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The Tale of a Traveller

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Story of Ascension Heights

As the Old Altera was completely destroyed by Queen Grief, the wife of High King Cherbert, who created Altera, we all had to start again. Warstrom, Port Silver and a few others were re-created to their full glory again. But Ascension, Chilvers Landing and Dustwood, the capital, were gone. We had to rebuild. Fsst. I awakened in the refugee camp and there was a piece of paper on my sleeping sack.
You need to go South East, and find Ascension Heights. We have found an ancient Dwarven Great Hall and we are building the new nation on that. The God's are not letting us build in the Wilderness, like always, so we are building a small dirt shack. There is a village to the North East of our position where we can craft. The co-ordinates are-
And it stopped there. Someone must have ripped the co-ordinates off. But that wouldn't stop me. It was a few day walks away from the refugee camp, but I made it in good shape. As I approached the mountain side where Ascension Heights was, I could hear recognisible voices of Zanros, Atkrye , Turu and Billian.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Story Of Ascension Heights, Part 2

"Ah! Taor!" cried Billian "Glad you're here. Get the note I assume? This is the town so far, we need the Radiants to buy a town."
"Waaaiit.....what? What are 'Radiants'? Don't you mean Silver?" For those who don't know, in Old Altera (in my time, anyway) the currency was Silver. Now it is Radiants. Billian told me that it was the new currency and I looked around the area town would be build upon. The sheer cliff face was a great place to build a home, atleast I thought that. There was a wide lake seperating this part and the part over the lake. Little did I know, that would be where I would build the town farm, and where my office as Head Of Trading and assistant to Atkrye would be, but that is a few years away.
"We need you and Turu to go to the Testificates to use their work benches. Heres an axe, get some wood on the way to make things with." and I was already jogging as Billy was finishing talking. It was through a pine forest and a desert, about a 5 minute walk from the town location. Me and Turu made a few stone tools with the materials we had in our bags and went back to town. As we returned, I saw a few new faces. One of which, is Michael Dirix, Sodiumsmotts (or whatever it is) and a few others. Atkrye was telling them to go mining to earn some money to get funds for the town. "Taor" Atkrye said, " Your Silver will need to be converted into Radiants. Fancy doing a trip to Port Silver and get it converted and donate a bit to help fund town?" I looked through my belt pouches, satchels and bags and I saw just under 40,000 Silver in a few small bags. I set off to Port Silver, just as the Sun was setting. It was a beautiful sight, the Sun setting over the lake. It was a long walk to Port Silver, about 3 day walks away. I wasn't going to walk all the way to Port Silver in 3 days just to get some money converted. It was about 6 hours before an old, brown carraige appereared over the horizon. A handome white staliion with black spots on its back was carrying an old, crippled man and a few people in the cart. I payed the man 50 Silver, which actually isn't that much if you consider it to the far far away currencys of the Pound of Dollar, but no one knows about them, just stories from my old village.... as I boreded the cart, creaking under our weight, we set off to Port Silver. It was then when I blacked out and had a vision.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Story of Ascension Heights, Part 3
The landscape around me was.....intense. Mountains climbing higher than the clouds, rivers with birds and fish. The wildlife! Badgers, foxes, wolves, birds....its got everything! The medows, full of dandylions, daisys, fox many more! A herd of deer! The white speckells on the red backs of the deer, the winding, twisting antlers....such a great animal. I believe they are..... roe deer... no... too small. Who cares?! They are wonderfull! Like a moving carpet of red and brown and white! A perigrine falcoln! *Gasp* Hes going in for a kill! BAM! What's he got? What's he got?! Ha! A goat! What a legend! How's he gonna' carry that?! "Hm. You like my land?" The voice was deep and reassuring. "I make sure everything is perfect. Everyone and everything has it's fair share of food and space." I turned around and saw no one "You won't be able to see me. Ha ha. See the trees? Beech, birch, oak, they all grow 10 times faster than normal, and when they are grown, the look amazing" and a lonely willow tree over a river gave of a blue and gold aura and grew. You could see all the leaves and branches growing. It was only when I saw the otter I saw a great big bounding wolf come running up the hill towards me. " I will keep in touch with you through my dog, Ben. He's not a wolf, like you thought, he is a special dog, the only breed you can get here, and you can only get it here." said the Voice
"Woof!!" The dog, Ben, was barking madly and running round in circles, its shaggy brown and tan fur fluffing about everywhere, its tail and head held high. It almost looked as if it was smiling. "Time to go, Taor. We shall meet again, but I will be taking on a different form. You will see me in -"

"End of the line, chaps." said the horseman in a voice that didn't really sound sad, but wasn't meant to be happy either. "Make sure you pay the Radiants to me, and me only! That's 50 Radiants!" I sat up in a daze, only realising then that I had had a dream and must've blacked out, like in Chilvers. I stepped off the cart, creeking as I supported myself on the railings. I walked up to the horseman, in his rags and said "I don't have Radiants, I was going to Port Silver to exchange my Silver for Radiants. I can give you 50 Silver, but that's the best I can do."
"Hm. Go on then." he grumbled. In only a few days, Port Silver was rebuilt! Completely new but I could still find my way around. A cathedral was along the main road, and the market had gone too. And the village with the gardens underneath the earth. I scanned the area for any signs, which is hard to do when there are a load of peasants and lords running and walking everywhere, to send me in any direction to exchange my money. I asked a lord in a red toga and he was no help, just stuck his nose up at me and swore saying I should be more careful. What a wart-flinger!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Story of Ascension Heights, Part 4

All life was great in Ascension Heights. Waking up in
the morning in my cliff face cave, seeing the views of
the lake and the farm, which I built, with birds singing.
Today was the day I would join the Order of the Fallen
Radiant. Axex, the leader, was already a good friend of
mine, trusted him too. I got dressed in my most formal
attire, which is quite hard when you are a dwarf...atleast
pretending that is....

It was about 5 minutes later when I was ready and I
gripped onto the ladders I made to accsess my cave.
I walked under the great arch of the old, Dwarven Keep,
and into the Great Hall, which was recreated by Turu Kael,
lead architect, and a few other builders including Sodi.
I looked down over the barriers at the market, at the new
stalls, like Atrye's butcher, my bakery, Itzza's wood shop,
Rev's Armoury and Sodi's ore shop. Michael's shop, a building
materials store, was still under construction. Even though
Ascension Heights was the biggest city in all Altera, it was
also one of the quietist. I'm not too sure why, even today.
I jogged over to the other side, eeger the get to the
Temple. I took the shortcut up the stairs and emerged at the
Upper City. I quickly absailed down the cliff face, graizing
myself a few times, and went round to the temple, to find
Axex, James Longstreet, Zanros and a few others waiting for me.
"All hail, Mario, newest member of The Order!" shouted Axex
as I walked towards the tower. Oh, my son, I should have told
you that I was a completely different person at this time!
Well...not literaly, but no one knew me as Taor the Priest
of Harateth, I was pretending to be a dwarf. They all greated me as we walked into the tower. "This is the tower. We only let members of the Order in here. We mainly worship Harateth, the Good God of all that is right and goodin the world and Korigon, the Good God of war. Harateth is one of the Big Three and Korigon is a lesser God. Zanros,worships Korigon and so does James. I worship Harateth. You will have to choose a God or Goddess to worship. I'llhelp you if you want, but it has to be a Good God. Not a bad or neutral one. Now, time to find you some more...
suitible attire." said Axex in his kind, honest but bellowing voice as he looked at my dirty, musty shirt.

"Oh! One more thing!" Axex cried, "Make sure when you choose your trimmings, it isn't a colour someone has alreadyused and that they are just plain white. I'll give you the normal plain robes when you are washed. Don't try anything
like James, black robes with red patterns on it. I don't really like that. Neither does Zanros. It seems like he is worshiping Kilrox, the Evil God of War."
I washed and took my plain robes back to my cave, without absailing the cliff face, trying to keep them as clean as possible. As a famous merchant, I found some dyes wool and string in no time...well...I say no time but when your house is just a massive, un-organsied store room, is quite hard. I chose royal blue and carefully sewed it onto my robes and put them on. A little on the big side, but they did fine. I set about returning to the Temple to get my tour, and find out
who would take me on as an aprentice.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Now that I think about it, is being able to see and sense spirits out of the lore? And there is a "Spiritual Realm" from my homeland. I dont want to give too much away, but if it is out of the lore, tell me and I will gladly change it.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Last Chapter

The BAttle of Ascension Heights was hard, but the reward was great, and from then on I lived in A.H. A.H was fighting to be the biggest town, only sometimes being beaten by places like Uthrandir or Skara Brae. Then, kicked out for stealing, lived in Digitus Dei.
I then joined back with Atkrye and the gang in their new town, Jhal Os Eirael. Then, joined Uthrandir, and on a holiday to Witches Brew, everything changed........

"Bellon, should I stay and brew up some more health potions? We're low on stock."
"No Taor!" Bellon shouted down from his Office "Get your but over to Witches Brew NOW! Ive payed for a weeks holiday there!"
"B..but I'm no wiz-"

Well..that was interesting. After a lesson of angriness, praise, telling off...that was pretty nice. The Dwarven King (Ikbenlars) came with a load of Bandits and the demon to get a sword and some demons power of Azareth.
Not to mension, all this was on HOLLOWTINES DAY!? Oh, and I had myself a date, too, has to happen THEN.
So, Witches Brew, spoke to the spirits, Fred the Fire Spirit, Bob, Bill and John the sheep spirits, and John almost fell in lava :/ then he got killed and I jumped in lava, after storing my spirit and soul in a piece of John's wool so I could come back. Had a bit of food, oh and Zanros and Proffesor Madyson had a good ol' flirt, and I think they're going out now, but Its kinda hard to tell from Oulaut - Ill tell ye what Oulaut is in a bit, be patient! And, I was in the bath with Zanros, Thalion and this other guy, and I had acidtently smashed Thalion on the celing with my spiritual powers - ouch, sorry! :/ - yeah. And...this person I was talking about and Zanros had gone upstairs, and....I changed. I turned into a fire spirit. Thats right, I big boomin' fire spirit, and that is when I knew I was going to die. Fire was flying everywhere, luckily I could extingwish fire, and then Thalion ran out to tell Zanros, Zanros tried, and he could do nothing, I told him to leave, or he could die. Back at home, I thought these were myths, fairy tales.... I had to get to Oulaut, the part in the world where the Spiritual World and the Normal World connect. Prince Silver, he was very kind, and after I had said goodbye to everyone....I left, hobling on my staff, puking fire up everywhere, but I didnt find Oulaut, it found me.

So, now I'm dead. Erm...not got a lot to say about that apart race of humans, as said in the stories, can come back as a new person once when they die. Same memories, and we kinda look the same, think the same. But...its not the person that dies, its the soul...well it was in my caase anyway. So, now I'm back as a new person, a new life, but I shall stay in Uthrandir as me, and while in Oulaut, I saw many things, and I know what I'm going to do in life, oh yes, its not very nice at all. But, I cant tell you that. So, I will leave you at this.
I was hurtling down to Brustenburg in a ball of immensely hot fire, it exploded and I was fine....well...I was naked, but fine. And, I don't know my name yet, but I shall find that soon. So, I put my robes on, and sat in the inn wondering what to do, as my memories, are still not clear.

The End.
(I had to put The End, I just had to)