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The Thieves Guild

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Welcome to the Official Thread about The Thieves Guild.

Originally, we were created to serve the House of Lonmar, to take care of the less known jobs that our Jarl, Draco Lonmar, needed attended. But we know that we are capable of more than that, we seek more than just a few small jobs, and therefore expanded ourselves as far as the coin can reach in this world.

But just because we are Thieves, that does not mean we have no rules:
  • First of all, never steal from a member of the guild.
  • Second, never kill anyone on the job. What you do outside the guild is not our concern, but if you are in a job, no drop of blood shall drop. If you do, severe punishment will occur.
  • Third and last, don't steal from poor people. Peasants and beggars are under our protection, especially in the town of Stormhold.

Now that you've taken a look at who we are, let me show you what we do:

Around here, we have Thieves, that are able to sneak into someone house, get some specific item(s), and leave. All that, without leaving a trace of their presence.

We also have Smugglers, that will serve as your fence around here. With them, you can trade your stolen goods for some coin, and they will make sure that the item goes back into the market without being traced to you. Sometimes they will need your assistance, to trace back an item, find out where the owner saves it, and get as much as you can, so that the owner will have to buy from one of our clients.

And last, but not least, we have our spies. They usually work as thieves, but on their free time, they try to gather some information for us. Jobs don't just appear from thin air, you know? Our spies bring the information to us, so that we can know where the good loot is, at what time can we operate, what security measures do they have, etc.

We do have an extra job, that is not included here, and that's because it's more of a... Service, that we can provide. Because so many of us work undercover, some have been working as bounty hunters outside the guild. We do not work with that directly, but if you need a job done, we can give you the contact of some of our members. What deals you do with them, it's not our concern.

(now that the fancy part is done, let's get down to business.)

How do we steal without going against the rules?

Simple, we don't. What we do instead, is a gamble in between us and the hoster.
If we are successful, the hoster must give us the item. If we are, but the thieve was spotted, we can only claim 75% of the reward. If the thief is caught trespassing, and killed while in the job, the hoster will receive 75% of the reward value. If the thief is caught, and surrenders, the hoster receives the value of the reward.
This makes the event a lot more hoster friendly, so that we will have regular jobs.
And to avoid future problems, the one and only proof that the thief was spotted, is via screenshot. It's as easy as pressing F2, so that should not be a problem at all.
And for last, we do prefer if the item that we are stealing is an actual item, instead of you just paying us in radiants or emeralds. Items can range from weapons, armors, sets of potions, ingots, etc.

Let's talk about the event itself, now.

Beforehand, the hoster will contact us and our RP representative will approach him in game. After visiting the house, a Sign is placed inside a certain room. The house location and the difficulty that the thief will have to reach that room, will dictate the value of the item.

The item value will have a minimum of 100R, and a maximum of 700R. Above that, it will be marked as a special event, with some rules to be discussed, and probably making it involved in a small RP event.

The sign must have this format:
  1. Item:
  2. [Insert name here]
  3. ID:
  4. #[00000 to 99999]

This way, when the thief receives the quest book, still edit-able, he will have to write down those 5 numbers, and only sign it after reaching one of our safehouses.
After our training, the thieves won't need any permissions on that land, making this a lot easier for the staff.

After everything is set, one of our thieves will receive that quest, and has one week to complete it. If that week goes by without the quest being completed, we will contact the hoster and ask if he wants to renew the quest, being then delivered to a different thief.

Our thieves must operate under some specific rules, but never forgetting the three principal rules, stated earlier:
  • He must operate with the thieves guild uniform when in a mission (traveling into a city, to scout the area first is not included in this rule). This one consisting on a leather armor, with or without a hood, dyed with a dark brown color. This way, the player will be able to easily spot a thief, and also prevent the thief from using the invisibility potion and be completely invisible.
  • He must operate only when the hoster is online. To control this, a screenshot must be taken, facing the sign, with the player-list up (it's as easy as pressing Tab and F2, so again, nothing to worry about)
  • The quest is only complete when the thief gets to the safehouse, and only there he can sign the book with the name "#[insert Id here] Complete.

If the thief follows this rules, and is able to break into the hoster house, get the ID, and return to the safehouse, the quest is done, and the RP representative will speak with the hoster and take care of the rest.
And of course, while in a quest the thief cannot use the /spawn or /home commands, having to resort to the boats / walking.

I've made a small video as well, showing the Thief point of view while in a quest.

With the thief out of our way, let me show you how the smuggler works.
He/she's the one that will have to take care of our items, either if is by selling to the final customer, or getting a middle man for it. He operates with a dark blue armor, and unlike the thief, you cannot engage at him/her if you see him/her doing the job. After all, he's just selling an item to someone, you don't know if legally or not. What you can do instead, if investigate what is going on, talk with a city guard, and let them act accordingly.
But, on the other hand... If you do see him trespassing, or doing something illegal, do attempt to stop him.

Our rules are set, but we are still missing some: the player rules. These rules are the ones already in effect in Altera, but shaped to fit the encounters that may occur.

  • If the player sees another player with the dresscode of a thief or a smuggler, that does not give you the right of killing him, since PvP is not allowed. What you should do instead, is what anyone else would do in RP: Think that something strange maybe going on, investigate, act accordingly. The only occasion that you can engage them, is when you see them trespassing or being chased for committing a crime.
  • Another important thing, is the nameplates. While in RP, you never see the name of the person that robbed your house. And since most of us use a hood or scarf to hide our face during a mission, claiming that you are sure that you saw "that" face in your house is something that is quite hard to be sure of.

If you have a question about The Thieves Guild, post them and we'll attempt to reply as fast as we can.

If you want to warn your city / village about us, place a poster (2 signs) with the following:
[Thieves have been spotted operating in this area, with a dark brown leather armor. Be aware of any suspicious act.]

If you want to host one of our quests, make a request on this post and we will talk to you in game as soon as possible.


Lord of Altera
You forgot to edit this... This post was meant to say that you are hosting the first quest of the guild, nothing more xD
It's just so that we can keep here who did previous quests, who hosted, etc.
My bad. Anyways, to address that point, I am hosting the first quest of the Thieves Guild.
Cool, right? :cool:

Chris Jones`

Legend of Altera
I must say everyone that made this what it is did a really good job they took my idea and made it over 9000 times better. Free Cookies for all of those who helped


Lord of Altera
well, who says you have to steal the things inside a safe? maybe they will steal the whole safe and break in later