Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Fall of The Inquisition


Settling in Altera
To the tune of...

And who are you, the proud mob said,
that we must bow so low?

Only a tyrant of a different cloak,
that's all the truth I know.

In a cloak of silver or coat of mail,
Across Cromarky shores,

Our knives are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.

And so they spoke, and so they spoke,
to Inquisitors so near,

And now the rains weep on Cathedral hall,
with no one there to hear.

Yes now the rains weep o'er Cathedral hall,
and not a soul to hear.


Lord of Altera
It is a group of people rising up against a church, they don't believe in, and replacing it with one they believe in.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
It was fuuuuun trapping engems in super backstabbing~

Well, we needed them angry~
This is glorious. Much better then I expected!

I think my favourite part was Mister Dayter there :heart: He is the absolute boss.
that, or being able to say, 'Saaallly... I might've started a war'


The Kingdom Crusher
In light of all of this, this server has all of a sudden tripled in respect from me (it was already high, mind you). The fact that this was so spontaneous but so significant gives us light of how much this community can do. I do feel a bit sad for the inquisition, however this could open up a lot of potential RP for former inquisitors. This'll also lay way to political ideas I have had and events I plan to enhance them.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Mind, he also had an arrow nocked, and when those in the front stopped I'm pretty sure those in the back ran into them.