Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Caparii Alliance


Lord of Altera
*This symbol is drawn on the document in the center at the top*

Our race is dying. As time goes on I am seeing less and less of my noble kind. The ones who remain are shunned by society. Treated as mindless beasts rather than equals. I am tired of being frowned upon by those who should be my friends. I am tired of hearing of little Caparii being beaten and hurt by those who should care for them. I am tired of being treated like a beast or a nuisance to all around me. This alliance shall attempt to spare others from my fate.


This alliance will be made for the protection of our race. There are so little of us that we must unite to keep our race alive. The code of the Alliance is listed here...

1) If any member of the Alliance is being hunted, The Alliance will do everything in their power to protect them.
2) If a member is a criminal, a joint trial will be held by the council and the accusers
3) If a council trial is refused, the Alliance will use force if necessary but we will be as peaceable as possible
4) Please keep your in Alliance arguments as calm as possible. Avoid force against one another if possible
5) Protect all of our little ones. They will be our future generation. Anything we can do to help will advance our races growth
6) Even if another race looks upon you with hatred, do everything in your power to make peace with them. Even if they despise you, try to reconcile the relationship

(This part is probably not done! I gotta think of more ideas!)

Lets rebuild what is falling apart
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Lord of Altera
The leader and founder of this organisation
Sycamore - Raykaystar
Council members are the political influence on society. They go to events involved with other political groups such as kingdom events and other types of meetings. They must be reasonable Caparii knowing when to talk and when not to. They shall attempt to make peace with the other kingdoms in Altera to make The alliance well known and respected.

Chestnut - MorbidGabby
Aspen - Aspen
Casper - phanaton

The Force
The force is the protective group of the Alliance. They are only called upon when absolutely necessary. To be a guard in the force, you must have a clear head and a peaceful inclination. You must understand that fighting is a last resort! You must only use force if another is being hurt. Training will be provided (Once we have a base and a ton of other junk)

Aspen Malavar - JustTooRadical
Ulvenscar - Dreddy
Vruk - Azur


The apprentices can be trained in either a fighting or political position. They must be at least 16 years of age and meet the requirements of the position they desire

Wax - jesterjacks
Garren Longhorn - Green_Ghost11


Miscellaneous Positions
Those who exhibit skills other than fighting and helping in political cases can use their other skills to help out in the Alliance. Cooks, scribes, anything that could be helpful to the Alliance fits this category.

Toriss Lucar - Head Scribe - Toriss_Lucar
Cinder (This might change?) - Sophe

Allies are friends to the Alliance. Most are trusted acquaintances or friends of members in the Alliance and will usually stand by them. When needed, they may be called upon to help them in their time of need as well as have the Alliance help the allies if needed.

Jacob Rekalak - Sir Saltington
Cymic - IanAwesomePants
Ash Greyhoof - SpartanDory

Potentials are Caparii recommended by the alliance who may be interested in joining. They are others who seem lost and in need of the Alliance to be their family and friends. They shall be sought out and asked to join by members of the Alliance. (Basically, lemme RP with ya!)

Lionfang - RexJen
Willow - Spooksy_
Dewdancer - Bakaling
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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
2) If a member is a criminal, a trial will be held by the council, not by anyone else
3) If a council trial is refused, the Alliance will use force if necessary but we will be as peaceable as possible
I hope you're aware these two laws can cause a lot of issues with other political nations... As in... If for example they try to intervene a trial, the whole Alliance (or those interfering) can get arrested for it.
Just a friendly warning.


Lord of Altera
Just so ya know, I forgot to mention, this group is trying not to be racist. In fact they wont let any racist caparii in! They just are trying to rebuild the race that is falling apart! They love allies so feel free to ally!


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Azgir needs to make furred friends...

He's in need of more goulash...


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Hope I didn't forget this but they love allies! :heart:
Having an earthspawn ally would be nice!!
Caparii is the only race he doesn't really fight unless provoked :p
Something about them being pacifist-goats perhaps


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
We need peppiroini for our pizzas. RIP goat men and women your lives have been judged in the balance and pizza has won.

Jk not really :heart:


Lord of Altera
Ah, in all odds Dewdancer wouldn't be interested purely because she doesn't like being attached to a label that isn't her name.