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The Imperial Edict


The Arbiter of the Gods
*raises a finger, then lowers it*

{Better not tell them it doesn't look like a lion at all...}


Lord of Altera
*raises a finger, then lowers it*

{Better not tell them it doesn't look like a lion at all...}
I agree with Polo, I have no idea where you guys see a lion in this.

Besides, this is a temporary, not accurate, prone to enlarge map. Do not get too attached to it! x)


Lord of Altera
Lord Sinclair: Hey Valonyx what are we gonna do tonight?
Valonyx: The same thing as every night Sinclair... We try to take over Altera!


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Claiming you rule those areas in RP, that's fine telling someone they can't expand their region out of character as you want to own / think you own those areas, NOT FINE.
You have no right to tell other player what they can do in those areas when they were there already. In character you can try and act against them or so forth and that's fine but not ooc.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Im told you've said otherwise to at least one region owner, hence the post. If its a misunderstanding I apologize but either way the point stands.


Lord of Altera
I think the misunderstanding here is that we were in OOC chat (well, House chat, anyways) but were discussing the matter from what I thought was an implied RP standpoint.

You can stay where you are. You can make your own house. But it's in your best interests to establish your house's base of operations farther away from a Great House's capital than your town currently is.

If you stay where you are, your house will be vastly overshadowed by Arcturus in RP by sheer proximity. As I believe I mentioned, this is perfectly fine if you're okay with that fact. If you want more RP freedom, though, then you should probably settle somewhere where you're more free to expand across the map; as it stands, your proximity to Arcturus is so close that it would be essentially impossible for you to do anything grand in opposition to what Arcturus says, in RP. Again, this is perfectly fine if you intend to permanently be a vassal.

If you ever were to want to be a Great House, however, you would have an uphill battle to fight. Your current location is simply too close in terms of geopolitics for Arcturus to agree, in RP, to let you grow into anything more than a vassal house.

In short, we're just trying to advise you as to what your current location entails in terms of geopolitics, which is RP by my assessment. You can stay where you are, but you'd have a lot more freedom if you put some distance between yourself and Novus. Again, you don't have to do anything if you're comfortable with the results, but I feel you should be aware of your geopolitical situation all the same.


Legend of Altera
I think the misunderstanding here is that we were in OOC chat (well, House chat, anyways) but were discussing the matter from what I thought was an implied RP standpoint.

You can stay where you are. You can make your own house. But it's in your best interests to establish your house's base of operations farther away from a Great House's capital than your town currently is.

If you stay where you are, your house will be vastly overshadowed by Arcturus in RP by sheer proximity. As I believe I mentioned, this is perfectly fine if you're okay with that fact. If you want more RP freedom, though, then you should probably settle somewhere where you're more free to expand across the map; as it stands, your proximity to Arcturus is so close that it would be essentially impossible for you to do anything grand in opposition to what Arcturus says, in RP. Again, this is perfectly fine if you intend to permanently be a vassal.

If you ever were to want to be a Great House, however, you would have an uphill battle to fight. Your current location is simply too close in terms of geopolitics for Arcturus to agree, in RP, to let you grow into anything more than a vassal house.

In short, we're just trying to advise you as to what your current location entails in terms of geopolitics, which is RP by my assessment. You can stay where you are, but you'd have a lot more freedom if you put some distance between yourself and Novus. Again, you don't have to do anything if you're comfortable with the results, but I feel you should be aware of your geopolitical situation all the same.

Well here's the news, it costs as spear told me in the worst case 528 diamonds to move the mansion and 95k to buy the region and plots, you would'nt happen to have that laying around?


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Really depends on how hard it is to edit, I don't world edit players stuff so I have no idea what they'd charge for the region


Lord of Altera
Claiming you rule those areas in RP, that's fine telling someone they can't expand their region out of character as you want to own / think you own those areas, NOT FINE.
You have no right to tell other player what they can do in those areas when they were there already. In character you can try and act against them or so forth and that's fine but not ooc.
...Why saying that, might I be informed of the circumstances?


Lord of Altera
The following is a map of the lands under the influence of the Golden Empire:
View attachment 37021
The area shaded in white is the Krynitas state.
The area shaded in in red is the Folksmight state.
The area shaded in purple is the Azerwind state.
The area shaded in green is the Engem state.
The area shaded in grey is the Skiardo state.
The area shaded in yellow is the Novus state.

Also included in the empire is the Elumeril Estate (not pictured), which is a part of the Azerwind state.

Also, curiously enough, when turned sideways, the empire looks like a golden lion:
View attachment 37022
May need to update this since I started an Arcturian Fort/Town