Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~The Dragon Emporium~


Lord of Altera
.....Can I have a 3 ft long cardinal dragon?

(Photo creds to wikipedia)

Oh, and if you're feeling motivated, can Aspen be holding it? :3

These are absolutely spectacular, Dacky. :D


Lord of Altera
Thank you all :heart:

Added King Dragon and Cardinal dragon~

Orders closed again guys!

And flowster, I'll give it a go at drawing Aspen, but I'm terrible at doing humanish faces xD


Lord of Altera
Thank you all :heart:

Added King Dragon and Cardinal dragon~

Orders closed again guys!

And flowster, I'll give it a go at drawing Aspen, but I'm terrible at doing humanish faces xD
Try your luck-his face is mostly beard anyway. xD Be warned though-there's a white patch of hair the left (?) side of his head from when he had daydream fever.


Lord of Altera
---------Art Competition!---------
A prize ranging between 500 and 2000 rads will be granted to the person who draws and submits the best picture of a giant cardinal, cardinal dragon, or both in their natural habitats. (See the Google Doc linked in the intro for more complete information on the species.)

This competition closes at the end of February!
By the way, Dacky, your drawing will automatically be added to this contest. :3

P.S. If any of you are interested in the cardinal dragon actually being an animal in Altera, check out that link! >:]


Lord of Altera
OOOHHH competition!

I have that dragon. I actually have the figurine xD

Um, once the orders open up, ask again! I'm already doing an ice/crystal dragon for somebody else, so I might be able to do two of them in one :3


Lord of Altera
xD I might need to put the Cardinal dragon on the top of the list since it's part of a competition, sorry about that guys :3