Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Queen


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
He really does not know what to think of her. During the HR event, he was more dead than alive and could not even see straight.
He has been suffering from severe fevers for weeks now and is still waiting for the queens healers to arive... ;)


Lord of Altera
Aww... Leminth doesn't like Darko... *shrugs* Wait... Is Darko part of her council? Where do members of the Blackened Skull sit on that list?


Legend of Altera
O.O wow mich ive been gone for a few months and you got farther then i did and i feel so jelous of you :p dont worry i wont go into queen slaying ...... or should it ;P


Legend of Altera
*slowly draws his bastard sword* (and there is actualy a sword the name look it up)
it just means it can be wielded with 1 or 2 hands ok)