Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Queen


Dark Council Elite
Not everyone, Only those that stick out.
+Loved~ [Redacted], Arren Rydeson, Keran Arrenson, Piper, Tzemik
+Trusted~ Vorar Elem-Povur, Einthe Liadan, 'Tuesday', Her Guard
+Liked~Her Council, Arduin, the Nakam, the Inquisition, Arcturus, Vaeril, Darko, Sarah, Legion,
+Neutral~ Most everyone else.
+Unsure of~Uppity little usurpers.
+Afraid of~Fear.
+Disliked~ Can't remember specific names, will update. Criminals and chaotic beings.
+Hated~ Queen Grief
Are you implying Archaeus has not yet earned a spot on her 'Sticks out' list?~~


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Updated relations, probably missed a few people~

EDIT: Totally didn't forget @Janos, her horse.
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