Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Seers of Light


I would like to agree to Mich's previous comment. I was in shock both IC and OOC about Harateth's decision. Know that I took NO part in deciding this outcome. There were things that happened that have made this legible. If you were not there to see them, then it is not Harateth's or my fault. I urge you to look at the better side of this and hope for some really cool RP in the future.


Lord of Altera
Harateth is also the God of Justice, the Justice of one may not be the Justice of many, unfortunately it's never specified if he holds grudges for past misdeeds.
Harateth the god of all that is right and good in the world.

God of good, justice, light, truth, law, wealth, order and nobility
We'd have to pull up some definitions of Good, but does anyone have any question as to why the God of Good also stands for Wealth and Nobility? Does that mean a peasant wouldn't be as Good as a Noble?

Gods would mostly care about being worshiped and the spread of their name across the Realm, which then of course, if Good was judged based on worship and influencing others to worship, then your stance in the world would mean you were liked more than a peasant that worships daily.

Of course this is my personal view on it- to me it makes sense so I dunno bout everyone else.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Harateth is also the God of Justice, the Justice of one may not be the Justice of many, unfortunately it's never specified if he holds grudges for past misdeeds.

We'd have to pull up some definitions of Good, but does anyone have any question as to why the God of Good also stands for Wealth and Nobility? Does that mean a peasant wouldn't be as Good as a Noble?

Gods would mostly care about being worshiped and the spread of their name across the Realm, which then of course, if Good was judged based on worship and influencing others to worship, then your stance in the world would mean you were liked more than a peasant that worships daily.

Of course this is my personal view on it- to me it makes sense so I dunno bout everyone else.
The Wiki needs to be updated >_>

Lets not clutter Scardracs thread :D


Lord of Altera
These are very good questions, I urge you to investigate them ingame!
My character has no knowledge of this nor any need to gain knowledge of this. Telling me to do this in character would technically be me meta-gaming, which I'm not enforcing.


Lord of Altera
I would like to agree to Mich's previous comment. I was in shock both IC and OOC about Harateth's decision. Know that I took NO part in deciding this outcome. There were things that happened that have made this legible. If you were not there to see them, then it is not Harateth's or my fault. I urge you to look at the better side of this and hope for some really cool RP in the future.
People like to question, Scar~ You can't just go along, saying something, when people have known otherwise this entire time. Example being everyone thought Scardrac was the Hell-Hound, a monster. He killed a good bunch of people, or harmed them at least. So RPly and OOCly I should think it'll be hard to convince people that your character was the right choice. :p


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
"On this day, I, Scardrac Dormus, with my trusted brother in arms, Gelyk Varyn, promise to provide justice as true and bright as Harateth commands and wishes."

SO. Today, Scar and Gelyk were chosen as the Champions of Harateth; Light. They both promise to stick true and prideful under his name. Here is what goes down:

Scardrac and Gelyk are given a full suit of pure gold armor. The armor is decently heavy, but strictly unbreakable. It is also an extremely well kept insulator, so fire will do near nothing. The Con? (Besides being heavy.) Is that the Armor breaks instantly if they commit any action that is considered heresy under Harateth. And the armor glows faintly; The glowing is brighter in the dark. So if you see us in a cavern or something, you know it'll be us.

They were also given a holy blade. This follows the same shattering rules. The blade is extremely sharp (within the physics of a normal blade), very hard, but it gives a holy physique and effect. It has a slightly abnormal force when struck, and gives a slight burning sensation when cut.

I encourage the other champions to create threads like this so that we can all make RP more easier and clear when we RP together with the champions.

@Michcat Mind giving a seal of approval so players don't freak out?
Your old ERP server are accusing you of stealing this idea. Thought you should know.


As I said already. I did not have a part in the outcome. You don't like it? Oh well. I already said I agree to learning this all in-game as it unwinds.


Lord of Altera
I find it way too convenient that when the contract to kill Scardrac and Gelyk was made, Harateth gave them each a full set of unbreakable armor and a holy sword.
As I said already. I did not have a part in the outcome. You don't like it? Oh well. I already said I agree to learning this all in-game as it unwinds.
Alright...come on...we can keep nice, yeah? Just opinions n' stuff...


Lord of Altera
I find it way too convenient that when the contract to kill Scardrac and Gelyk was made, Harateth gave them each a full set of unbreakable armor and a holy sword.
I believe we just cut off the heads, but I could be sorely mistaken. All I heard was the plinking of coinage in my coffers once the contract was complete. Safe to say that they're not invincible, in any case.


Lord of Altera
Locking something isn't a proper end to it...if people have questions, it's for reasons xD


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
My character has no knowledge of this nor any need to gain knowledge of this. Telling me to do this in character would technically be me meta-gaming, which I'm not enforcing.
Then I need to apologize, profusively, as stating such an answer in this thread would also be metagaming. I encourage you to roleplay on the server, perhaps someone knows something!

I find it way too convenient that when the contract to kill Scardrac and Gelyk was made, Harateth gave them each a full set of unbreakable armor and a holy sword.
I think this episode took place before the contract was created, As Far As I Know.

Anywho. This is in no way static, and I think it would be best if everyone checked out Valonyx' event and waited until that time.


Lord of Altera
Then I need to apologize, profusively, as stating such an answer in this thread would also be metagaming. I encourage you to roleplay on the server, perhaps someone knows something!

I think this episode took place before the contract was created, As Far As I Know.
I believe there's always been a looming contract over Scardrac xD Since when he came back, people wanted the head of the demon.(Could be wrong~)