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The Imperial Edict


Lord of Altera
Honestly speaking I can't really follow a rule of someone without an army. It's like following someone who is blind through an unknown by both of you path. You might as well take the lead yourself.
Two things, who says we dont have an army, and
Arcturus=Not Commies, who said anything about there having to be fighting, dont fight us Join us.


Lord of Altera
What will probably happen is there will be the Arcturian Empire another big Kingdom and then lots of tiny kingdoms and new groups that will side with either one, creating either an Alteran Cold War OR The second Alteran World War.
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The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Well, that last part was just an example of what I was hearing. I've heard a lot from what happened at the council but from what I know a lot of the proposals were really counterproductive. I left early anyway so I might be wrong but that's what it seemed like.
all what happened was that everyone chose the representatives of the houses.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Just after the queen was exploded a group went back to the council chamber to make an attempt at creating some stability.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
{Stability is overrated... }
"Uhm, yes..."
*raises voice*
"We need stability in these times of uncertainty and struggle!"


Lord of Altera
The following is a map of the lands under the influence of the Golden Empire:
Golden Empire 1.0.png
The area shaded in white is the Krynitas state.
The area shaded in in red is the Folksmight state.
The area shaded in purple is the Azerwind state.
The area shaded in green is the Engem state.
The area shaded in grey is the Skiardo state.
The area shaded in yellow is the Novus state.

Also included in the empire is the Elumeril Estate (not pictured), which is a part of the Azerwind state.

Also, curiously enough, when turned sideways, the empire looks like a golden lion:
Golden Lion Empire.png