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The Imperial Law


Legend of Altera
Ooh, an extremely strict power holder? Interesting! Course, it'll only be interesting if people don't purposely try to ruin good RP possibilities by disobeying for the sake of disobeying :p
They are disobeying for the sake of disobeying so yep.


Lord of Altera
Ooh, an extremely strict power holder? Interesting! Course, it'll only be interesting if people don't purposely try to ruin good RP possibilities by disobeying for the sake of disobeying :p
Even in that case, you can expect many prison/death sentences. ;)


Why is heresy in all categories of crimes? Surely it would only be in one... since there aren't really any stages of heresy...


Lord of Altera
These only apply to lands in control or are allied to Arcturus to the point they allow it, correct? .-.
Yes, yes indeed. The Great Lion Empire does not desire the entire Altera or to hold it's entire races under it's dominion. Soon, an official map of the lands and claims of the Empire will be published.

I didn't know Arcturus was evil.
Because as soon as you start having a lightly harsh justice system, you turn evil? It's not evilness, merely a mix of intolerance, mild racism and extreme lawfulness. ;)

I wouldn't say evil, just mildly Machiavellian. ;)


Different levels of Heresy, although they are all dealt in the same manner.
If they are all dealt in the same manner then shouldn't they be under the category which gives the right/only punishment? Knowing you, that means it's punishable by death I'm guessing? :rolleyes:


Legend of Altera
Valonyx for Uther Pendragon 2013 - Justify it with big words. :rolleyes:

xD But really, He only wants to build a giant wall and amass a slave work force, what is wrong with that? :C


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Heresy is a crime?

Good thing word of the Old Norvägen religion returning hasn't reached the South yet.
But it soon will~!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
But whose religion is the most righteous?
There's only one way to find out...
Well, actuall- *Shuts up*

Technically though it's not reaaaally heretical...
They still believe in the Pantheon; they just care very little about it.

In fairness, it's difficult to legitimately avoid belief in the Gods in Altera, since they show up for a party every now and then. :p


Lord of Altera
I don't really understand why you'd have any other gods than the ones you've seen. It's like the Christians' god sowing himself and then someone decides to create a new religion with a completely different god.