Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Phew, wow, so as I said, all drawings will be weekly, they will be on Sunday's, and this week's is not going to be Nova and Epsilon, but instead Sparky's request for a drawing like the previous one. I've put time and effort into this one, trying to correct all that has been done wrong with the other one, and here is the end result, hope you like it Sparky :)

sparky's char copy.jpg


Lord of Altera
Wow, it's... almost perfect. The only problem is... he has no pupils? Excluding that minor fact.... he's perfect, and fit... *giggles* :)
Phew, wow, so as I said, all drawings will be weekly, they will be on Sunday's, and this week's is not going to be Nova and Epsilon, but instead Sparky's request for a drawing like the previous one. I've put time and effort into this one, trying to correct all that has been done wrong with the other one, and here is the end result, hope you like it Sparky :)
Thanks, but his mouth seems a bit strange to me

Wow, it's... almost perfect. The only problem is... he has no pupils? Excluding that minor fact.... he's perfect, and fit... *giggles* :)
You do know that's me, right?
Hm...... It appears too late to fix anything, so I guess it will have to be you talking to yourself for the time being :D
Edit: Then again, Machy's messages are still there as long as yours are, as you did quote them all
or I could use my magical mod powers and restore them if she wants

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Expect a lot of piece by piece drawings.. that should come together in the end as a drawing for the latest topic of the weekly artwork thread (*cough* advertisement *cough* you should check it out if you haven't, but you probably have.. *cough*), and if I don't, or it is terrible, feel free to throw rocks at me.... Actually, on second thought...

be gentle...jpeg


Lord of Altera
When you posted that it came up on my alerts as you'd attatched a file, I thought you'd done a picture for Sunday early (due to time zones and whatnot.) and when I saw that I was sad for a moment, but then I read the whole thing and it's utterly hilarious.

No I will not throw rocks at you, even if you're depressing everyone with your pour self image. Be happy, you're really good at art and are getting better every time. :)