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The Fall of The Inquisition


The Arbiter of the Gods
So if Axex was to storm the Palace with only a single guard on and he had say ten people would his leadership apply? I mean, the ratio is basically the same.


Lord of Altera
look guys, to be totally frank, i'm one of the main actors in this, and if you guys really want, we can just forget everything that happened, I can do like nothing happened, and we will go back to the same extremely boring stage it was before. Im telling this because since yesterday evening, i have talked with at least ten players that consider what happened epic, fun and one of the greatest RPs we ever had, and at least 3 of those told me that they consider that Hollowworld was getting much more interesting for them because of it. But yeah, nobody can lose, and nobody can win.

I don't recall Arcturus or Arduin, which both lost the first Game of Crown, whining because Lonmar won.


Lord of House Hawklight
Because they had a chance to defend themselves, Lonmar didn't rock up to every pvp event against no enemies..


Lord of Altera
Because they had a chance to defend themselves, Lonmar didn't rock up to every pvp event against no enemies..

Well that's true, but tell me frankly how much members the entire High Church has and if it would've changed anything if all of its members were all online simultaneously against the 20+ people there were from two united houses and the Queen + praetor themselves wishing to capture and trial the Arbiter.

And by the way, as the losing team, I recall quite good a couple of times when Lonmar, allied with Hawklight, had little or no opposition and well, to be honest, Lonmar did not have to work too much to win the crown...


The Arbiter of the Gods
Along with allies? Around the same as the force you sent in. And the lack of opposition was from your side and your side alone.


Lord of Altera
And I'm willing to bet, without the Inquistion (Which pretty much is a large part of RP for a lot of the Inquisitors) that some are debating leaving the server because of the unfairness of the event. It should've been on more fair terms when Polo was online and more than two Inquisitors were online.


Valonyx said:
I don't recall Arcturus or Arduin, which both lost the first Game of Crown, whining because Lonmar won.
Lolwut? LOLWUT????

You didn't hear it because it was said behind our backs...which is pretty hilarious.
Arcturus, sure but...yeah..Val, you took it 500x better than others.

As for this, did Polo give his permission for this? Just like you need to ask/tell Michcat if you want to takd over the crown?

Seems pretty unfair, if I got 20 friends to come online at once and take over Port Silver when 2 people were online? Not really.

Please, think of others before you do things, I know Polo worked so hard with everyone against him.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
So, if I storm and occupy the palace when no one is online, and declare myself King, that's fine? Because that's what happened here.
That's not what happened. If you'd like, I'll give you a full recounting.

  • Over time, the Inquisition makes a ton of enemies.
  • Recent events have Cromarcky and the Inquisition directly at odds with each other.
  • Conflict at this point is inevitable.
  • Both Myself and Polo are online.
  • We both know the other group is planning/carrying out attacks.
  • One conflict with the Engems and the Inquisition happens - Inq wins that confrontation.
  • Cromarcky gathers allies for a counter-offensive.
  • The combined forces of three houses gather
  • Polo signs off as the last of our forces arrive
This was coming, and had been instigated by the Inquisition. You can't put an entire server on hold. Not only that, but Michcat and Legion not only allowed such an action to take place, they decided to play a part in it! Had the staff had any issue with the way this went down, they could have stopped us at any time. In fact, there was a very specific moment where both IC and OOC Mich had a very strong point to tell us to back off, but did the opposite.

As I said before, Polo was there, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. We all wanted Polo there. He was there till the last minute. The whole reason the Inquisition has fallen is because of Polo. Now we have to deal with him running around as a wanted but still free man, instead of already holding him in a cell somewhere. Now that the Inquisition is no longer accepted, they can go around using even worse techniques to kill those the suspect since they are already illegal to begin with. In no way is this a final blow, in fact it just complicates things worse. Had Polo been there this would be over and done.

Finally, were we not supposed to stop arguing about the legality of this event? Baron said its over. Let's end this line of questioning the staff's decision on this matter.

Now, for all of those involved, including the opposition, I thank you for what has been one of the most interesting roleplay experiences of my life so far. This whole story arc has been amazing. There were some great moments there, and even the forum roleplay was very entertaining. I can't wait for the next story to pop up organically like this one did. I don't want this to sound boastful - Even if this had ended with Riddleport being overrun and the Coin destroyed (Which by the way was a very real possibility at one point), I'd still have thought this was a great experience.

Can't wait for the next one.


Lord of Altera
Look, i give up, let this damn server be boring if it suits some of you. I personally though the whole ''preserving the balance thing'' was extremely stupid and was restraining so much RP we couldve had if the Church was even a tiny bit aligned with something, not just an observer that ''keeps balance'', because you know, with Grief, there's quite a lot of balance on Altera (Sarcasm).

my point is that nobody wants to lose anything and everyone would just stagnate in hope to preserve what they did and their power.

Lemme tell you, destroy Arcturus and completely erase it from Altera, my town aswell, order me to kill off my character and ban me from the server, but tell me that the server will be much more epic if I do so, with wars, mass battles, towns burning, several kingdoms and realms, invasions, and the likes, and I will do it. Im serious.

Seems pretty unfair

Unfair?!? You know what's unfair? the fact that most of the RP power is held by the same persons since months and years.

I'm out.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
@dracon yea it is meant to say "do not" was a typo.

You guys are making analogies that make no sense.

You want to just walk into the throne room and claim your king?
You can do that if you want. No rule against it.

Will people actually think you are king? Probably not, they will think you are just some raving nut and then some guardsman or soldier will kill you.

You actually do not have to tell mich if you plan on over throwing her by the way. In fact I really suggest you dont. (its sometimes impossible not to meta-game once youve been told something like that)

Taking things over isnt hard, nor the goal. Its holding them.
It is totally 100% absolutely positively fair for you to get 10 people and then try to "take over" port silver.
You might succeed for the first hour, but then you are going to find it pretty damn hard to hold once others get back online.

It would have been ideal if Polo hadnt had to leave. It would probably have been in best fairness to postpone until Polo returned. But there was no way of knowing when or if he would return, and this was a spur of the moment thing, I do not fault them for the decision to press on.

Polo, if there is something that you would have done but did not get the chance to do, send me a pm detailing your actions.
It is my understanding that in DnD disputes like this are handled by the GM. Naelwyn and I will play that part then and see if Polo's actions would have changed anything really important.

You can't have events if you have to wait for everyone to be online. Its unfortunate, but its simply true. I have missed 90% of the lead-up events to the Exodus, and my character was one of the main participants. Its something that is a reality you have to live with in a set up like this.


Lord of Altera

Calm down there buddy, you should seriously consider stopping playing minecraft, if you think it's right to insult someone OVER A VIDEO GAME.

Did you even think before saying that offensive message? I don't think so. You think that i'm stupid enough to think that Lonmar did nothing the whole time? Please consider that what is written can have multiple meanings. I meant by what i said that Lonmar had not much to do FOR THE GOC. They worked hard to get armors, members, towns and everything BEFORE, but when the GoC came, there was little or none opposition to them, considering most of the Houses that had all the time Lonmar had were either on Lonmar's side or neutral. August withdrawn, Hawklight was with you.

Do you really think two smaller houses much, much younger (at the time, both Arduin and Arcturus were a couple of months old while Lonmar and Hawklight were around for much, much longer.) could beat a titan like Lonmar, even if we worked very hard?. NOPE.


Calm down there buddy, you should seriously consider stopping playing minecraft, if you think it's right to insult someone OVER A VIDEO GAME.

Did you even think before saying that offensive message? I don't think so. You think that i'm stupid enough to think that Lonmar did nothing the whole time? Please consider that what is written can have multiple meanings. I meant by what i said that Lonmar had not much to do FOR THE GOC. They worked hard to get armors, members, towns and everything BEFORE, but when the GoC came, there was little or none opposition to them, considering most of the Houses that had all the time Lonmar had were either on Lonmar's side or neutral. August withdrawn, Hawklight was with you.

Do you really think two smaller houses much, much younger (at the time, both Arduin and Arcturus were a couple of months old while Lonmar and Hawklight were around for much, much longer.) could beat a titan like Lonmar, even if we worked very hard?. NOPE.

I have quit minecraft, it annoys the crap out of me.... yeah I see your point, sorry.... just...threads like these.. n stuff...wind me up...yep...sorry...I'll be going now...


Lord of Altera
I have quit minecraft, it annoys the crap out of me.... yeah I see your point, sorry.... just...threads like these.. n stuff...wind me up...yep...sorry...I'll be going now...

I'm sorry aswell, i'll delete mine in order to erase any proof of what happened if necessary.