought it was a picture every sunday? The last 3 days you've posted one picture every day... Ghosty I think I'm falling in love with you, or at least your pictures. ;)