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The Imperial Law


Lord of Altera

The Great Lion Empire is an extremely lawful, honor and might aligned society. It's people are raised to believe that thieves, murderers, bandits and others of this misbegotten kind do not even deserve any kind of pity or fairness. In the Empire ruled by an
authoritative, incorruptible and fiercely religious government, the law is brought at every occasion, and is never overruled. Arcturians strongly believe that justice and discipline bring peace, and that any kind of disturbance is to be removed, in order to allow the realm to peacefully continue it's activities and economic development.

The Justice procedures:

In the Lands of the Empire, anyone caught acting in any
mischievous evil-intended or illegal way will be brought to custody as fast as possible. Loyal citizens who help in catching criminals and villains will be heavily rewarded by the Imperial open hand, by any means needed, may it be protection, riches or resources.

The Peregrinus, or Crusade (Also called third Legion), is in the Empire to protect it's people, along with the other divisions of the glorious Imperial armies. The Peregrinus exist only for the purpose of stopping any kind of crime or action that would go
against the Golden Throne. If a citizen is taken into custody or asked to cooperate with the soldiers of the third Legion, It is strongly recommended to obey at once. The Empire does not have patience for disobedience, and any kind of refusal will lead to more important accusations. It is of great importance to obey all orders, for the will of the Emperor and the Gods is to bring prosperity and hope over the heads of their people, not to bring unnecessary death or punishment.

Furthermore, any kind of support and aid given to criminals or convicts will be dealt with the same punishment given to the helper, may it be a fine, prison or execution.

The crimes, accusations and condemnations list:

Lower crimes:

-Verbal attack

-Attempt at physical attack on other civilians
-Minor Political unrest (For example; minor attempts at creating troubles in the Empire)
-Economical unrest (For example; attempting to benefit off of clients, as a merchant)

Middle crimes:

-Physical attack on other civilians
-Attempt at physical attack on imperial officials (Army, government, Merchant's Union members)
-Political unrest (see above for example)
-Participation in rebel movements
-Attempt at murder on other civilians
-Attempt at assassination of other civilians
-Kidnapping other civilians

Higher crimes:

-Physical attack on Imperial officials (army, government, Merchant's Union members)
-Major Political unrest
-Major participation/leadership in rebel movements
-Murder of civilians
-Assassination of civilians

Highest level of crimes:

-Attempt at attacking the Golden Throne and it's holder
-Murder of Imperial Officials
-Assassination of Imperial Officials
-Open opposition to the Imperial system and the most serene Emperor.


Punishments to lower and middle crimes:

May vary from large fines to time in prison, from one day to ten years, depending on the importance of the crime.

Punishments to middle and higher crimes:

Prison time, from five to twenty years, possibility of the punishment of death administered.

Punishments to higher crimes of great importance:

The punishment is generally death by either hanging or burning on the gallows, although it is possible to gain redemption by giving help to the Golden Throne.

Punishment to the highest level of crimes:

Death is the first, only, and definite punishment to those crimes, by the gallows, the execution block or the rope.
For the despicable crime of Heresy, only fire may purge the souls of the unrighteous.

The Court System:

While the punishment system may seem extremely severe at first, it is important to notice that never will there be any unfairness or inequalities present. In the face of the Emperor and the holy God of Justice, Harateth, criminals in the Empire will always be judge fairly and will have the right to speak if they wish to. They will also be granted the rights to meet their loved ones before their sentence is accomplished, and the right to ask for a single, reasonably obtainable object or favor from the Imperial Throne.

The Crusade is merely present to bring peace and prosperity, nothing more. However, they will maintain a severe policy, and no crimes will be tolerated in the face of our Holy Lords.

''Praise Harateth, God of Justice.''


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Retired Staff
This is very East Germany. Spying on your neighbours for political unrest, for which you will be rewarded? Classic USSR.


Legend of Altera
These only apply to lands in control or are allied to Arcturus to the point they allow it, correct? .-.


Lord of Altera
Ooh, an extremely strict power holder? Interesting! Course, it'll only be interesting if people don't unwittingly ruin good RP possibilities by disobeying for the sake of disobeying :p
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