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The Imperial Law


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Dont be silly im not gonna maim people, if they insult me im just gonna hurt them badly, but nothing too severe.
An entirely innocent and hypothetical question:
How many people go around physically attacking people for simply insulting them in reality?


Lord of Altera
Remember that these laws only apply in the Empire. In Port Silver, people can insult the Emperor all they want. :p
That's the point i'm trying to make. I don't care what you say outside of the empire, unless its made largely public and obviously for the sake of attacking the Empire's respect/facade, in which can then we will act. Otherwise, as long as its not on mah lawn, I don't care where your dog poops.


Lord of Altera
Points to North Korea
...What? Are you kidding me... nobody wants to be compared to North Korea...

*Points to Arcturus.* If you guys start acting like North Korea, expect to be judged like North Korea.
Dammit, that's totally what I do not want to happen. Please do not take into account such stupidities guys. Keep in mind that the only two person that can give you real, stable and definite info concerning the empire are me and Sinclair, and nobody else, okay? I do not want rumors and people having false opinions, especially in the case of the realm i'm trying to make. Yes, its not an open-minded and libertarian country, but no, it's not an uncultured and corrupt unlawful realm. ;)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Seriously, i want this empire to happen, quit ragging on it guys. All disagreements and conflict should remain out of ooc.


Lord of Altera
Seriously, i want this empire to happen, quit ragging on it guys. All disagreements and conflict should remain out of ooc.
Nah, nobody's raging, from what I see is that people are speculating and thinking stuff that I never said, nothing much. That's why i'm asking from now on to only take into account what Sinclair and I will say, and nothing else.