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The return of the Caesar


Lord of Altera

[The sentences told are thoughs of Arthorius, and not real words said.]

''Darkness covered us. The shroud of thousands of oblivions slowly crept around my faithful ones, and around my immobile body. I could feel the weight of millions of souls, those of Light and Love, lost forever during the decades I spent ordering them to die for a cause I never reached, nor devoted my own golden soul to. As blood, scarlet as the heralds of war, spilled from my son's sliced throat, and from the chest of trusted Nwalme, the knowledge of my incapacity to even protect those I hold dear overflew my rationality like the raging waters of the eastern sea. Even in the very heart of my expanding Dominion, forces of dark and chaos dare boldly come and sunder the might of my construction, with no care for my challenge or even contestation of their legitimacy. As I was reduced to nothingness in front of those who looked up to me, I realized I was far from reaching the might of a Deity. Then what would it be to be able to gain such respect? What would it take, for a broken man in an earthly body scarred many times? I must unite my Children, bring the cold steel to those who would even contest my divine-gifted right to rule... I must climb the mountains of the kingdom of chaos, and ultimately condemn the very existence of the enemy of Order, the enemy that numbers and might of soul cannot face alone.''

Arthorius's mental health faces a dangerous time. The events that had their course in the Purple throneroom deeply scarred him, to the point where he no longer speaks with his mouth. As so, his first and most deeply trusted son, Primarch Lucius, now acts as Arthorius's voice when required. Furthermore, Arthorius Arcturus now wears a mask to hide his true visage to those that require his wise advise. The man now deems that words no longer bear importance to him, as his goals are clearer and clearer to all. Rumors speak of a sometimes irrational and radical attitude, but an attitude that cannot be truly confirmed. Furthermore, Arthorius seems to for the moment struggle to use his body for basic functions, doing it slowly and in a near mechanical manner, relying on his beloved children, the Primarchs, to accomplish his bidding.

''And so, the Lionheart sleeps, beneath His unrelenting watch
Unending protection, the mighty King brings, steady and silent
Hidden away, with our Grand Plan's words,
Nalos'han, our prized defender, stands with the Lionheart
But the Griffin knows, and the Golden Lion shall rise...
Oh yes, the Golden Lion shall rise, our secret with Him''

The mask he will be wearing closely ressembles the one of King Baldwin in the movie Kingdom of Heaven

Might be interesting for some of the conspiracist-type here to notice/remember that I posted a thread with a very similar title about a year ago, just before a very interesting chain of events began...

@The Courier
@everyone concerned that i don't remember
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Lord of Altera
I am also probably going to require someone skilled in the art of skin-making to be able to incorporate a mask of sorts unto my current skin!
willing to pay if really needed! : )


Lord of Altera
I'll make a skin for free. Expect a PM tonight or tomorrow early on : )
Too late, guys, someone already did it, but thanks for the offer, it is awesome to see you guys try so fast! :heart::heart:


Lord of Altera
And now, after some research into this . . .

. . . *prepares Ignis -Insert anything of my possesion- for public viewings*